Illuvium co-founder shares his plans for a new "interoperable blockchain game" model

Illuvium co-founder says he wants to create a series of blockchain games connected to each other, forming an ecosystem of interconnected titles that share NFTs.

Illuvium co-founder shares plans for new 'interoperable blockchain game' model Interview

Kieran Warwick, co-founder of blockchain role-playing game Illuvium, has lifted the curtain on a gaming concept that he says has never been realized before: interoperable blockchain gaming (IBG).

Speaking to Cointelegraph during Token2049 in Singapore, Warwick said that Illuvium currently has three games under construction which will be backed by the same economy, governed by a single token (ILV) and connected by the blockchain, making it an interoperable experience.

"We are building something that has never been done before, neither in the mainstream nor in Web3."

IBG, a term coined by Illuvium, is a series of blockchain games connected to each other, forming an ecosystem of interconnected titles that share NFTs, a common game currency, or both.

As well as trying to break into new territory in the industry, Warwick says Illuvium is first and foremost a "fun game", with player enjoyment as its cornerstone, rather than playing to win (P2E ) and non-fungible token (NFT) aspects that some titles in the GameFi space have tended to focus on.

He hopes this shift in focus could be key to attracting mainstream market players.

"In our genres that we address, there could be around 500 million people we can bring in who literally won't know they're playing a crypto game."

The first game is a city builder, one that Warwick says is a "combination of Sim City and Clash of Clans" where players can build and mine resources for use in the second game, "Overworld" .

Overworld focuses on exploring and capturing creatures called "Illuvials", which Warwick compares to Pokemon, which can then be battled in the third game, which will be similar to online battle arena titles such as "Teamfight Tactics or DOTA". < /p>

Warwick says they might not stop at...

Illuvium co-founder shares his plans for a new "interoperable blockchain game" model

Illuvium co-founder says he wants to create a series of blockchain games connected to each other, forming an ecosystem of interconnected titles that share NFTs.

Illuvium co-founder shares plans for new 'interoperable blockchain game' model Interview

Kieran Warwick, co-founder of blockchain role-playing game Illuvium, has lifted the curtain on a gaming concept that he says has never been realized before: interoperable blockchain gaming (IBG).

Speaking to Cointelegraph during Token2049 in Singapore, Warwick said that Illuvium currently has three games under construction which will be backed by the same economy, governed by a single token (ILV) and connected by the blockchain, making it an interoperable experience.

"We are building something that has never been done before, neither in the mainstream nor in Web3."

IBG, a term coined by Illuvium, is a series of blockchain games connected to each other, forming an ecosystem of interconnected titles that share NFTs, a common game currency, or both.

As well as trying to break into new territory in the industry, Warwick says Illuvium is first and foremost a "fun game", with player enjoyment as its cornerstone, rather than playing to win (P2E ) and non-fungible token (NFT) aspects that some titles in the GameFi space have tended to focus on.

He hopes this shift in focus could be key to attracting mainstream market players.

"In our genres that we address, there could be around 500 million people we can bring in who literally won't know they're playing a crypto game."

The first game is a city builder, one that Warwick says is a "combination of Sim City and Clash of Clans" where players can build and mine resources for use in the second game, "Overworld" .

Overworld focuses on exploring and capturing creatures called "Illuvials", which Warwick compares to Pokemon, which can then be battled in the third game, which will be similar to online battle arena titles such as "Teamfight Tactics or DOTA". < /p>

Warwick says they might not stop at...

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