European Commission seeks feedback on AI disinformation guidelines for elections

THE guidelines aim has reduce democratic threats laid by generative AI And deep fakes In THE Future European elections In May.

The European Commission requests comments on AI disinformation guidelines for elections News Join We on social networks

THE European Commission will require technology platforms as Tic Tac, X And Facebook has detect artificial intelligence (AI) generated content has backup Future European elections Since misinformation.

THE commission has initiated A public consultation on propose election security guidelines For very big online platforms (VLOP) And very big online research engines (VLOS). THE recommendations aim has reduce democratic threats laid by generative AI And deep fakes.

THE draft guidelines offer examples of possible measures has address related to elections risks, including specific Actions related has generative AI content, planning For risk mitigation Before Or After A electoral event, And provide clear advice For European Parliament elections.

Generative AI can deceive voters Or manipulate electoral process by create And broadcast inauthentic, misleading synthetic content concerning policy actors, FAKE representation of events, election polls, contexts Or stories.

Ensure election integrity means protect public speech – a lot of which occurs online.

We are while searching views on OUR draft Digital Services Act guidelines has address THE emerging online risks has electoral process while backup THE building blocks of OUR democracies ↓

— European Commission (@EU_Commission) FEBRUARY 8, 2024

Currently open For public consultation In THE European Union...

European Commission seeks feedback on AI disinformation guidelines for elections

THE guidelines aim has reduce democratic threats laid by generative AI And deep fakes In THE Future European elections In May.

The European Commission requests comments on AI disinformation guidelines for elections News Join We on social networks

THE European Commission will require technology platforms as Tic Tac, X And Facebook has detect artificial intelligence (AI) generated content has backup Future European elections Since misinformation.

THE commission has initiated A public consultation on propose election security guidelines For very big online platforms (VLOP) And very big online research engines (VLOS). THE recommendations aim has reduce democratic threats laid by generative AI And deep fakes.

THE draft guidelines offer examples of possible measures has address related to elections risks, including specific Actions related has generative AI content, planning For risk mitigation Before Or After A electoral event, And provide clear advice For European Parliament elections.

Generative AI can deceive voters Or manipulate electoral process by create And broadcast inauthentic, misleading synthetic content concerning policy actors, FAKE representation of events, election polls, contexts Or stories.

Ensure election integrity means protect public speech – a lot of which occurs online.

We are while searching views on OUR draft Digital Services Act guidelines has address THE emerging online risks has electoral process while backup THE building blocks of OUR democracies ↓

— European Commission (@EU_Commission) FEBRUARY 8, 2024

Currently open For public consultation In THE European Union...

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