How discord underdeveloped the Southeast region

Conflict of interests among THE South East governors has For long has been partially blame For THE underdevelopment of THE region. And This, Again, plays out In their lack of consensus on A common agenda going In THE recent round table meeting with Vice President, Kashim Shettima, LAURENT NJOKU reports.

More that 24 years After THE back of democracy In Nigeria, there are strong indications that the attitude of governors of THE From the southeast to the governance, policy of divisibility, winner takes all syndrome, as GOOD as survivor trends to have directed has THE underdevelopment of THE geopolitics area.

With THE less number of THE States In THE country, THE inability of THE governors Since 1999, talk with A voice, galvanize A feasible plan And join forces with each other, has not only affected It is economic expansion but Also THE development of It is infrastructure.

Although THE region East be primed as have one of THE best viable areas For investment, poor Infrastructure has stayed part of It is major challenge as their future together below THE aegis of South East Governors Forum Since 1999 has help to advance It is growth.

With A population of on 22 million, data got by THE Guardian revealed that THE region stayed THE the lowest In income And Value Added Tax (VAT) collection due largely has A lack of manufacturing And job outfits.

While he East A do that on N10 thousand billion legacy Industries are to rot far In THE region, No effort has has been do has resuscitate them as their counterparts In THE Western region, Again THE forum of governors of THE region has has been In existence Since 1999.

Sources noted that THE lack of continuity In the governance, policy differences, greed, And THE quest has control policy share rooms of THE blame For THE underdevelopment of THE region. This East such that they to have put their interest above THE collective interest of THE masses.

On Sunday, FEBRUARY 25, THE South East governors were program has meet In Enugu, which should has be their First of all meeting This year. THE meeting was has enable them has plan how has to commit with THE Vice President, Kashim Shettima, on THE challenges unaffordable And erratic power provide laid on manufacturing And companies In THE region.

THE Vice President was Invoice For Enugu has flag disabled THE "Light Up Nigeria Program", A project of THE federal government For THE power sector, Or he would be Also socket A business round painting with THE business community In THE region.

Indeed, THE absence of power East paralyzing THE economy of THE region And any of them opportunity has discuss particular problems he has laid on THE people should be to the maximum used.

But against all odds, THE governors abstained Since their meeting as THE meeting did not socket. Host governor, Rock Mbah was ready And had conscientiously received her Anambra State counterpart, Teacher. Chukwuma Soludo, WHO arrived has THE Enugu government House that Sunday.

Both Men walk In THE executive bedroom room, THE place arranged For THE meeting has wait For THE arrival of others. They expected has No benefit as Neither in my humble opinion governor, Hope Ouzodimma, WHO East THE president of South East Governors Forum; her Abia State counterpart, Alex Otti neither THE Ebony State governor, Francis Nwifuru, watch up For THE meeting. THE meeting was SO called disabled, Thus manufacturing he impossible For THE chief executives has articulate A position that could to have has been present has THE business round painting with THE Vice President.

When they were confronted with THE launch of THE project And THE business round table THE following day, he was obvious Since their cacophony of declarations that something was missing. Their reluctance has A meeting Before THE business round table plays up during THE event as each of them took THE scene has cloth staff views other that THE collective views of their people. There was Nothing has indicate Since their speech how they could leverage THE initiative has help their people.

Mbah, WHO was THE First of all has talk had seen THE initiative as “align with her administration disruptive approach has governance supported by thought out THE box" And exhorted industrial of THE region has fully key In he has withdraw any of them bottlenecks they confronted concerning power availability.

How discord underdeveloped the Southeast region

Conflict of interests among THE South East governors has For long has been partially blame For THE underdevelopment of THE region. And This, Again, plays out In their lack of consensus on A common agenda going In THE recent round table meeting with Vice President, Kashim Shettima, LAURENT NJOKU reports.

More that 24 years After THE back of democracy In Nigeria, there are strong indications that the attitude of governors of THE From the southeast to the governance, policy of divisibility, winner takes all syndrome, as GOOD as survivor trends to have directed has THE underdevelopment of THE geopolitics area.

With THE less number of THE States In THE country, THE inability of THE governors Since 1999, talk with A voice, galvanize A feasible plan And join forces with each other, has not only affected It is economic expansion but Also THE development of It is infrastructure.

Although THE region East be primed as have one of THE best viable areas For investment, poor Infrastructure has stayed part of It is major challenge as their future together below THE aegis of South East Governors Forum Since 1999 has help to advance It is growth.

With A population of on 22 million, data got by THE Guardian revealed that THE region stayed THE the lowest In income And Value Added Tax (VAT) collection due largely has A lack of manufacturing And job outfits.

While he East A do that on N10 thousand billion legacy Industries are to rot far In THE region, No effort has has been do has resuscitate them as their counterparts In THE Western region, Again THE forum of governors of THE region has has been In existence Since 1999.

Sources noted that THE lack of continuity In the governance, policy differences, greed, And THE quest has control policy share rooms of THE blame For THE underdevelopment of THE region. This East such that they to have put their interest above THE collective interest of THE masses.

On Sunday, FEBRUARY 25, THE South East governors were program has meet In Enugu, which should has be their First of all meeting This year. THE meeting was has enable them has plan how has to commit with THE Vice President, Kashim Shettima, on THE challenges unaffordable And erratic power provide laid on manufacturing And companies In THE region.

THE Vice President was Invoice For Enugu has flag disabled THE "Light Up Nigeria Program", A project of THE federal government For THE power sector, Or he would be Also socket A business round painting with THE business community In THE region.

Indeed, THE absence of power East paralyzing THE economy of THE region And any of them opportunity has discuss particular problems he has laid on THE people should be to the maximum used.

But against all odds, THE governors abstained Since their meeting as THE meeting did not socket. Host governor, Rock Mbah was ready And had conscientiously received her Anambra State counterpart, Teacher. Chukwuma Soludo, WHO arrived has THE Enugu government House that Sunday.

Both Men walk In THE executive bedroom room, THE place arranged For THE meeting has wait For THE arrival of others. They expected has No benefit as Neither in my humble opinion governor, Hope Ouzodimma, WHO East THE president of South East Governors Forum; her Abia State counterpart, Alex Otti neither THE Ebony State governor, Francis Nwifuru, watch up For THE meeting. THE meeting was SO called disabled, Thus manufacturing he impossible For THE chief executives has articulate A position that could to have has been present has THE business round painting with THE Vice President.

When they were confronted with THE launch of THE project And THE business round table THE following day, he was obvious Since their cacophony of declarations that something was missing. Their reluctance has A meeting Before THE business round table plays up during THE event as each of them took THE scene has cloth staff views other that THE collective views of their people. There was Nothing has indicate Since their speech how they could leverage THE initiative has help their people.

Mbah, WHO was THE First of all has talk had seen THE initiative as “align with her administration disruptive approach has governance supported by thought out THE box" And exhorted industrial of THE region has fully key In he has withdraw any of them bottlenecks they confronted concerning power availability.

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