Instagram sorry for translation error that put “terrorist” in Palestinian biography

Palestine flag. Enlarge / Palestine flag. Wong Yu Liang | Moment

Meta has apologized After A 404 Media report investigate A viral Tic Tac video confirmed that Instagram "see translation" functionality was by mistake add THE word "terrorist" In a few Palestinian users' biography.

Instagram was pips while to attempt has translate Arab sentences including THE Palestinian flag emoticon And THE words "Palestinian" And “alhamdulillah” – which means "to rent out has Allah"—TikTok user ytkingkhan said In her video. Instead of Translating THE sentence correctly, Instagram was generator biography saying, "Palestinian The Terrorists, to rent out be has Allah" Or "To rent out be has God, Palestinian The Terrorists are struggle For their freedom."

THE Tic Tac user clarified that he East not Palestinian but was essay THE error After A friend WHO wish has stay anonymous reported THE issue. He said TechCrunch that he worries that Failure as THE translation error "can fuel Islamophobic And racist rhetoric." It is not clear how a lot users were affected by THE error. In declarations, Meta has only claims that THE issue was "brief."

"Last week, We fixed A issue that briefly cause inappropriate Arab translations In a few of OUR some products," The meta spokesperson said Ars. "We sincerely apologize that This It happened."

Not everyone has accepted The meta apologies. Director of Amnesty Technology: a bifurcate of Amnesty International that defenders For technology companies has put human rights first-Rasha Abdul-Rahim, said on X that Meta apologize East "not GOOD that's enough."

This East not GOOD enough @instagram. THE do biography that including "Palestinian",

Instagram sorry for translation error that put “terrorist” in Palestinian biography
Palestine flag. Enlarge / Palestine flag. Wong Yu Liang | Moment

Meta has apologized After A 404 Media report investigate A viral Tic Tac video confirmed that Instagram "see translation" functionality was by mistake add THE word "terrorist" In a few Palestinian users' biography.

Instagram was pips while to attempt has translate Arab sentences including THE Palestinian flag emoticon And THE words "Palestinian" And “alhamdulillah” – which means "to rent out has Allah"—TikTok user ytkingkhan said In her video. Instead of Translating THE sentence correctly, Instagram was generator biography saying, "Palestinian The Terrorists, to rent out be has Allah" Or "To rent out be has God, Palestinian The Terrorists are struggle For their freedom."

THE Tic Tac user clarified that he East not Palestinian but was essay THE error After A friend WHO wish has stay anonymous reported THE issue. He said TechCrunch that he worries that Failure as THE translation error "can fuel Islamophobic And racist rhetoric." It is not clear how a lot users were affected by THE error. In declarations, Meta has only claims that THE issue was "brief."

"Last week, We fixed A issue that briefly cause inappropriate Arab translations In a few of OUR some products," The meta spokesperson said Ars. "We sincerely apologize that This It happened."

Not everyone has accepted The meta apologies. Director of Amnesty Technology: a bifurcate of Amnesty International that defenders For technology companies has put human rights first-Rasha Abdul-Rahim, said on X that Meta apologize East "not GOOD that's enough."

This East not GOOD enough @instagram. THE do biography that including "Palestinian",

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