Gunmen kidnap Nasarawa Information Commissioner

The Commissioner of Information, Culture and Tourism of the Nasarawa State Government, Mr. Yakubu Lawal, was abducted by unidentified gunmen.

Mr. Lawal was abducted from his home in Nasarawa Eggon Town, Nasarawa Eggon Local Government Area of ​​the state at around 8:45 p.m. Monday by as yet unidentified gunmen.

The development came two days after suspected armed robbers attacked the government secondary school in the same town and killed a teacher while another was also injured.

The kidnappers reportedly stormed the area firing sporadically in the air to scare the locals and headed straight for their victim.

State Police Command Public Relations Officer DSP Rahman Nansel, who confirmed the incident to reporters on Tuesday, said officers and men from the command who were patrolling near the area rushed to the scene when they heard the shots.

He said that by the time the patrol team arrived at the scene, the gunmen had escaped with the victim.

"On 8/15/202 at approximately 8:45 p.m., the attention of police on routine patrol was drawn to the sound of sporadic gunfire in the Nasarawa Eggon local government area of ​​the state.


"Police officers attached to Nasarawa Eggon Division rushed to the scene while Commissioner of Police Mr. Adesina Soyemi immediately reinforced the men with a combined detachment of the Police Mobile Force, the anti-kidnapping unit, military personnel, vigilante as well as local hunters.

“The search and rescue operation is underway by the combined team, led by Area Commander, Akwanga Area Command, ACP Halliru Aliyu to rescue the victim unharmed and apprehend the perpetrators.”


Gunmen kidnap Nasarawa Information Commissioner

The Commissioner of Information, Culture and Tourism of the Nasarawa State Government, Mr. Yakubu Lawal, was abducted by unidentified gunmen.

Mr. Lawal was abducted from his home in Nasarawa Eggon Town, Nasarawa Eggon Local Government Area of ​​the state at around 8:45 p.m. Monday by as yet unidentified gunmen.

The development came two days after suspected armed robbers attacked the government secondary school in the same town and killed a teacher while another was also injured.

The kidnappers reportedly stormed the area firing sporadically in the air to scare the locals and headed straight for their victim.

State Police Command Public Relations Officer DSP Rahman Nansel, who confirmed the incident to reporters on Tuesday, said officers and men from the command who were patrolling near the area rushed to the scene when they heard the shots.

He said that by the time the patrol team arrived at the scene, the gunmen had escaped with the victim.

"On 8/15/202 at approximately 8:45 p.m., the attention of police on routine patrol was drawn to the sound of sporadic gunfire in the Nasarawa Eggon local government area of ​​the state.


"Police officers attached to Nasarawa Eggon Division rushed to the scene while Commissioner of Police Mr. Adesina Soyemi immediately reinforced the men with a combined detachment of the Police Mobile Force, the anti-kidnapping unit, military personnel, vigilante as well as local hunters.

“The search and rescue operation is underway by the combined team, led by Area Commander, Akwanga Area Command, ACP Halliru Aliyu to rescue the victim unharmed and apprehend the perpetrators.”


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