Ekiti risks one-party state due to lack of opposition

THE decision All Progressives Congress (APC) East having A completed day on A prolonged crisis swing THE Ékiti State chapter of THE Peoples Democratic To party (PDP). But having A situation Or A Single policy to party controls THE government And without checks East not In THE interest of Ékiti people, AYODELE AFOLABI writes.

Peoples Democratic To party (PDP) In Ékiti State has has been confronted with several crises that has LEFT THE celebration umbrella in shreds . NOW, there East No solid structure of THE once vibrant to party In THE State. What East more, THE to party do not to have any of them elected representatives In any of them floor of government.

Look back has how THE rain begin beat THE PDP, a lot quickly recalled THE supremacy battle between THE camps of ancient governor Ayodele Fayôsé And Senator Biodun Olujimi. However, THE crisis appears has to have suppurated beyond these political drama characters and assumed A life of It is clean.

Today, THE to party East totally In dismay. Most of THE leaders of THE to party are either session on THE fence Or to have surreptitiously supported APC And Governor Biodun Oyebanji, while THE majority of members are rudderless as sheep without shepherd.

In another climate Or policy patronage East following has A vocation, a lot members are to input For breath of survival And wondering how long they would be stay In THE policy Wild region imposed on them by their leaders.

Members has THE the base level And other stakeholders, WHO could not join THE APC, are said has be blame their policy loss In THE 2022 governorship election In A embarrassing And unprecedented form, future third behind THE Social Democratic To party (SDP), has THE work of Fayose, WHO was said has to have allegedly sold out has THE APC.

As if that was not enough, THE State PDP find himself has THE crossroads In THE count down has THE general election. THE leaders completely work has crossed objectives following THE sharp division that has become THE plot of THE to party. In THE last general election, while Fayôsé And her band openly work For THE APC Presidential candidate, Bolas Tinubu, others spear their tent with THE candidate of THE PDP, Atiku Aboubarkar. Predictably, THE to party obtained A bloody nose as Tinubu coastal House has victory. PDP lost all THE three senatorial seats, THE six seats In THE Home of Representatives And THE 26 seats In THE State Home of Assembly.

Below Iorchia Ayu as substantial president, there was little Or Nothing do has relaunch THE to party. THE Directed by Ayu direction took a few the decisions including suspension of Fayôsé band In THE State chapter. However, THE acting president, Oumar Damagum survey THE suspension For "new spirit And need of reconciliation, unit And harmony In OUR to party has This critical time."

THE move, However, did not provide any of them sustainable relief has THE persistent crisis as THE sacked State functioning Committee of THE to party, which constitutes Above all loyalists of Fayôsé rejected THE dissolution And headed For THE court has seek repair.

In THE last Seven month, THE Lare Directed by Omolase executives of which mandate East expected has lapse In 2024 joined THE NOC, THE caretaker Committee as accused In THE suit deposit has THE high court. THE suit further expanded THE gulf In THE to party as THE trends struggle he out In THE courtroom For THE soul of THE PDP In THE state.

This State of business not only was THE last straw, he has taken It is ring on THE to party In playing It is role of opposition has THE decision APC administration of Biodun Oyebanji In THE State. Due has THE tide In PDP, a lot stakeholders In APC, including THE ancient Governor, Doctor KayodeFayemi to have on several occasions, declared Ékiti as A a party state.

In do, Fayôsé has has been implacable In declaring her unshakable support For Governor Oyebanji. Her loyalist And THE to party governorship candidate In 2022, M Bissi Kolawole, has Also has been unequivocal In her support For Oyebanji. Following This development, And THE do that a lot other mushroom policy evenings to have Since folded up, there East No known opposition In THE State has keep THE APC administration In check.

THE Sodiq led by Obanoyen caretaker Committee has stayed invisible And inactive In THE policy of opposition has THE APC.

A lot chefs of THE APC to have Also Express disappointment has THE turn of events In THE opposition to party. HAS them, THE decision government can be put on THE place has deliver on It is campaign promises with constructive critical Since THE opposition party.

As THE legal fireworks And THE lull In THE to party keep on going, THE caretaker Committee recently summoned A stakeholders meeting In Ado-Ekiti, THE State capital, Or leaders And members of THE to party Since THE 16 Local Government Areas of THE State thoughtful on THE challenges And Free solutions has THE problems.

Those In presence included ancient presidents of THE to party, Gboyéga Oguntuase And Chief Makanjuola Ogundip...

Ekiti risks one-party state due to lack of opposition

THE decision All Progressives Congress (APC) East having A completed day on A prolonged crisis swing THE Ékiti State chapter of THE Peoples Democratic To party (PDP). But having A situation Or A Single policy to party controls THE government And without checks East not In THE interest of Ékiti people, AYODELE AFOLABI writes.

Peoples Democratic To party (PDP) In Ékiti State has has been confronted with several crises that has LEFT THE celebration umbrella in shreds . NOW, there East No solid structure of THE once vibrant to party In THE State. What East more, THE to party do not to have any of them elected representatives In any of them floor of government.

Look back has how THE rain begin beat THE PDP, a lot quickly recalled THE supremacy battle between THE camps of ancient governor Ayodele Fayôsé And Senator Biodun Olujimi. However, THE crisis appears has to have suppurated beyond these political drama characters and assumed A life of It is clean.

Today, THE to party East totally In dismay. Most of THE leaders of THE to party are either session on THE fence Or to have surreptitiously supported APC And Governor Biodun Oyebanji, while THE majority of members are rudderless as sheep without shepherd.

In another climate Or policy patronage East following has A vocation, a lot members are to input For breath of survival And wondering how long they would be stay In THE policy Wild region imposed on them by their leaders.

Members has THE the base level And other stakeholders, WHO could not join THE APC, are said has be blame their policy loss In THE 2022 governorship election In A embarrassing And unprecedented form, future third behind THE Social Democratic To party (SDP), has THE work of Fayose, WHO was said has to have allegedly sold out has THE APC.

As if that was not enough, THE State PDP find himself has THE crossroads In THE count down has THE general election. THE leaders completely work has crossed objectives following THE sharp division that has become THE plot of THE to party. In THE last general election, while Fayôsé And her band openly work For THE APC Presidential candidate, Bolas Tinubu, others spear their tent with THE candidate of THE PDP, Atiku Aboubarkar. Predictably, THE to party obtained A bloody nose as Tinubu coastal House has victory. PDP lost all THE three senatorial seats, THE six seats In THE Home of Representatives And THE 26 seats In THE State Home of Assembly.

Below Iorchia Ayu as substantial president, there was little Or Nothing do has relaunch THE to party. THE Directed by Ayu direction took a few the decisions including suspension of Fayôsé band In THE State chapter. However, THE acting president, Oumar Damagum survey THE suspension For "new spirit And need of reconciliation, unit And harmony In OUR to party has This critical time."

THE move, However, did not provide any of them sustainable relief has THE persistent crisis as THE sacked State functioning Committee of THE to party, which constitutes Above all loyalists of Fayôsé rejected THE dissolution And headed For THE court has seek repair.

In THE last Seven month, THE Lare Directed by Omolase executives of which mandate East expected has lapse In 2024 joined THE NOC, THE caretaker Committee as accused In THE suit deposit has THE high court. THE suit further expanded THE gulf In THE to party as THE trends struggle he out In THE courtroom For THE soul of THE PDP In THE state.

This State of business not only was THE last straw, he has taken It is ring on THE to party In playing It is role of opposition has THE decision APC administration of Biodun Oyebanji In THE State. Due has THE tide In PDP, a lot stakeholders In APC, including THE ancient Governor, Doctor KayodeFayemi to have on several occasions, declared Ékiti as A a party state.

In do, Fayôsé has has been implacable In declaring her unshakable support For Governor Oyebanji. Her loyalist And THE to party governorship candidate In 2022, M Bissi Kolawole, has Also has been unequivocal In her support For Oyebanji. Following This development, And THE do that a lot other mushroom policy evenings to have Since folded up, there East No known opposition In THE State has keep THE APC administration In check.

THE Sodiq led by Obanoyen caretaker Committee has stayed invisible And inactive In THE policy of opposition has THE APC.

A lot chefs of THE APC to have Also Express disappointment has THE turn of events In THE opposition to party. HAS them, THE decision government can be put on THE place has deliver on It is campaign promises with constructive critical Since THE opposition party.

As THE legal fireworks And THE lull In THE to party keep on going, THE caretaker Committee recently summoned A stakeholders meeting In Ado-Ekiti, THE State capital, Or leaders And members of THE to party Since THE 16 Local Government Areas of THE State thoughtful on THE challenges And Free solutions has THE problems.

Those In presence included ancient presidents of THE to party, Gboyéga Oguntuase And Chief Makanjuola Ogundip...

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