Japa: 7 necessary skills to learn before moving

In THE quest For A better life, a lot Nigerians are opt has to relocate abroad, while searching greener pastures For themselves And their families.

However, Before manufacturing such A significant move, It is essential has equip oneself with crucial SKILLS that can pave THE path For financial stability And success In A new environment.

Here are Seven necessary SKILLS has consider Master Before embark on your journey.

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Adaptation/ Fashion design

You need has remember that most Nigerians to have Also moved Before You And could not to have to access has their African outfits Or Dresses.

Report has he that there East A shortage of fashion creators WHO can play around African drawings abroad SO This can be A very huge opportunity For You.

Learning how has sew Or design outfits will give You leverage And attract other Nigerians has frequent You.

2. Hairstyle

Hairdressing East A very popular And lucrative skill has learn Before You to relocate abroad. This East because THE request For hairdressers East high abroad Since not only Nigerians but other Africans.

He can be enough Dear has own A living room abroad but You can as GOOD give back House services And always TO DO A plot of money.

3. Plumbing

This East Also A of THE precious SKILLS has learn. Each House needs their services of A plumber. Plumbing East A of THE SKILLS which East In request global And can lead has stable job opportunities.

With This skill, You can not be failed When You to relocate as You can be called on has fix Or install plumbing problems And needs For Houses which will earn You A high pay In back.

4. Barbing

Barbing East another skill that You should learn Before You to relocate. He would be earn You A GOOD pay.

THE trick East has network yourself And target Men, women Or children WHO need A Haircut. You should Also TO DO Of course You are skillful In order has attract And retain clients.

Barbing East Also A business You can run has THE comfort of your House Or give back House services until You are financially stable has own A living room.

ALSO READ: I fought thoughts has END he- Nollywood Actor, Ayoola

5. Makeup

No matter THE part of THE world You to relocate has just be Of course that This skill would be bring GOOD pay.

Women love has look GOOD regardless of THE country, SO This means they would be to want their make up do professionally For evenings And other events.

SO, if You are GOOD has he, You would be be able has TO DO more money For yourself. While You are always Again has to relocate, You can check around You For A professional make up studio that offers training For learning.

6. Shoemaker/Shoemaker do

This skill East very profitable as he allow to access has A wide customer base, given that everyone door shoes.

If You are fix old shoes Or craftsmanship new those, You can to wait for A consistent to flow of clients.

There East A request For people qualified In fix shoes, Bags, belts, hand bags, And other leather goods, as GOOD as For those able of create new articles.

7. Photography

Photography East another precious And lucrative skill You should learn Before to relocate. You can learn how has take pictures, to modify Pictures, And create digital art. With your photography SKILLS, You can take up shoots And Also not yourself For media companies abroad.

Nigerien TRIBUNE

Keywords: Japalife skills

Japa: 7 necessary skills to learn before moving

In THE quest For A better life, a lot Nigerians are opt has to relocate abroad, while searching greener pastures For themselves And their families.

However, Before manufacturing such A significant move, It is essential has equip oneself with crucial SKILLS that can pave THE path For financial stability And success In A new environment.

Here are Seven necessary SKILLS has consider Master Before embark on your journey.

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Adaptation/ Fashion design

You need has remember that most Nigerians to have Also moved Before You And could not to have to access has their African outfits Or Dresses.

Report has he that there East A shortage of fashion creators WHO can play around African drawings abroad SO This can be A very huge opportunity For You.

Learning how has sew Or design outfits will give You leverage And attract other Nigerians has frequent You.

2. Hairstyle

Hairdressing East A very popular And lucrative skill has learn Before You to relocate abroad. This East because THE request For hairdressers East high abroad Since not only Nigerians but other Africans.

He can be enough Dear has own A living room abroad but You can as GOOD give back House services And always TO DO A plot of money.

3. Plumbing

This East Also A of THE precious SKILLS has learn. Each House needs their services of A plumber. Plumbing East A of THE SKILLS which East In request global And can lead has stable job opportunities.

With This skill, You can not be failed When You to relocate as You can be called on has fix Or install plumbing problems And needs For Houses which will earn You A high pay In back.

4. Barbing

Barbing East another skill that You should learn Before You to relocate. He would be earn You A GOOD pay.

THE trick East has network yourself And target Men, women Or children WHO need A Haircut. You should Also TO DO Of course You are skillful In order has attract And retain clients.

Barbing East Also A business You can run has THE comfort of your House Or give back House services until You are financially stable has own A living room.

ALSO READ: I fought thoughts has END he- Nollywood Actor, Ayoola

5. Makeup

No matter THE part of THE world You to relocate has just be Of course that This skill would be bring GOOD pay.

Women love has look GOOD regardless of THE country, SO This means they would be to want their make up do professionally For evenings And other events.

SO, if You are GOOD has he, You would be be able has TO DO more money For yourself. While You are always Again has to relocate, You can check around You For A professional make up studio that offers training For learning.

6. Shoemaker/Shoemaker do

This skill East very profitable as he allow to access has A wide customer base, given that everyone door shoes.

If You are fix old shoes Or craftsmanship new those, You can to wait for A consistent to flow of clients.

There East A request For people qualified In fix shoes, Bags, belts, hand bags, And other leather goods, as GOOD as For those able of create new articles.

7. Photography

Photography East another precious And lucrative skill You should learn Before to relocate. You can learn how has take pictures, to modify Pictures, And create digital art. With your photography SKILLS, You can take up shoots And Also not yourself For media companies abroad.

Nigerien TRIBUNE

Keywords: Japalife skills

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