King Charles smiles broadly in Scotland in first photos after Prince Harry's book release

king charles See the gallery Prince Charles at the British Embassy Prince Charles attends a reception at the Ambassador's residence, Tokyo, Japan - October 23, 2019 His Royal Highness will be the guest of honor at a reception to celebrate UK-Japan partnerships hosted by British Ambassador HE Paul Madden at his residence His Royal Highness will welcome guests including Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Taro Aso in the garden of the residence. Prior to departure, His Royal Highness will deliver a closing speech. The British Embassy and the British Council in Japan are running a As the Jewish community prepares to celebrate Hanukkah, His Majesty King Charles III visited JW3, a Jewish community center open to all faiths and acting as a hub for the arts, culture and social action and learning in North London.Founded by Dame Vivien Duffield DBE, JW3 opened in October 2013 with the vision of a vibrant, diverse and unified, inspired and engaged British Jewish community in arts, culture, learning and Jewish life King Charles III watched local schoolgirls wrap gifts King Charles III visits the JW3 Jewish Community Centre, London, UK - 16th December 2022

King Charles smiles broadly in Scotland in first photos after Prince Harry's book release
king charles See the gallery Prince Charles at the British Embassy Prince Charles attends a reception at the Ambassador's residence, Tokyo, Japan - October 23, 2019 His Royal Highness will be the guest of honor at a reception to celebrate UK-Japan partnerships hosted by British Ambassador HE Paul Madden at his residence His Royal Highness will welcome guests including Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Taro Aso in the garden of the residence. Prior to departure, His Royal Highness will deliver a closing speech. The British Embassy and the British Council in Japan are running a As the Jewish community prepares to celebrate Hanukkah, His Majesty King Charles III visited JW3, a Jewish community center open to all faiths and acting as a hub for the arts, culture and social action and learning in North London.Founded by Dame Vivien Duffield DBE, JW3 opened in October 2013 with the vision of a vibrant, diverse and unified, inspired and engaged British Jewish community in arts, culture, learning and Jewish life King Charles III watched local schoolgirls wrap gifts King Charles III visits the JW3 Jewish Community Centre, London, UK - 16th December 2022

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