Missy Elliott's Health: Her Battle with Graves' Disease and How She's Doing Today

Missy Elliott

Missy Elliott, 52, East known as A talented rapper, but When she is not manufacturing securities with her music, she is TO DO SO For her health. THE talented star has has been open about be diagnostic with The graves disease In 2008 And has previously talked about how It is affected her life And career. THE diagnostics arrived After She lost A big Rising of weight, And he has affected her In negative ways.

"He causes hair loss, your eyes bulge," She said In 2015. "My blood pressure was always up Since just overwork. »

Missy friend, rapper Sharaya J, Also talked about how THE disease affected her When She First of all begin functioning After her diagnostic. "He begin has change her path of life," She revealed. "There were physical changes, extreme headache, extreme weight loss. What that do has A person, be A public figure And awareness people are look, judge? It is A difficult thing. »

Missy Elliott Missy was diagnostic with The graves disease In 2008. (BRIEN FRIEDMAN/Shutterstock)

Find out more about Missy journey with The graves disease And THE disease himself below.

Missy Elliott Diagnostic With The graves Disease

Missy was First of all diagnostic with The graves disease After She lost A plot of weight In 2008. "I was sick And I I could not even elevator A pen," Missy said about how THE disease affected her, In A speech has Essence magazines 9th annual Black Women In Music event In 2018. "My nervous system had broken all THE path down. I doesn't come up In here In A Wheelchair. Person help Me get up here. I am while walking…by THE Grace of God. »

What East The graves Disease?

The graves disease East “an autoimmune trouble which can cause hyperthyroidism, Or overactive thyroid," according to has THE . THE NIH Also States that "thyroid hormones control THE path your body uses energy" And because of This, they affect each organ In THE body, even how THE heart beats.

"Your immune system attacks your thyroid gland, provoking he has TO DO more thyroid hormones that your body needs," according to has NIH. This can cause A the body functions has speed upwards.

How Long HAS Missy Elliott Has been Sick?

Missy begin get sick around THE time She was diagnostic. A of her most serious pre-diagnosis symptoms was A involuntary shaking In her leg, And he cause her has almost accident her car, according to has . reported that Missy received radiation treatment And drugs has help shrink THE thyroid gland.

How East Missy Elliott Do Today?

"I was on medicine For A short while but to have has been disabled he For enough a few time NOW," A little years After her diagnostic. "I manage THE condition through diet And exercise." She has Also mentioned how She has guard her diagnostic below control NOW, And keep on going has live A life complete of gratitude.

Despite THE long path she is come, Missy has has been open about suffering Since other That...

Missy Elliott's Health: Her Battle with Graves' Disease and How She's Doing Today
Missy Elliott

Missy Elliott, 52, East known as A talented rapper, but When she is not manufacturing securities with her music, she is TO DO SO For her health. THE talented star has has been open about be diagnostic with The graves disease In 2008 And has previously talked about how It is affected her life And career. THE diagnostics arrived After She lost A big Rising of weight, And he has affected her In negative ways.

"He causes hair loss, your eyes bulge," She said In 2015. "My blood pressure was always up Since just overwork. »

Missy friend, rapper Sharaya J, Also talked about how THE disease affected her When She First of all begin functioning After her diagnostic. "He begin has change her path of life," She revealed. "There were physical changes, extreme headache, extreme weight loss. What that do has A person, be A public figure And awareness people are look, judge? It is A difficult thing. »

Missy Elliott Missy was diagnostic with The graves disease In 2008. (BRIEN FRIEDMAN/Shutterstock)

Find out more about Missy journey with The graves disease And THE disease himself below.

Missy Elliott Diagnostic With The graves Disease

Missy was First of all diagnostic with The graves disease After She lost A plot of weight In 2008. "I was sick And I I could not even elevator A pen," Missy said about how THE disease affected her, In A speech has Essence magazines 9th annual Black Women In Music event In 2018. "My nervous system had broken all THE path down. I doesn't come up In here In A Wheelchair. Person help Me get up here. I am while walking…by THE Grace of God. »

What East The graves Disease?

The graves disease East “an autoimmune trouble which can cause hyperthyroidism, Or overactive thyroid," according to has THE . THE NIH Also States that "thyroid hormones control THE path your body uses energy" And because of This, they affect each organ In THE body, even how THE heart beats.

"Your immune system attacks your thyroid gland, provoking he has TO DO more thyroid hormones that your body needs," according to has NIH. This can cause A the body functions has speed upwards.

How Long HAS Missy Elliott Has been Sick?

Missy begin get sick around THE time She was diagnostic. A of her most serious pre-diagnosis symptoms was A involuntary shaking In her leg, And he cause her has almost accident her car, according to has . reported that Missy received radiation treatment And drugs has help shrink THE thyroid gland.

How East Missy Elliott Do Today?

"I was on medicine For A short while but to have has been disabled he For enough a few time NOW," A little years After her diagnostic. "I manage THE condition through diet And exercise." She has Also mentioned how She has guard her diagnostic below control NOW, And keep on going has live A life complete of gratitude.

Despite THE long path she is come, Missy has has been open about suffering Since other That...

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