Flyer “Jesus paid your debts, not your taxes”: FIRS apologizes

THE Federal Interior Income Service (FIR TREE) has declared that he would be Never denigrate Jesus Christ as he apologized has the Christians For assignment on It is social media platforms A prospectus landing THE big title, "Jesus paid your debts, not your taxes. »

A statement sign by To dare Adekanmbi, Special Advise, Media has THE FIRST president, Zac Adédéji transmitted THE Services " without reservation apologies For This wrong interpretation. »

THE FIRST of the spokesperson statement bed In complete: "OUR attention has has been drawn has A statement by THE Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) about A prospectus job on OUR social media platforms with THE big title 'Jesus paid your debts, not your Taxes. As A responsible agency of government, We would be as has say We did not put out THE prospectus purposely has denigrate Jesus Christ Or decrease Since THE huge sacrifice He do For humanity. We are intensely aware that THE essence of THE Easter period East has celebrate This huge sacrifice.

"THE message was OUR path of uniquely engaging taxpayers And has remind them of THE need has to prioritize payment of their taxes as A civic obligation. Yes, We would be say THE message disheveled feathers In a few circles. THE involuntary meaning/insinuation be read In THE job was not What We were out has communicate as A agency.


"GOOD A thing, This a lot East recognized by CAN In It is statement Or he said 'We recognize that THE destined message can to have has been has creatively to commit taxpayers…' We wish has offer OUR without reservation apologies For This wrong interpretation.

" FIR TREE, as A responsible agency, has No religion And will not bring down any of them religion Or to offend THE sensitivity of members of miscellaneous beliefs In THE country. OUR aim East has assess, collect And account For income For THE well-being of THE Federation. We believe he East A investment In THE progress of THE country When citizens pay their Taxes. Once Again, We wish has apologize has CAN And the Christians WHO felt insulted has THE involuntary result of OUR message on Easter Sunday," M Adékanmbi said.

THE Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) had earlier on Tuesday In Abuja called on THE FIRST has retract It is Easter message And offer A public apologies.

THE National Director, National Problems And Social Well-being (CAN), Abimbola Ayuba, A retired commodore, In A statement, said THE FIR TREE' Easter message threat Nigeria unit And mine respect among miscellaneous religious groups.

THE News Agency of Nigeria (NOPE) reports that THE FIRST message was "Jesus paid your debt, not your taxes."

CAN, while react has he, describe THE message as "offensive And derogatory » has THE Christian faith.

"THE Easter message by FIRST do not only threaten Nigeria delicate unit but Also undermine THE efforts of a lot Nigerians functioning towards to favor mutual respect among miscellaneous religious groups.

"As A nation that pride himself on religious harmony And peaceful coexistence, We are deeply concerned by THE recurrence of challenging messages around religious vacation.

"This year, A public institution, which should be THE bastion of copy to drive, has has been implied In broadcast content that East widely considered as offensive And derogatory has THE Christian faith.

TEXEM Announcement

"Such messages not only threaten THE delicate fabric of OUR national unit but Also undermine THE efforts of innumerable Nigerians functioning towards to favor mutual respect among miscellaneous religious groups," THE CAN said.

Support PRIME TIMES' journalism of integrity And credibility GOOD journalism costs A plot of money. Again only GOOD journalism can ensure THE possibility of A GOOD Company, A indebted democracy, And A transparent government. For continued free to access has THE best investigator journalism In THE country We ask You has consider manufacturing A modest support has This noble effort. By contribution...

Flyer “Jesus paid your debts, not your taxes”: FIRS apologizes

THE Federal Interior Income Service (FIR TREE) has declared that he would be Never denigrate Jesus Christ as he apologized has the Christians For assignment on It is social media platforms A prospectus landing THE big title, "Jesus paid your debts, not your taxes. »

A statement sign by To dare Adekanmbi, Special Advise, Media has THE FIRST president, Zac Adédéji transmitted THE Services " without reservation apologies For This wrong interpretation. »

THE FIRST of the spokesperson statement bed In complete: "OUR attention has has been drawn has A statement by THE Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) about A prospectus job on OUR social media platforms with THE big title 'Jesus paid your debts, not your Taxes. As A responsible agency of government, We would be as has say We did not put out THE prospectus purposely has denigrate Jesus Christ Or decrease Since THE huge sacrifice He do For humanity. We are intensely aware that THE essence of THE Easter period East has celebrate This huge sacrifice.

"THE message was OUR path of uniquely engaging taxpayers And has remind them of THE need has to prioritize payment of their taxes as A civic obligation. Yes, We would be say THE message disheveled feathers In a few circles. THE involuntary meaning/insinuation be read In THE job was not What We were out has communicate as A agency.


"GOOD A thing, This a lot East recognized by CAN In It is statement Or he said 'We recognize that THE destined message can to have has been has creatively to commit taxpayers…' We wish has offer OUR without reservation apologies For This wrong interpretation.

" FIR TREE, as A responsible agency, has No religion And will not bring down any of them religion Or to offend THE sensitivity of members of miscellaneous beliefs In THE country. OUR aim East has assess, collect And account For income For THE well-being of THE Federation. We believe he East A investment In THE progress of THE country When citizens pay their Taxes. Once Again, We wish has apologize has CAN And the Christians WHO felt insulted has THE involuntary result of OUR message on Easter Sunday," M Adékanmbi said.

THE Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) had earlier on Tuesday In Abuja called on THE FIRST has retract It is Easter message And offer A public apologies.

THE National Director, National Problems And Social Well-being (CAN), Abimbola Ayuba, A retired commodore, In A statement, said THE FIR TREE' Easter message threat Nigeria unit And mine respect among miscellaneous religious groups.

THE News Agency of Nigeria (NOPE) reports that THE FIRST message was "Jesus paid your debt, not your taxes."

CAN, while react has he, describe THE message as "offensive And derogatory » has THE Christian faith.

"THE Easter message by FIRST do not only threaten Nigeria delicate unit but Also undermine THE efforts of a lot Nigerians functioning towards to favor mutual respect among miscellaneous religious groups.

"As A nation that pride himself on religious harmony And peaceful coexistence, We are deeply concerned by THE recurrence of challenging messages around religious vacation.

"This year, A public institution, which should be THE bastion of copy to drive, has has been implied In broadcast content that East widely considered as offensive And derogatory has THE Christian faith.

TEXEM Announcement

"Such messages not only threaten THE delicate fabric of OUR national unit but Also undermine THE efforts of innumerable Nigerians functioning towards to favor mutual respect among miscellaneous religious groups," THE CAN said.

Support PRIME TIMES' journalism of integrity And credibility GOOD journalism costs A plot of money. Again only GOOD journalism can ensure THE possibility of A GOOD Company, A indebted democracy, And A transparent government. For continued free to access has THE best investigator journalism In THE country We ask You has consider manufacturing A modest support has This noble effort. By contribution...

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