Ellipses author Vanessa Lawrence on the world of glossy magazine and fiction

Life can be as A long ellipses, but For Vanessa Laurent, "Ellipses" East THE title of her First of all novel.

THE setting of THE Dutton-published page turner East THE bright world of New York City media — familiar territory For THE author, A Yale diploma with A almost seven years run has WWD during It is Conde Nast time And almost Seven more has W review as senior features writer. During THE pandemic, as A She Decor senior editor, Laurent begin has to write THE First of all draft has night And with THE unexpected gift of A little additional time. "Functioning Since House, as SO a lot of We were able has Or lucky has be able has, gave Me [a few additional time.] I doesn't to have has shuttle," She said, After A talk has THE Blackberry store In SoHo THURSDAY night.

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Gracious And insightful, that of Laurent beginning zeros In on A young women WHO East knotted In A toxic mentoring with A older, hard load beauty magnate, WHO East describe as "A of THE little faggot women In A corner continued."

Useless has say, career choices, belonging And THE thorny of relationships In THE digital age come In play. Inevitably, people will wonder, WHO "Ellipses" East about. Laurent said, "It is A protagonist. It is Really A transition to adulthood history. It is about A young review writer WHO East research For agency And ends up In A toxic mentoring with A beauty executive WHO She meets has A to party. It is Really just about A 32 years old women WHO East trying has figure out her the life. »

THE fictional review writer "Read" interviews influencers, actresses And fashion creators For her magazines elegant pages, while navigate desk microaggressions. Blocked In her job And concerned that her plum to print career will Soon be scorched by THE increase of social media, THE main character East Also has A stop In her relationship with her girlfriend “Alison.” On high of that, Read East unable has voice her TRUE self while others' perceptions of her mixed race And bisexual identify Many times walnut her outside.

Before has “Ellipses” Laurent had writing another book that was Never published. "I just had ideas, thoughts And questions that I research has explore In fiction SO I spontaneously wrote that First of all novel. Obviously, that was Never published. But that taught Me that I Really love fiction And I Really research has to try TO DO this. »

Laurent, WHO begin independent In THE summer of 2021, applied has MAE programs And decided on THE fiction track has Sarah Lawrence. But She finished up in writing "Ellipses" previously And sold he After her First of all semester.

Ellipses THE blanket of Vanessa that of Laurent beginning novel “Ellipses.” Picture Courtesy

And Laurent has Already sold her second

Ellipses author Vanessa Lawrence on the world of glossy magazine and fiction

Life can be as A long ellipses, but For Vanessa Laurent, "Ellipses" East THE title of her First of all novel.

THE setting of THE Dutton-published page turner East THE bright world of New York City media — familiar territory For THE author, A Yale diploma with A almost seven years run has WWD during It is Conde Nast time And almost Seven more has W review as senior features writer. During THE pandemic, as A She Decor senior editor, Laurent begin has to write THE First of all draft has night And with THE unexpected gift of A little additional time. "Functioning Since House, as SO a lot of We were able has Or lucky has be able has, gave Me [a few additional time.] I doesn't to have has shuttle," She said, After A talk has THE Blackberry store In SoHo THURSDAY night.

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Gracious And insightful, that of Laurent beginning zeros In on A young women WHO East knotted In A toxic mentoring with A older, hard load beauty magnate, WHO East describe as "A of THE little faggot women In A corner continued."

Useless has say, career choices, belonging And THE thorny of relationships In THE digital age come In play. Inevitably, people will wonder, WHO "Ellipses" East about. Laurent said, "It is A protagonist. It is Really A transition to adulthood history. It is about A young review writer WHO East research For agency And ends up In A toxic mentoring with A beauty executive WHO She meets has A to party. It is Really just about A 32 years old women WHO East trying has figure out her the life. »

THE fictional review writer "Read" interviews influencers, actresses And fashion creators For her magazines elegant pages, while navigate desk microaggressions. Blocked In her job And concerned that her plum to print career will Soon be scorched by THE increase of social media, THE main character East Also has A stop In her relationship with her girlfriend “Alison.” On high of that, Read East unable has voice her TRUE self while others' perceptions of her mixed race And bisexual identify Many times walnut her outside.

Before has “Ellipses” Laurent had writing another book that was Never published. "I just had ideas, thoughts And questions that I research has explore In fiction SO I spontaneously wrote that First of all novel. Obviously, that was Never published. But that taught Me that I Really love fiction And I Really research has to try TO DO this. »

Laurent, WHO begin independent In THE summer of 2021, applied has MAE programs And decided on THE fiction track has Sarah Lawrence. But She finished up in writing "Ellipses" previously And sold he After her First of all semester.

Ellipses THE blanket of Vanessa that of Laurent beginning novel “Ellipses.” Picture Courtesy

And Laurent has Already sold her second

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