Jamie Lee Curtis, 64, wears a sheer dress with a plunging neckline for British 'Vogue': photos

See the gallery Jamie Lee Curtis attends the National Board of Review Awards Gala at Cipriani 42nd Street on Wednesday, January 8, 2020 in New York City. (Photo by Evan Agostini /Invision/AP) HALLOWEEN, Jamie Lee Curtis, 1978. © Compass International Pictures/ Courtesy: Everett Collection HALLOWEEN II, Jamie Lee Curtis, 1981

This is the world of Jamie Lee Curtis and we live in it! The gorgeous 64-year-old actress proved just that when stunning photos from her UK Vogue shoot were released on Friday, January 6. In these, the Halloween Ends star wears a delightfully sheer black Tom Ford dress as she posed for her life at the Getty Villa Museum in Malibu. The annual Hollywood Portfolio issue also included stars Cate Blanchett and Michelle Yeow.

More infoJamie Lee Curtis
Jamie Lee Curtis stunned in her Tom Ford dress for British Vogue January 2023. (Greg Williams/VOGUE)

For the interview portion of the Vogue shoot, Jamie Lee gave good advice to young people looking to make their way in Tinseltown. "The same advice I give to young people...

Jamie Lee Curtis, 64, wears a sheer dress with a plunging neckline for British 'Vogue': photos
See the gallery Jamie Lee Curtis attends the National Board of Review Awards Gala at Cipriani 42nd Street on Wednesday, January 8, 2020 in New York City. (Photo by Evan Agostini /Invision/AP) HALLOWEEN, Jamie Lee Curtis, 1978. © Compass International Pictures/ Courtesy: Everett Collection HALLOWEEN II, Jamie Lee Curtis, 1981

This is the world of Jamie Lee Curtis and we live in it! The gorgeous 64-year-old actress proved just that when stunning photos from her UK Vogue shoot were released on Friday, January 6. In these, the Halloween Ends star wears a delightfully sheer black Tom Ford dress as she posed for her life at the Getty Villa Museum in Malibu. The annual Hollywood Portfolio issue also included stars Cate Blanchett and Michelle Yeow.

More infoJamie Lee Curtis
Jamie Lee Curtis stunned in her Tom Ford dress for British Vogue January 2023. (Greg Williams/VOGUE)

For the interview portion of the Vogue shoot, Jamie Lee gave good advice to young people looking to make their way in Tinseltown. "The same advice I give to young people...

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