Guinness World Records: at one year old, he is the youngest male artist in the world

A A year, Ace Liam, A Ghanaian, has broken THE Guinness World Save holder For THE the youngest male artist.

Liam's attempt has to break THE Guinness World Save attempt begin In Accra, Ghana, has THE Feel Prime Exposure In THE Museum of Science And Technology on 15 December 2023, final on 21 January 2024.

THE previous save holder was Dante Lamb, A American, WHO won THE title has age three In 2003.

On 14 Can 2024, Chantelle Eghan, Liam's mother, received A approval E-mail Since Guinness World Files, officially recognize him as THE the youngest male artist.

HAS to qualify For THE title of THE the youngest male artist, Liam necessary has exposure her paintings And TO DO sales without be required has participate In A paint-a-thon.

Yahaya Bello vs. EFCC

Announcement her feat on Instagram, Liam's Mom said her son has has been paint Since he was six month old.

At Premium Times, We firmly believe In THE importance of high quality journalism. Recognize that not everyone can allow Dear news the subscriptions, We are dedicated has deliver meticulously research, verified facts news that remains freely accessible has everything.

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Liam's mother, Also A artist, mentioned during A interview with Joy News that there were specific criteria he necessary has meet For her category.

See This job on Instagram

A job sharing by As-Liam | young Artist (@ace_liam_paints)

"HAS to qualify him as THE the youngest artist, he needs has be In A exposure, TO DO sales, And THE sales received will be sent has them And provide evidence of THE event After he has has been do, including media blanket And social media handles. If he doesn't sell THE artwork, he won't to qualify," She said

Adoke AD Adoke AD

Liam's attempt has to break THE save started In December 2023. Liam present her paint has THE Museum of Science And Technology. A lot Ghanaians watch up For THE young boy during THE exhibitions.

Guinness World Records: at one year old, he is the youngest male artist in the world

A A year, Ace Liam, A Ghanaian, has broken THE Guinness World Save holder For THE the youngest male artist.

Liam's attempt has to break THE Guinness World Save attempt begin In Accra, Ghana, has THE Feel Prime Exposure In THE Museum of Science And Technology on 15 December 2023, final on 21 January 2024.

THE previous save holder was Dante Lamb, A American, WHO won THE title has age three In 2003.

On 14 Can 2024, Chantelle Eghan, Liam's mother, received A approval E-mail Since Guinness World Files, officially recognize him as THE the youngest male artist.

HAS to qualify For THE title of THE the youngest male artist, Liam necessary has exposure her paintings And TO DO sales without be required has participate In A paint-a-thon.

Yahaya Bello vs. EFCC

Announcement her feat on Instagram, Liam's Mom said her son has has been paint Since he was six month old.

At Premium Times, We firmly believe In THE importance of high quality journalism. Recognize that not everyone can allow Dear news the subscriptions, We are dedicated has deliver meticulously research, verified facts news that remains freely accessible has everything.

If You turn has Prime Times For every day updates, in depth investigations In pressing national problems, Or entertaining tendency stories, We value your readership.

It is essential has recognize that news production incurs expenses, And We take pride In Never placement OUR stories behind A prohibitive paywall.

Would be You consider proof We with A modest contribution on A monthly basis for help maintain OUR commitment has free, accessible news?


Liam's mother, Also A artist, mentioned during A interview with Joy News that there were specific criteria he necessary has meet For her category.

See This job on Instagram

A job sharing by As-Liam | young Artist (@ace_liam_paints)

"HAS to qualify him as THE the youngest artist, he needs has be In A exposure, TO DO sales, And THE sales received will be sent has them And provide evidence of THE event After he has has been do, including media blanket And social media handles. If he doesn't sell THE artwork, he won't to qualify," She said

Adoke AD Adoke AD

Liam's attempt has to break THE save started In December 2023. Liam present her paint has THE Museum of Science And Technology. A lot Ghanaians watch up For THE young boy during THE exhibitions.

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