EXCLUSIVE: Miss Dior Avenue pop-up opens in Los Angeles, featuring a cinema, flower shop and cafe

Miss Dior East back In city In The bone Angeles.

THE French House East unveiling A immersive facility In party of THE last incarnation of It is famous scent Miss Dior, created by Dior Scent creation director Francis Kurkdjian.

"I Dove In THE history of THE creation of Miss Dior And anchor My inspiration In THE powerful And evocative words of Christian Dior”, Kurkdjian said WWD In A exclusive declaration.

Kurkdjian has work on five perfumes For Dior Since succeed Francis Démachy as THE internally perfumer In 2021. For Miss Dior, known For It is floral aroma, Kurkdjian income has THE signature root of THE original bunch, jasmine, add fruity Remarks of strawberry, fishing And apricot.

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"Her narrative that connections Today Dior And THE South of France that he SO love provided Me creative material And olfactory pictures has compose Miss Dior Perfumes, » Kurkdjian added. "They convene THE perfumes of nature And THE beauty of that Magic, gently star night. He East as However A can smell THE scent of THE beauty And depth of jasmine In THE air of Provence. This vision And THE happiness of THE sense guide Me during My creative journey has rewrite And modernize THE composition of THE legendary Miss Dior."

Kurkdjian drew inspiration Since "eternal youth," said THE brand. Created In 1947 by Christian Dior, THE Miss Dior scent represented hope And joy For THE dressmaker has THE time as THE world was emerging out of World War II. THERE., THE to land of sun, East A natural setting has showcase THE fragrance, which has A young And optimistic message.

Miss Dior Pop-Up Miss Dior arise. Joel Barhamand/WWD

That vision has come has life In pass pop-ups In THERE., notably In 2022 with Nathalie Portman — THE confront of Miss Dior Since 2011 — WHO was here For THE occasion (with THE ancient scent created by Demachy).

THE experience — which East exclusive has THERE. And not expected has journey — Back on Melrose Street; This time It is bigger, has 4,400 square feet; more engaging, And as Instagrammable as Never. Title Miss Dior Street, It is A Recreation of A 1960s city Street covered In Miss that of Dior signature pink tint, complete with A Miss Dior Movie theater, Miss Dior Flower Shop And Miss Dior Coffee. THE nod has THE time East related has THE First of all Miss Dior ready to wear double, which was introduced by Mark Bohan In 1967 And which Also inspired

EXCLUSIVE: Miss Dior Avenue pop-up opens in Los Angeles, featuring a cinema, flower shop and cafe

Miss Dior East back In city In The bone Angeles.

THE French House East unveiling A immersive facility In party of THE last incarnation of It is famous scent Miss Dior, created by Dior Scent creation director Francis Kurkdjian.

"I Dove In THE history of THE creation of Miss Dior And anchor My inspiration In THE powerful And evocative words of Christian Dior”, Kurkdjian said WWD In A exclusive declaration.

Kurkdjian has work on five perfumes For Dior Since succeed Francis Démachy as THE internally perfumer In 2021. For Miss Dior, known For It is floral aroma, Kurkdjian income has THE signature root of THE original bunch, jasmine, add fruity Remarks of strawberry, fishing And apricot.

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"Her narrative that connections Today Dior And THE South of France that he SO love provided Me creative material And olfactory pictures has compose Miss Dior Perfumes, » Kurkdjian added. "They convene THE perfumes of nature And THE beauty of that Magic, gently star night. He East as However A can smell THE scent of THE beauty And depth of jasmine In THE air of Provence. This vision And THE happiness of THE sense guide Me during My creative journey has rewrite And modernize THE composition of THE legendary Miss Dior."

Kurkdjian drew inspiration Since "eternal youth," said THE brand. Created In 1947 by Christian Dior, THE Miss Dior scent represented hope And joy For THE dressmaker has THE time as THE world was emerging out of World War II. THERE., THE to land of sun, East A natural setting has showcase THE fragrance, which has A young And optimistic message.

Miss Dior Pop-Up Miss Dior arise. Joel Barhamand/WWD

That vision has come has life In pass pop-ups In THERE., notably In 2022 with Nathalie Portman — THE confront of Miss Dior Since 2011 — WHO was here For THE occasion (with THE ancient scent created by Demachy).

THE experience — which East exclusive has THERE. And not expected has journey — Back on Melrose Street; This time It is bigger, has 4,400 square feet; more engaging, And as Instagrammable as Never. Title Miss Dior Street, It is A Recreation of A 1960s city Street covered In Miss that of Dior signature pink tint, complete with A Miss Dior Movie theater, Miss Dior Flower Shop And Miss Dior Coffee. THE nod has THE time East related has THE First of all Miss Dior ready to wear double, which was introduced by Mark Bohan In 1967 And which Also inspired

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