Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith hang out at Coachella and share a kiss

Instagram / @daydayred_

Justin Bieber And Jaden Black-smith are always friends After all these years ... with Jaden gripping Justin In A big cuddly And get A to kiss In back during Coachella.

THE two music superstars encounter up SATURDAY during THE music festivals busy First of all weekend ... And, J.S. decided has surprise her best brother by kissing him Since behind.

Check out THE clip ... Bieber's confront lights up When he looks back And see It is Jaden WHO decided has move around And go For A real to kiss Since J.B. In A VIP area has THE party.

It is When Justin plants A fast kiss on Jaden's plays Before breakup apart And contagious up with her long duration friend ... A soft moment between two ancient child stars.

Justin Bieber Jaden Smith


Remember ... Jaden And Justin's bromance began path back In 2010 When they collaborated on THE song "Never Say Never" For Jaden's hit "Karate Child" redo.

THE two hit he disabled And to have has been constant presences In each others lives Never Since, despite their five years age gap. They have carried out together several times And in general suspended out In THE pass decade.

BESIDES ... Neither Jaden neither Justin took THE scene SATURDAY -- but, It is not totally shocking 'cause they are just huge Fans of THE music festival. They both assisted last year Also, SO he seems as A annual exit For each of them.

Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith hang out at Coachella and share a kiss
Instagram / @daydayred_

Justin Bieber And Jaden Black-smith are always friends After all these years ... with Jaden gripping Justin In A big cuddly And get A to kiss In back during Coachella.

THE two music superstars encounter up SATURDAY during THE music festivals busy First of all weekend ... And, J.S. decided has surprise her best brother by kissing him Since behind.

Check out THE clip ... Bieber's confront lights up When he looks back And see It is Jaden WHO decided has move around And go For A real to kiss Since J.B. In A VIP area has THE party.

It is When Justin plants A fast kiss on Jaden's plays Before breakup apart And contagious up with her long duration friend ... A soft moment between two ancient child stars.

Justin Bieber Jaden Smith


Remember ... Jaden And Justin's bromance began path back In 2010 When they collaborated on THE song "Never Say Never" For Jaden's hit "Karate Child" redo.

THE two hit he disabled And to have has been constant presences In each others lives Never Since, despite their five years age gap. They have carried out together several times And in general suspended out In THE pass decade.

BESIDES ... Neither Jaden neither Justin took THE scene SATURDAY -- but, It is not totally shocking 'cause they are just huge Fans of THE music festival. They both assisted last year Also, SO he seems as A annual exit For each of them.

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