Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi are married

Congratulations are In order For Millie Police officer Brown And Jacques Bongiovi! According to has several reports, THE pair secretly married This pass weekend In A respondent ceremony. While THE location of THE marriage East always not-confirmed, THE discreet event was assisted by THE couples parents, including THE legendary musician Jon Good Jovi And her marry Dorothy Bongiovi.

Brown And Bongiovi to have has been dating Since 2021, When they First of all connected on Instagram And established A friendship. Romance Soon follow up, And THE pair to have do many red carpet appearances In support of Brown acting projects, including Stranger Things And Enola Holmes. In April 2023, Brown announcement their engagement via A black and white picture sharing has Instagram, accompanied by A legend that quoted Taylor Swift "Lover." (" I have love You three are NOW, Honey, I to want 'them all," Brown wrote.)

In A 2023 interview with THE Sunday Times, Brown sharing that Bongiovi consulted THE actors mother, Kelly, When he came has picking out THE ring. "I have always love that ring, It is always blocked out has Me, SO She gave he has James, " She said. "They were In coalition about THE entire proposal. I love that I can always keep A piece of My Mom with Me." And while This pass weekends marriage was reserve For THE couples the closest parents, It is Already has been reported that A bigger ceremony East together has follow later In THE year—i.e. there can be a lot more celebrations has come.

Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi are married

Congratulations are In order For Millie Police officer Brown And Jacques Bongiovi! According to has several reports, THE pair secretly married This pass weekend In A respondent ceremony. While THE location of THE marriage East always not-confirmed, THE discreet event was assisted by THE couples parents, including THE legendary musician Jon Good Jovi And her marry Dorothy Bongiovi.

Brown And Bongiovi to have has been dating Since 2021, When they First of all connected on Instagram And established A friendship. Romance Soon follow up, And THE pair to have do many red carpet appearances In support of Brown acting projects, including Stranger Things And Enola Holmes. In April 2023, Brown announcement their engagement via A black and white picture sharing has Instagram, accompanied by A legend that quoted Taylor Swift "Lover." (" I have love You three are NOW, Honey, I to want 'them all," Brown wrote.)

In A 2023 interview with THE Sunday Times, Brown sharing that Bongiovi consulted THE actors mother, Kelly, When he came has picking out THE ring. "I have always love that ring, It is always blocked out has Me, SO She gave he has James, " She said. "They were In coalition about THE entire proposal. I love that I can always keep A piece of My Mom with Me." And while This pass weekends marriage was reserve For THE couples the closest parents, It is Already has been reported that A bigger ceremony East together has follow later In THE year—i.e. there can be a lot more celebrations has come.

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