Hiring Summer Students: What Every Restaurant Needs to Know

Hire summer students: an easy way to fill those long periods with enthusiastic employees? Or a relentless hassle of interviews, onboarding, schedule changes, just to get them out in four months? Although integrating summer students can seem daunting, don't worry. There are many advantages to hiring summer students, including the roles they can fill in your restaurant, their flexibility, and their cost effectiveness. And the best news? Onboarding, training, and scheduling summer students can be easier than you think.

Table of Contents

Why hire summer students for your restaurant? Roles for summer students at your restaurant The Challenges of Hiring Summer Students How to Effectively Onboard Summer Students How to Train Summer Students Effectively Summer Student Hiring FAQs Why hire summer students for your restaurant?

There are many reasons to hire summer students, and some may even benefit your restaurant for more than one season. Take a look at these top three reasons why hiring summer students is a plus for your business.

Hiring summer students allows you to recruit staff without commitment

It's late spring, and as the weather gets warmer, you notice that the streets are getting busier and busier. There are more people on bikes, pedestrians crowding sidewalks, and more customers stopping for lunch or dinner (especially if you have coveted patio seats).

You may feel that summer is just around the corner, and then it hits you: with the extra summer hours you'll need to stay open to meet customer demand, your business could be short-staffed during summer. one of the busiest times of the year. .

Fortunately, many students are looking for a job. And while normally you'd prefer to hire staff who can commit to staying longer than a few months, you know that that seasonal peak of customers will soon return to a steady, steady flow, so temporary help is all you need. Enter the summer student.

The United States has approximately 20 million undergraduate students. With rising tuition fees, many students are willing to take on a seasonal role to help them pay off their loans or save for the next year.

In fact, according to Forbes Advisor and the National Center for Education Statistics, tuition fees have increased dramatically in recent years. For example, in 1980, attending a full-time four-year college program cost just over $10,000 per year. This total included tuition, fees, and room and board, and was adjusted for inflation. Forty years later, in 2020, the total price jumped 180% to around $28,775 per year.

When you hire students for the summer, your restaurant is able to provide the support you need while helping students pay their bills. Want a win-win? It is because it is.

Hiring summer students provides learning opportunities

Summer students are looking for ways to learn and grow, and want to explore different industries to see what interests them. When they start working in your restaurant, they will start to learn the ins and outs of the industry, but that's not the only learning possible. Your company can also take notes.

By hiring summer students, you will find out what new technologies are being used by younger generations, like Gen Z. For example, you may find that your target audience has stopped using Instagram in favor of TikTok , which means your restaurant might need to keep up to date with the latest dance trends instead of perfecting that selfie while sipping on a cocktail.

Speaking of trends, hiring summer students can shed some light on what's new that different customers are consuming. Or for that matter, not consume. According to TheHill.com, Gen Z has reduced their alcohol consumption, consuming approximately 20% less alcohol per capita than Millennials when they were their age. Many even say no to alcohol. A good idea for restaurant owners would be to consider this as an opportunity for the bartender to experiment with mocktails or non-alcoholic options on the menu.

Hiring summer students can also help you notice that Gen Zers are more likely to text at work, and that might not be a bad thing.

Hiring Summer Students: What Every Restaurant Needs to Know

Hire summer students: an easy way to fill those long periods with enthusiastic employees? Or a relentless hassle of interviews, onboarding, schedule changes, just to get them out in four months? Although integrating summer students can seem daunting, don't worry. There are many advantages to hiring summer students, including the roles they can fill in your restaurant, their flexibility, and their cost effectiveness. And the best news? Onboarding, training, and scheduling summer students can be easier than you think.

Table of Contents

Why hire summer students for your restaurant? Roles for summer students at your restaurant The Challenges of Hiring Summer Students How to Effectively Onboard Summer Students How to Train Summer Students Effectively Summer Student Hiring FAQs Why hire summer students for your restaurant?

There are many reasons to hire summer students, and some may even benefit your restaurant for more than one season. Take a look at these top three reasons why hiring summer students is a plus for your business.

Hiring summer students allows you to recruit staff without commitment

It's late spring, and as the weather gets warmer, you notice that the streets are getting busier and busier. There are more people on bikes, pedestrians crowding sidewalks, and more customers stopping for lunch or dinner (especially if you have coveted patio seats).

You may feel that summer is just around the corner, and then it hits you: with the extra summer hours you'll need to stay open to meet customer demand, your business could be short-staffed during summer. one of the busiest times of the year. .

Fortunately, many students are looking for a job. And while normally you'd prefer to hire staff who can commit to staying longer than a few months, you know that that seasonal peak of customers will soon return to a steady, steady flow, so temporary help is all you need. Enter the summer student.

The United States has approximately 20 million undergraduate students. With rising tuition fees, many students are willing to take on a seasonal role to help them pay off their loans or save for the next year.

In fact, according to Forbes Advisor and the National Center for Education Statistics, tuition fees have increased dramatically in recent years. For example, in 1980, attending a full-time four-year college program cost just over $10,000 per year. This total included tuition, fees, and room and board, and was adjusted for inflation. Forty years later, in 2020, the total price jumped 180% to around $28,775 per year.

When you hire students for the summer, your restaurant is able to provide the support you need while helping students pay their bills. Want a win-win? It is because it is.

Hiring summer students provides learning opportunities

Summer students are looking for ways to learn and grow, and want to explore different industries to see what interests them. When they start working in your restaurant, they will start to learn the ins and outs of the industry, but that's not the only learning possible. Your company can also take notes.

By hiring summer students, you will find out what new technologies are being used by younger generations, like Gen Z. For example, you may find that your target audience has stopped using Instagram in favor of TikTok , which means your restaurant might need to keep up to date with the latest dance trends instead of perfecting that selfie while sipping on a cocktail.

Speaking of trends, hiring summer students can shed some light on what's new that different customers are consuming. Or for that matter, not consume. According to TheHill.com, Gen Z has reduced their alcohol consumption, consuming approximately 20% less alcohol per capita than Millennials when they were their age. Many even say no to alcohol. A good idea for restaurant owners would be to consider this as an opportunity for the bartender to experiment with mocktails or non-alcoholic options on the menu.

Hiring summer students can also help you notice that Gen Zers are more likely to text at work, and that might not be a bad thing.

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