Types of Mechanical Color Pickers Hex Codes for You

Hexadecimal codes are a simple and unambiguous way to designate colors in digital media. However, going from a color in your head to a hex code can be tricky for the uninitiated. [Guy Dupont] built a little gadget called Dial Toner to do this for him (Nitter).

The Dial Toner has two dials for each color channel - Red, Green and Blue. By turning the dials, one can choose a given color in the 8-bit RGB color space, and that color is then displayed on the unit's included RGB LED. Once selected, the button can be pressed to type the hex code of the selected color into a text box. The Dial Toner runs on a Xiao RP2040 microcontroller board and is coded in CircuitPython.

[Guy] hopes to sell the Dial Toner on Etsy in the future, and is even working on a CMYK version for print junkies. We've also featured [Guy's] work here before, in the form of his extended play HitClips cartridges. Video after the break.

Features: - extremely clickable knobs/buttons - integrated conversation from hex to RGB, CMYK, HSV - that's kind of it, but with pic.twitter.com/ swR7sKlFzY

— Guy Dupont (@gvy_dvpont) September 13, 2022

Types of Mechanical Color Pickers Hex Codes for You

Hexadecimal codes are a simple and unambiguous way to designate colors in digital media. However, going from a color in your head to a hex code can be tricky for the uninitiated. [Guy Dupont] built a little gadget called Dial Toner to do this for him (Nitter).

The Dial Toner has two dials for each color channel - Red, Green and Blue. By turning the dials, one can choose a given color in the 8-bit RGB color space, and that color is then displayed on the unit's included RGB LED. Once selected, the button can be pressed to type the hex code of the selected color into a text box. The Dial Toner runs on a Xiao RP2040 microcontroller board and is coded in CircuitPython.

[Guy] hopes to sell the Dial Toner on Etsy in the future, and is even working on a CMYK version for print junkies. We've also featured [Guy's] work here before, in the form of his extended play HitClips cartridges. Video after the break.

Features: - extremely clickable knobs/buttons - integrated conversation from hex to RGB, CMYK, HSV - that's kind of it, but with pic.twitter.com/ swR7sKlFzY

— Guy Dupont (@gvy_dvpont) September 13, 2022

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