Michael Walsh's solo exhibition is now open at Mirus Gallery

Michael Walsh was born In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, And East Currently base In Oakland, California.  THE artists use of metal manufacturing/casting, GUJAT, Virtual Reality modeling, And  3D impression create A unique approach has sculpture manufacturing.  Michael has participated In both Pittsburgh mini Maker Announcement And Maker Announcement Bay Area.  In 2015, has THE Pittsburgh mini Maker Do, he And A crew did A live metal foundry demonstration, And has Maker Announcement Bay Area 2016, her Cosmic Carousel sculpture was A central to focus of THE event.

Foundry mold For Maker Announcement Pittsburgh 2015. Photo Credit: Michael Walsh

Crew meeting has Maker Announcement And Teleportation In Also. Photo Credit: Kevin Carter

Recently he was brought has OUR attention that he will be honored with A solo exposure has THE Mirus Gallery In San Francis.  In her last solo exposure, "Exploration," Michael Walsh will beginning A dynamic collection of 3D printed sculptures made using VR And GUJAT modeling software, incorporating her artistic journey And evolution And highlighting A innovative aptitude For integrating advance technologies In her creative process. 

This exposure will open on Friday And run For three month And East opening on June 7, 2024.  HAS learn more about THE exposure please read THE press release here And TO DO Of course has follow Michael And her work on Instagram. 

Michael Walsh's solo exhibition is now open at Mirus Gallery

Michael Walsh was born In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, And East Currently base In Oakland, California.  THE artists use of metal manufacturing/casting, GUJAT, Virtual Reality modeling, And  3D impression create A unique approach has sculpture manufacturing.  Michael has participated In both Pittsburgh mini Maker Announcement And Maker Announcement Bay Area.  In 2015, has THE Pittsburgh mini Maker Do, he And A crew did A live metal foundry demonstration, And has Maker Announcement Bay Area 2016, her Cosmic Carousel sculpture was A central to focus of THE event.

Foundry mold For Maker Announcement Pittsburgh 2015. Photo Credit: Michael Walsh

Crew meeting has Maker Announcement And Teleportation In Also. Photo Credit: Kevin Carter

Recently he was brought has OUR attention that he will be honored with A solo exposure has THE Mirus Gallery In San Francis.  In her last solo exposure, "Exploration," Michael Walsh will beginning A dynamic collection of 3D printed sculptures made using VR And GUJAT modeling software, incorporating her artistic journey And evolution And highlighting A innovative aptitude For integrating advance technologies In her creative process. 

This exposure will open on Friday And run For three month And East opening on June 7, 2024.  HAS learn more about THE exposure please read THE press release here And TO DO Of course has follow Michael And her work on Instagram. 

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