Mike Piazza: Meet Alicia Rickter, wife of former MLB player

mike wife See the gallery BABYLON World Premiere Screening. December 15, 2022 Pictured: Ruby Sweetheart Maguire and her father Tobey Maguire. Photo Credit: GilbertFlores@Broadimage / MEGA TheMegaAgency. com +1 888 505 6342 (Mega Agency TagID: MEGA926626_039.jpg) [Photo via Mega Agency] Bradley Cooper is seen walking with daughter Lea Cooper in New York City **SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS*** Please rasterize children's faces before publication.***. Dec 01, 2022 Photo: Bradley Cooper, Lea Cooper Photo Credit: MEGA TheMegaAgency.com +1 888 505 6342 (Mega Agency TagID: MEGA922565_002.jpg) [Photo via Mega Agency] Mike Piazza is a former professional baseball player who played in MLB for 15 years. He is married to Alicia Rickter. The former athlete will appear in Fox's Special Forces on January 4, 2023.

Former baseball player Mike Piazza, 54, is known for his star days in MLB. The former athlete played in the baseball organization for 15 years from 1992 to 2007. These days, although he may not catch baseball, he is still a part of the baseball community because he is the manager of the Italian national baseball team. Additionally, he will appear on Fox's Special Forces on January 4, 2023. But when Mike isn't working, he often spends time with his wife and kids. Below is everything you need to know about his wife, Alicia Rickter, and their family!

Mike Piazza: Meet Alicia Rickter, wife of former MLB player
mike wife See the gallery BABYLON World Premiere Screening. December 15, 2022 Pictured: Ruby Sweetheart Maguire and her father Tobey Maguire. Photo Credit: GilbertFlores@Broadimage / MEGA TheMegaAgency. com +1 888 505 6342 (Mega Agency TagID: MEGA926626_039.jpg) [Photo via Mega Agency] Bradley Cooper is seen walking with daughter Lea Cooper in New York City **SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS*** Please rasterize children's faces before publication.***. Dec 01, 2022 Photo: Bradley Cooper, Lea Cooper Photo Credit: MEGA TheMegaAgency.com +1 888 505 6342 (Mega Agency TagID: MEGA922565_002.jpg) [Photo via Mega Agency] Mike Piazza is a former professional baseball player who played in MLB for 15 years. He is married to Alicia Rickter. The former athlete will appear in Fox's Special Forces on January 4, 2023.

Former baseball player Mike Piazza, 54, is known for his star days in MLB. The former athlete played in the baseball organization for 15 years from 1992 to 2007. These days, although he may not catch baseball, he is still a part of the baseball community because he is the manager of the Italian national baseball team. Additionally, he will appear on Fox's Special Forces on January 4, 2023. But when Mike isn't working, he often spends time with his wife and kids. Below is everything you need to know about his wife, Alicia Rickter, and their family!

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