Fox News airs edited photo of search judge Trump with Ghislaine Maxwell

Fox News has come under fire for sharing a doctored photo of the federal judge who approved the recent FBI search of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago property.

In the news clip, Fox News aired a photo that replaced an earlier image of Jeffrey Epstein having his feet massaged by Ghislaine Maxwell with the body and face of the judge, a reported the Guardian.

Thursday "Tucker Carlson Tonight", Kilmeade showed the fake image of Maxwell and Judge Bruce Reinhart. In the photo, Reinhart was seen holding a bottle of liquor and a packet of Oreo cookies as he sat across from Maxwell.

Interestingly, when Kilmeade handed the show over to Fox host Sean Hannity, he asked, "Sean, can you figure this out?"

Hannity replied, "I think it's a photo of Jeffrey Epstein with someone putting [the judge's] head on it. I'm just guessing, I don't know. "

Also read: Musk asks why Epstein-Maxwell client list wasn't leaked, responds to his photo with Maxwell at party

Kilmeade said: “It may be his plane; who knows?"

Responses poured in on Twitter after Fox News aired the show. Former Denver lawmaker Riggleman tweeted that Kilmeade should be fired.

On Friday, Kilmeade tweeted that the meme was "taken from Twitter and not real".

In 2021, Maxwell was found guilty of helping recruit teenage girls to abuse late financier Epstein. Epstein died in August 2019, Maxwell could face up to 55 years in prison.

Photo: Courtesy of George W. Bush Presidential Center on flickr

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Fox News airs edited photo of search judge Trump with Ghislaine Maxwell

Fox News has come under fire for sharing a doctored photo of the federal judge who approved the recent FBI search of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago property.

In the news clip, Fox News aired a photo that replaced an earlier image of Jeffrey Epstein having his feet massaged by Ghislaine Maxwell with the body and face of the judge, a reported the Guardian.

Thursday "Tucker Carlson Tonight", Kilmeade showed the fake image of Maxwell and Judge Bruce Reinhart. In the photo, Reinhart was seen holding a bottle of liquor and a packet of Oreo cookies as he sat across from Maxwell.

Interestingly, when Kilmeade handed the show over to Fox host Sean Hannity, he asked, "Sean, can you figure this out?"

Hannity replied, "I think it's a photo of Jeffrey Epstein with someone putting [the judge's] head on it. I'm just guessing, I don't know. "

Also read: Musk asks why Epstein-Maxwell client list wasn't leaked, responds to his photo with Maxwell at party

Kilmeade said: “It may be his plane; who knows?"

Responses poured in on Twitter after Fox News aired the show. Former Denver lawmaker Riggleman tweeted that Kilmeade should be fired.

On Friday, Kilmeade tweeted that the meme was "taken from Twitter and not real".

In 2021, Maxwell was found guilty of helping recruit teenage girls to abuse late financier Epstein. Epstein died in August 2019, Maxwell could face up to 55 years in prison.

Photo: Courtesy of George W. Bush Presidential Center on flickr

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All rates are subject to change without notice and may vary by location. These quotes are from banks, savings and credit unions, some of which have paid for a link to their own websites where you can find additional information. Those who have a paid link are our Advertisers. Those without a paid link are listings we obtain to enhance consumers' shopping experience and are not advertisers. To receive the rate from an advertiser, please identify yourself as a Bankrate customer. Bank and savings deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Credit union deposits are insured by the National Credit Union Administration.

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