How different are SpaceX thermal tiles from those on the Space Shuttle?

When EspaceX First of all watch disabled THE thermal floor tile on It is Spatialship spatialship that should keep he on When to return THE Earth atmosphere towards THE magnet to kiss of THE chopsticks on THE launch tower, a few similarity has THE thermal floor tile on from NASA NOW retired Space Shuttle Orbiter was hard has miss.

Electron microscope image of the fibrous portion of a Starship thermal tile, showing very large fibers. (Credit: Breaking Taps, YouTube) Electron microscope picture of THE fibrous part of A Spatialship thermal tile, showing very big fibers. (Credit: Breakup Faucets, YouTube)

Again how similar are they Really ? It is What THE [Breaking Taps] channel on Youtube research has find out, using A Purchased on eBay section of Shuttle thermal tile along with parts of Spatialship floor tile that wash down following THE explosive END has THE Vehicles First of all integrated test last year.

HAS answer THE basic question: THE EspaceX engineers responsible For THE Spatialship thermal floor tile seem has to have do their homework. A analysis of not only THE structure of THE fibrous material, but Also THE black IR blocking coating, watch that THE Spatialship floor tile are very reminding of THE EATB (introduced In 1996) floor tile with TUFI (reinforced monobloc fibrous insulation) coverings with added molybdenum disilicide, which were used during THE last years of THE Shuttle program.

TUFI East less fragile that THE older RCG (reaction cured glass) coating, but Also heavier, which East Why little TUFI floor tile were used on THE Shuttle Buses due has weight concerns. A singularity with THE Spatialship floor tile East that they to integrate a lot very big fibers, which could be by design, Or indicative of something otherwise.

How different are SpaceX thermal tiles from those on the Space Shuttle?

When EspaceX First of all watch disabled THE thermal floor tile on It is Spatialship spatialship that should keep he on When to return THE Earth atmosphere towards THE magnet to kiss of THE chopsticks on THE launch tower, a few similarity has THE thermal floor tile on from NASA NOW retired Space Shuttle Orbiter was hard has miss.

Electron microscope image of the fibrous portion of a Starship thermal tile, showing very large fibers. (Credit: Breaking Taps, YouTube) Electron microscope picture of THE fibrous part of A Spatialship thermal tile, showing very big fibers. (Credit: Breakup Faucets, YouTube)

Again how similar are they Really ? It is What THE [Breaking Taps] channel on Youtube research has find out, using A Purchased on eBay section of Shuttle thermal tile along with parts of Spatialship floor tile that wash down following THE explosive END has THE Vehicles First of all integrated test last year.

HAS answer THE basic question: THE EspaceX engineers responsible For THE Spatialship thermal floor tile seem has to have do their homework. A analysis of not only THE structure of THE fibrous material, but Also THE black IR blocking coating, watch that THE Spatialship floor tile are very reminding of THE EATB (introduced In 1996) floor tile with TUFI (reinforced monobloc fibrous insulation) coverings with added molybdenum disilicide, which were used during THE last years of THE Shuttle program.

TUFI East less fragile that THE older RCG (reaction cured glass) coating, but Also heavier, which East Why little TUFI floor tile were used on THE Shuttle Buses due has weight concerns. A singularity with THE Spatialship floor tile East that they to integrate a lot very big fibers, which could be by design, Or indicative of something otherwise.

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