How to turn overripe fruit into a mind-blowing pudding – recipe

Some £1.17 billion worth of fruit, vegetables and bread are wasted by Britons each year, according to a Sainsbury's study, which is equivalent to what every household throws away nearly three articles per week. But even overripe fruits that are no longer good to eat raw are delicious if poached and layered on a glorious pavlova.

Quince, chocolate and hazelnut pavlova

Overripe fruit that is no longer palatable raw can be poached and served simply with breakfast cereals, porridge or yogurt, or as a dessert with cream. It can also be recycled into this zero waste pavlova made with aquafaba instead of egg whites. Meringue is a sweet treat made by converting something that is usually wasted, namely aquafaba, into a dessert to die for, especially when topped with poached seasonal fruits and melted chocolate. This recipe is adapted from a recipe in my cookbook Eating for Pleasure, People & the Planet.

For the meringue170ml aquafaba 1 tsp cream of tartar225g caster sugar

For the honey-poached quince250 ml honey or other sweetener (e.g. sugar, maple syrup or date syrup)Zest and juice of 1 lemon½ cinnamon stick (optional)2 tsp vanilla extract (optional)500g quince, or other ripe seasonal fruit

For the topping100g dark chocolate from good quality250ml heavy cream100g toasted hazelnuts

Place the aquafaba in a ceramic bowl and beat on high speed for five minutes, until it forms firm peaks. Whip the cream of tartar, if using, and the caster sugar, a third at a time, until the mixture forms very stiff peaks.

Spread the meringue on about 20 cm wide disc on a large baking sheet lined with parchment paper, then bake in the oven at 130C (110C fan)/260F/gas ¾ for three hours. Turn off the oven, keep the door closed and leave the meringue to cool for at least another two hours.

Meanwhile, pour 800ml of water into a large saucepan with the honey (or other sweetener) and lemon zest and juice, then add half a cinnamon stick and vanilla extract, if using. Deseed the quinces, then cut them into quarters, dropping them into the pan as you go (the skins of the quinces are good to eat). Bring the pan to low heat and cook for about two hours (or, to save energy, cook in a slow cooker for four to five hours). Remove the quince pieces and leave to cool, then, if necessary, bring the remaining liquid to the boil, reduce to syrup and leave to cool.

Break the chocolate into small pieces, place - them in a heatproof bowl placed on a pan of hot water which simmers and stir to melt.

Place the meringue on a tray, cover with the cream whipped cream and the pieces of quince, drizzle with chocolate sauce and finish with a burst of toasted hazelnuts.

How to turn overripe fruit into a mind-blowing pudding – recipe

Some £1.17 billion worth of fruit, vegetables and bread are wasted by Britons each year, according to a Sainsbury's study, which is equivalent to what every household throws away nearly three articles per week. But even overripe fruits that are no longer good to eat raw are delicious if poached and layered on a glorious pavlova.

Quince, chocolate and hazelnut pavlova

Overripe fruit that is no longer palatable raw can be poached and served simply with breakfast cereals, porridge or yogurt, or as a dessert with cream. It can also be recycled into this zero waste pavlova made with aquafaba instead of egg whites. Meringue is a sweet treat made by converting something that is usually wasted, namely aquafaba, into a dessert to die for, especially when topped with poached seasonal fruits and melted chocolate. This recipe is adapted from a recipe in my cookbook Eating for Pleasure, People & the Planet.

For the meringue170ml aquafaba 1 tsp cream of tartar225g caster sugar

For the honey-poached quince250 ml honey or other sweetener (e.g. sugar, maple syrup or date syrup)Zest and juice of 1 lemon½ cinnamon stick (optional)2 tsp vanilla extract (optional)500g quince, or other ripe seasonal fruit

For the topping100g dark chocolate from good quality250ml heavy cream100g toasted hazelnuts

Place the aquafaba in a ceramic bowl and beat on high speed for five minutes, until it forms firm peaks. Whip the cream of tartar, if using, and the caster sugar, a third at a time, until the mixture forms very stiff peaks.

Spread the meringue on about 20 cm wide disc on a large baking sheet lined with parchment paper, then bake in the oven at 130C (110C fan)/260F/gas ¾ for three hours. Turn off the oven, keep the door closed and leave the meringue to cool for at least another two hours.

Meanwhile, pour 800ml of water into a large saucepan with the honey (or other sweetener) and lemon zest and juice, then add half a cinnamon stick and vanilla extract, if using. Deseed the quinces, then cut them into quarters, dropping them into the pan as you go (the skins of the quinces are good to eat). Bring the pan to low heat and cook for about two hours (or, to save energy, cook in a slow cooker for four to five hours). Remove the quince pieces and leave to cool, then, if necessary, bring the remaining liquid to the boil, reduce to syrup and leave to cool.

Break the chocolate into small pieces, place - them in a heatproof bowl placed on a pan of hot water which simmers and stir to melt.

Place the meringue on a tray, cover with the cream whipped cream and the pieces of quince, drizzle with chocolate sauce and finish with a burst of toasted hazelnuts.

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