Gombe government signs N176 billion 2023 budget

Gombe State Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya has signed the Appropriation Act of 2023 N176, 016, 202, 000, 00 as passed by the State Assembly.

The original budget proposal of N173,697,242,000.00 had an increase of over N2billion by the House during the appropriation process.

Speaking shortly after the signing of the budget in the Council Chamber of Government House, Governor Inuwa Yahaya attributed the swift passage of the law to a harmonious relationship between the executive and the legislature in the state.

The Governor noted that this development marked a new dawn that will guide and direct government operations in fiscal year 2023.

He described the 2023 budget as a collaborative approach between the executive and the legislature from its conceptualization, drafting and eventual passage and assent.

According to him, "The Chamber has collaborated positively with this government since we started and I believe that we will collaborate until the last day, the cooperation and understanding that we have together and the excellent relationship that we have are what which moved us, not just one step, but many steps ahead of many states."

Inuwa Yahaya remarked that his administration will continue to work in partnership with the National Assembly for the rapid passage of the state budget estimates in the interest of transparency, accountability and service delivery to the population.

He added that unless all branches of government work in synergy with each other, delivering the dividends of democracy to the people will remain a mirage.

The governor described the state's progress so far as satisfactory and consistent with his administration's commitment to fostering the social, economic and infrastructural development of the people.

Inuwa Yahaya said, “I would also like to promise the people that this government is the government of the people and we will work diligently to ensure the implementation of this law as it is our own law and decision.”< / p>

He also said that only by reaching a substantial percentage of the budget can people's livelihoods be improved for the overall benefit of society.

He called the budget signing ceremony historic with great significance for the administration of responsible leadership.

Earlier, the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Hon. clear understanding of development concepts from both parties. and not the phenomenon of tampons as some might tend to believe.

He said the budget proposals under Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya's administration have been driven by citizen engagement that has resulted in a people-centered approach to social, economic and infrastructural development.

The budget signing ceremony was attended by senior government officials, including the Deputy Governor, Dr. Manassah Daniel Jatau, the Speaker and members of the State Legislative Assembly, the Secretary of the State Government, Chief of Staff, Chief of Service, Commissioner of Finance and Economic Development, Special Advisor to the Governor on Budget, Planning and Coordination of Development Partners, among others.


Gombe government signs N176 billion 2023 budget

Gombe State Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya has signed the Appropriation Act of 2023 N176, 016, 202, 000, 00 as passed by the State Assembly.

The original budget proposal of N173,697,242,000.00 had an increase of over N2billion by the House during the appropriation process.

Speaking shortly after the signing of the budget in the Council Chamber of Government House, Governor Inuwa Yahaya attributed the swift passage of the law to a harmonious relationship between the executive and the legislature in the state.

The Governor noted that this development marked a new dawn that will guide and direct government operations in fiscal year 2023.

He described the 2023 budget as a collaborative approach between the executive and the legislature from its conceptualization, drafting and eventual passage and assent.

According to him, "The Chamber has collaborated positively with this government since we started and I believe that we will collaborate until the last day, the cooperation and understanding that we have together and the excellent relationship that we have are what which moved us, not just one step, but many steps ahead of many states."

Inuwa Yahaya remarked that his administration will continue to work in partnership with the National Assembly for the rapid passage of the state budget estimates in the interest of transparency, accountability and service delivery to the population.

He added that unless all branches of government work in synergy with each other, delivering the dividends of democracy to the people will remain a mirage.

The governor described the state's progress so far as satisfactory and consistent with his administration's commitment to fostering the social, economic and infrastructural development of the people.

Inuwa Yahaya said, “I would also like to promise the people that this government is the government of the people and we will work diligently to ensure the implementation of this law as it is our own law and decision.”< / p>

He also said that only by reaching a substantial percentage of the budget can people's livelihoods be improved for the overall benefit of society.

He called the budget signing ceremony historic with great significance for the administration of responsible leadership.

Earlier, the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Hon. clear understanding of development concepts from both parties. and not the phenomenon of tampons as some might tend to believe.

He said the budget proposals under Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya's administration have been driven by citizen engagement that has resulted in a people-centered approach to social, economic and infrastructural development.

The budget signing ceremony was attended by senior government officials, including the Deputy Governor, Dr. Manassah Daniel Jatau, the Speaker and members of the State Legislative Assembly, the Secretary of the State Government, Chief of Staff, Chief of Service, Commissioner of Finance and Economic Development, Special Advisor to the Governor on Budget, Planning and Coordination of Development Partners, among others.


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