Kaley Cuoco pregnant and pregnant with her first child with boyfriend Tom Pelphrey: baby belly photo

Kaley Cuoco Tom Pelphrey See the gallery Kaley Cuoco arrives at the 73rd Emmy Awards at JW Marriott at L.A. LIVE in Los Angeles 73rd Emmy Awards - Red Carpet Arrivals, Los Angeles, USA - September 19, 2021 Kaley Cuoco arrives at the 73rd Emmy Awards at JW Marriott at L.A. LIVE in Los Angeles 73rd Emmy Awards - Limo Drop Off, Los Angeles, USA - September 19, 2021 Kaley Cuoco 5th Annual InStyle Awards, Arrivals, The Getty Museum, Los Angeles, USA - Oct 21, 2019 Wearing Dior

For her next act, Kaley Cuoco is going to give birth to a baby girl! The The Big Bang Theory star, 36, took to Instagram on Tuesday to share her joy - and an adorable early baby photo - with her 7.4 million followers. "Baby girl Pelphrey is coming in 2023," wrote alongside a selfie with Tom Pelphrey, 40, the baby's father and Kaley's partner. "Beyond the blessing and the moon…I

Kaley Cuoco pregnant and pregnant with her first child with boyfriend Tom Pelphrey: baby belly photo
Kaley Cuoco Tom Pelphrey See the gallery Kaley Cuoco arrives at the 73rd Emmy Awards at JW Marriott at L.A. LIVE in Los Angeles 73rd Emmy Awards - Red Carpet Arrivals, Los Angeles, USA - September 19, 2021 Kaley Cuoco arrives at the 73rd Emmy Awards at JW Marriott at L.A. LIVE in Los Angeles 73rd Emmy Awards - Limo Drop Off, Los Angeles, USA - September 19, 2021 Kaley Cuoco 5th Annual InStyle Awards, Arrivals, The Getty Museum, Los Angeles, USA - Oct 21, 2019 Wearing Dior

For her next act, Kaley Cuoco is going to give birth to a baby girl! The The Big Bang Theory star, 36, took to Instagram on Tuesday to share her joy - and an adorable early baby photo - with her 7.4 million followers. "Baby girl Pelphrey is coming in 2023," wrote alongside a selfie with Tom Pelphrey, 40, the baby's father and Kaley's partner. "Beyond the blessing and the moon…I

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