Madonna wears black lace hood and matching bustier in provocative new video

madonna See the gallery Madonna in concert in Canada 7-7-1987 Madonna 1987 Madonna roller skates with the help of a friend at Discoasis in New York's Central Park. The pop star was surrounded by fans as she cautiously skated circled the rink twice. The Ray of Light singer was celebrating the release of a new collection of greatest hits. Pictured: Madonna Ref: SPL5331973 110822 NON-EXCLUSIVE Photo By: Splash News and Pictures USA: + 1 310-525-5808 London: +44 (0)20 8126 1009 Berlin: +49 175 3764 166 Global Rights New York, NY - *EXCLUSIVE* - A fashionable Madonna stuns in a black lace dress as she leaves MJ The Musical on Broadway in New York City. Pictured: Madonna BACKGRID USA JULY 30, 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Customers - Photos containing children, please rasterize face before posting *

Pop icon Madonna, 64, took to Instagram on Wednesday to show off her latest reveal outfit, which featured a black lace balaclava. "Only You………(Me) #elvis," she captioned the bizarre video. In the clip, the "Hung Up" singer leaned on a bed while holding her riding crop in her mouth and rocking a pair of black gloves. At the start of the clip, Madonna was seen wearing a pair of trendy mini sunglasses, then changed to show it on the bed. Notably, the riding crop she used as a prop in the clip was also the same.

Madonna wears black lace hood and matching bustier in provocative new video
madonna See the gallery Madonna in concert in Canada 7-7-1987 Madonna 1987 Madonna roller skates with the help of a friend at Discoasis in New York's Central Park. The pop star was surrounded by fans as she cautiously skated circled the rink twice. The Ray of Light singer was celebrating the release of a new collection of greatest hits. Pictured: Madonna Ref: SPL5331973 110822 NON-EXCLUSIVE Photo By: Splash News and Pictures USA: + 1 310-525-5808 London: +44 (0)20 8126 1009 Berlin: +49 175 3764 166 Global Rights New York, NY - *EXCLUSIVE* - A fashionable Madonna stuns in a black lace dress as she leaves MJ The Musical on Broadway in New York City. Pictured: Madonna BACKGRID USA JULY 30, 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Customers - Photos containing children, please rasterize face before posting *

Pop icon Madonna, 64, took to Instagram on Wednesday to show off her latest reveal outfit, which featured a black lace balaclava. "Only You………(Me) #elvis," she captioned the bizarre video. In the clip, the "Hung Up" singer leaned on a bed while holding her riding crop in her mouth and rocking a pair of black gloves. At the start of the clip, Madonna was seen wearing a pair of trendy mini sunglasses, then changed to show it on the bed. Notably, the riding crop she used as a prop in the clip was also the same.

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