How a G2 + Pendo integration generated 150% more leads for

Even established brands need to constantly boost their digital presence.

Just because your business has been around for a while doesn't mean your prospects see you as a leader or authority. Some know this all too well, especially those in competitive industries like enables shippers, carriers and brokers to continue transporting.

The company offers a full suite of tools, including its state-of-the-art dashboard for today's trucker. A load board functions as a marketplace for shippers and brokers to post jobs, where truckers can choose a load that suits their needs. has been in business for over 25 years. Despite being the first such marketplace for shippers and carriers for so long, the company faced increased competition and knew it needed a strategy to cement its leadership status. in the trucking industry. turned to G2 to do just that.

Claim a spot at the front of the peloton

The team behind knew they had a good product and were confident their customers could prove it to the world. For SaaS companies looking to attract qualified software buyers, G2 is the best marketplace to harness the power of peer review.

But while it was important for the company to establish itself as a leader, they were also focused on the ultimate goal: acquiring more buyers.

"We operate in a highly competitive and highly segmented industry. For overall lead generation and conversion, peer validation is key."

Steve DiogoDirector, Demand Gen and Content at

After creating a G2 profile, started prioritizing its presence on G2. Some of their marketing and management teams considered G2 to be a great lead generation tool, but knew it hinged on building reviews. quickly realized that collecting authentic, high-quality reviews takes time.

A few months and multiple review generation campaigns later, the team began exploring new options to speed up review generation. The team was growing rapidly with tight bandwidth to manage one-off review generation campaigns becoming a challenge. It became clear that the team had some challenges to overcome, so they started exploring their automation options.

Challenges Increase the reach of customer reviews with limited bandwidth Strengthen their brand presence on G2 to stand out in a crowded market Acquire more qualified prospects directly via their G2 profile Use the voice of the customer to double their value proposition Accelerate review collection with Pendo

G2 partners with over 40 companies to help software vendors get the most out of G2. was already using one of G2's partners, Pendo, for in-app messaging to its customers. They quickly realized that they could also use Pendo to request and record customer reviews directly in their product.

Learn more about the G2 review collection + Pendo integration.

Capture G2 reviews by meeting your customers where they already are: your product. Build a consistent feedback collection strategy without the increase of solicitation campaigns.

Meet buyers where they are most active

Pendo triggers a review request with a visual overlay when users are most active. Instead of directing a user to G2 to submit a review, Pendo allows them to submit their feedback directly into your product when they are most engaged.

Submitting a review through Pendo also removes a layer of friction from the review process. If a user chooses to submit a review through Pendo, they do not need to create a G2 account or use G2's social login options to submit their review. The reviewer also always has the option to submit their review anonymously. soon realized that implementing Pendo not only gave them an "always on" feature to generate more reviews, but it also provided several other benefits.

Prioritize authenticity over fear of automation

Many businesses are hesitant to automate review collection because it exposes them to negative reviews...

How a G2 + Pendo integration generated 150% more leads for

Even established brands need to constantly boost their digital presence.

Just because your business has been around for a while doesn't mean your prospects see you as a leader or authority. Some know this all too well, especially those in competitive industries like enables shippers, carriers and brokers to continue transporting.

The company offers a full suite of tools, including its state-of-the-art dashboard for today's trucker. A load board functions as a marketplace for shippers and brokers to post jobs, where truckers can choose a load that suits their needs. has been in business for over 25 years. Despite being the first such marketplace for shippers and carriers for so long, the company faced increased competition and knew it needed a strategy to cement its leadership status. in the trucking industry. turned to G2 to do just that.

Claim a spot at the front of the peloton

The team behind knew they had a good product and were confident their customers could prove it to the world. For SaaS companies looking to attract qualified software buyers, G2 is the best marketplace to harness the power of peer review.

But while it was important for the company to establish itself as a leader, they were also focused on the ultimate goal: acquiring more buyers.

"We operate in a highly competitive and highly segmented industry. For overall lead generation and conversion, peer validation is key."

Steve DiogoDirector, Demand Gen and Content at

After creating a G2 profile, started prioritizing its presence on G2. Some of their marketing and management teams considered G2 to be a great lead generation tool, but knew it hinged on building reviews. quickly realized that collecting authentic, high-quality reviews takes time.

A few months and multiple review generation campaigns later, the team began exploring new options to speed up review generation. The team was growing rapidly with tight bandwidth to manage one-off review generation campaigns becoming a challenge. It became clear that the team had some challenges to overcome, so they started exploring their automation options.

Challenges Increase the reach of customer reviews with limited bandwidth Strengthen their brand presence on G2 to stand out in a crowded market Acquire more qualified prospects directly via their G2 profile Use the voice of the customer to double their value proposition Accelerate review collection with Pendo

G2 partners with over 40 companies to help software vendors get the most out of G2. was already using one of G2's partners, Pendo, for in-app messaging to its customers. They quickly realized that they could also use Pendo to request and record customer reviews directly in their product.

Learn more about the G2 review collection + Pendo integration.

Capture G2 reviews by meeting your customers where they already are: your product. Build a consistent feedback collection strategy without the increase of solicitation campaigns.

Meet buyers where they are most active

Pendo triggers a review request with a visual overlay when users are most active. Instead of directing a user to G2 to submit a review, Pendo allows them to submit their feedback directly into your product when they are most engaged.

Submitting a review through Pendo also removes a layer of friction from the review process. If a user chooses to submit a review through Pendo, they do not need to create a G2 account or use G2's social login options to submit their review. The reviewer also always has the option to submit their review anonymously. soon realized that implementing Pendo not only gave them an "always on" feature to generate more reviews, but it also provided several other benefits.

Prioritize authenticity over fear of automation

Many businesses are hesitant to automate review collection because it exposes them to negative reviews...

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