Dame Vivienne Westwood in pictures: From punk to trailblazer and catwalk activist

Dame Vivienne Westwood, who died aged 81, was the provocative doyenne of British fashion who married the anti-establishment spirit of punk with the flamboyance of high fashion.< /p>

Punk rock band 'Sex Pistols' manager Malcolm McLaren and designer friend Viviane Westwood seen here outside Bow Street Magistrate Short, after being released on bail for wrestling.Image source, Getty Images

She rose to fame in the 1970s after opening t a boutique in London with her then-father rtner Malcolm McLaren, selling extravagant outfits that came to define punk style. The shop was the favorite haunt of members of the Sex Pistols, which McLaren later managed.

Dame Vivienne Westwood in 1982Image source, Getty Images

"There was no punk before me and Malcolm," Westwood later said in his autobiography. "And the ...

Dame Vivienne Westwood in pictures: From punk to trailblazer and catwalk activist

Dame Vivienne Westwood, who died aged 81, was the provocative doyenne of British fashion who married the anti-establishment spirit of punk with the flamboyance of high fashion.< /p>

Punk rock band 'Sex Pistols' manager Malcolm McLaren and designer friend Viviane Westwood seen here outside Bow Street Magistrate Short, after being released on bail for wrestling.Image source, Getty Images

She rose to fame in the 1970s after opening t a boutique in London with her then-father rtner Malcolm McLaren, selling extravagant outfits that came to define punk style. The shop was the favorite haunt of members of the Sex Pistols, which McLaren later managed.

Dame Vivienne Westwood in 1982Image source, Getty Images

"There was no punk before me and Malcolm," Westwood later said in his autobiography. "And the ...

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