Daylight Launches Daylight DC1 Blue Light Free Computer

GamesBeat East excited has partner with Lil Snack has to have personalized Games just For OUR audience! We know as players ourselves, This East A exciting path has to commit through play with THE GamesBeat content You to have Already come has love. To start playing Games here. 

Day light, A of public utility technology business, will to unveil It is revolutionary product, Day light DC1, has A exclusive event In San Francis.

Spearhead by CEO Anjan Katta, This innovative device will to prioritize user well-being And to focus on traditional technology engagement methods.

THE business said Day light DC1 East THE of the world First of all calm And without blue light computer, designed has to favor A healthier relationship with technology. He features THE owner Live paper display, which combined THE calming effects of Electronic ink with THE reactivity of A LCD, offer A paper-like while reading And in writing experience.

THE Day light Tablet features A owner Live paper display, which combined THE calm to focus of E-Inkavec THE smooth reactivity of A traditional LCD screen. THE business said You can think of This as if A To light up And iPad had A baby. This breakthrough technology allow paper-like while reading And in writing experiences while maintain complete compatibility with all your favorite applications, THE business said.

FR Event

Lil Snack & GamesBeat

GamesBeat East excited has partner with Lil Snack has to have personalized Games just For OUR audience! We know as players ourselves, This East A exciting path has to commit through play with THE GamesBeat content You to have Already come has love. To start playing Games now!

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THE Day light DC1 East designed For mental well-being.

This breakthrough technology East completed by A zero blue light pure amber backlight, reduce eye strain And promote better sleep And A healthier circadian rhythm.

"Day light East more that A product; It is A movement towards A more human And concentrate path of interact with technology," said Katta, WHO East Also founder of Day light, In A statement. "OUR aim East has create devices that encourage users has reconnect with THE natural world And their own thoughts, instead that be permanently overstimulated by screens. And This East only THE to start. »

THE First of all together of Day light DC1 units has Already sold out In pre-orders, emphasizing THE high request And excitement surrounding This revolutionary product. THE following round of pre-orders East NOW open here.

"Day light represented A complete vision For A new time of staff computing, A Or technology adapts has humanity, not THE other path around," added Katta. "We are thrilled has introduce THE world has THE Day light DC1 And look Before has to favor A healthier, more concentrate technology the future. »

THE Day light DC1 Also features:

A 10.5 inches Live paper display with 60-120Hz refresh rate, THE the fastest electronic paper display In THE world, THE business said. Zero Blue Light Pure amber Backlight with flicker-free CC mitigation. A Wacom DME passive style For A unlimited battery life drawing experience. Connectivity choice including Wireless 6, Bluetooth 5, And USB VS OTG. 8 GB of RAM And 128 GB SSD, stretchable via A microSD map slot. SolOS, A custom Based on Android Operating system designed...

Daylight Launches Daylight DC1 Blue Light Free Computer

GamesBeat East excited has partner with Lil Snack has to have personalized Games just For OUR audience! We know as players ourselves, This East A exciting path has to commit through play with THE GamesBeat content You to have Already come has love. To start playing Games here. 

Day light, A of public utility technology business, will to unveil It is revolutionary product, Day light DC1, has A exclusive event In San Francis.

Spearhead by CEO Anjan Katta, This innovative device will to prioritize user well-being And to focus on traditional technology engagement methods.

THE business said Day light DC1 East THE of the world First of all calm And without blue light computer, designed has to favor A healthier relationship with technology. He features THE owner Live paper display, which combined THE calming effects of Electronic ink with THE reactivity of A LCD, offer A paper-like while reading And in writing experience.

THE Day light Tablet features A owner Live paper display, which combined THE calm to focus of E-Inkavec THE smooth reactivity of A traditional LCD screen. THE business said You can think of This as if A To light up And iPad had A baby. This breakthrough technology allow paper-like while reading And in writing experiences while maintain complete compatibility with all your favorite applications, THE business said.

FR Event

Lil Snack & GamesBeat

GamesBeat East excited has partner with Lil Snack has to have personalized Games just For OUR audience! We know as players ourselves, This East A exciting path has to commit through play with THE GamesBeat content You to have Already come has love. To start playing Games now!

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THE Day light DC1 East designed For mental well-being.

This breakthrough technology East completed by A zero blue light pure amber backlight, reduce eye strain And promote better sleep And A healthier circadian rhythm.

"Day light East more that A product; It is A movement towards A more human And concentrate path of interact with technology," said Katta, WHO East Also founder of Day light, In A statement. "OUR aim East has create devices that encourage users has reconnect with THE natural world And their own thoughts, instead that be permanently overstimulated by screens. And This East only THE to start. »

THE First of all together of Day light DC1 units has Already sold out In pre-orders, emphasizing THE high request And excitement surrounding This revolutionary product. THE following round of pre-orders East NOW open here.

"Day light represented A complete vision For A new time of staff computing, A Or technology adapts has humanity, not THE other path around," added Katta. "We are thrilled has introduce THE world has THE Day light DC1 And look Before has to favor A healthier, more concentrate technology the future. »

THE Day light DC1 Also features:

A 10.5 inches Live paper display with 60-120Hz refresh rate, THE the fastest electronic paper display In THE world, THE business said. Zero Blue Light Pure amber Backlight with flicker-free CC mitigation. A Wacom DME passive style For A unlimited battery life drawing experience. Connectivity choice including Wireless 6, Bluetooth 5, And USB VS OTG. 8 GB of RAM And 128 GB SSD, stretchable via A microSD map slot. SolOS, A custom Based on Android Operating system designed...

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