My urine is foamy

I am a 35 year old woman who has just gone to bed. I recently noticed that my urine was foamy. I would appreciate it if you could tell me what caused this problem and what I can do to fix it.

Adams (by SMS)

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Normal urine is clear, with a yellowish tint, without blood or foam. But foam is different from bubbles. While bubbles are larger, clear and flushable, foam, on the other hand, is white and remains in the toilet after flushing. Foamy urine is a sign of protein in the urine, which is not normal. The kidneys filter proteins, but must keep them in the body. If the kidneys release proteins into the urine, they are not working properly. This can be caused by a number of diseases that directly affect the kidneys, but can also be a symptom of a medical problem affecting other systems in your body. If you notice foam in your urine, it is advisable to consult your doctor. A simple urine test can confirm whether and how much protein you have in your urine. Based on the results of these tests, your medical history, and a thorough examination, your doctor may send you to a specialist for further testing and care. It is important to note that foamy urine, accompanied by swollen legs and swelling around the eyes, can indicate a serious health problem. If you experience these three symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately.


VIDEO: The Untold Story of Out-of-School Children in Ibadan Press Time Podcast: Soft skills, opportunities, and things in between

My urine is foamy

I am a 35 year old woman who has just gone to bed. I recently noticed that my urine was foamy. I would appreciate it if you could tell me what caused this problem and what I can do to fix it.

Adams (by SMS)

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Normal urine is clear, with a yellowish tint, without blood or foam. But foam is different from bubbles. While bubbles are larger, clear and flushable, foam, on the other hand, is white and remains in the toilet after flushing. Foamy urine is a sign of protein in the urine, which is not normal. The kidneys filter proteins, but must keep them in the body. If the kidneys release proteins into the urine, they are not working properly. This can be caused by a number of diseases that directly affect the kidneys, but can also be a symptom of a medical problem affecting other systems in your body. If you notice foam in your urine, it is advisable to consult your doctor. A simple urine test can confirm whether and how much protein you have in your urine. Based on the results of these tests, your medical history, and a thorough examination, your doctor may send you to a specialist for further testing and care. It is important to note that foamy urine, accompanied by swollen legs and swelling around the eyes, can indicate a serious health problem. If you experience these three symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately.


VIDEO: The Untold Story of Out-of-School Children in Ibadan Press Time Podcast: Soft skills, opportunities, and things in between

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