Golden Globes expel 3 voters for alleged code of conduct violations

EXCLUSIVE: Three Golden Globes the electors, Howaïda Hamdy, Munawar Hosain And Aniko Navaï, are out of THE business behind THE Golden World Rewards.

According to has sources, THE three to have has been excluded For violate THE the organization coded of to drive following investigations In complaints about their behavior.

Egyptian Journalist And critical Howaïda Hamdy became THE subject of A probe following A In August about alleged anti-Semitic And "extremist" Remarks In a few of Hamdy Comments And tweets In Arabic.

Golden Globes expel 3 voters for alleged code of conduct violations

EXCLUSIVE: Three Golden Globes the electors, Howaïda Hamdy, Munawar Hosain And Aniko Navaï, are out of THE business behind THE Golden World Rewards.

According to has sources, THE three to have has been excluded For violate THE the organization coded of to drive following investigations In complaints about their behavior.

Egyptian Journalist And critical Howaïda Hamdy became THE subject of A probe following A In August about alleged anti-Semitic And "extremist" Remarks In a few of Hamdy Comments And tweets In Arabic.

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