Nigel Slater's Fresh Soup Recipes for Spring

Whenever I find watercress in good condition, I buy enough to make not only salad but also a pot of emerald soup. By "good condition" I mean large-leaved, thick-stemmed, and with deeper green leaves. Watercress as it should be, with glossy, deeply peppery leaves bursting with health. Watercress with spirit.

Like salad leaves, watercress is the hardest to keep in good condition, such is its love (and need) of fresh, clear and running water. The boots were once sold on the streets of Victorian London by "watercress girls" who regularly refreshed the leaves at the city's many water pumps.

Until there A few years ago, greengrocers stored the bunches in white, waxed cartons, which they sprayed throughout the day to keep them fresh. A decent bouquet is now a rare sight in my part of the country, replaced by the softer "landcress", which in my opinion is a wimpy version.

Another green joy to go spring shopping is to find bunches of carrots with a feathery plume of leaves attached. They make a spicy little pesto when pounded or tossed with pine nuts, garlic, and basil. (I use almonds because the price of premium thin pine nuts is now unbelievable.) I don't add parmesan cheese, but you certainly can.

Such vibrant batter is a dazzling addition to carrot soup or as a dressing for new potatoes fresh from the steamer. Palms can be made ahead, refrigerated overnight, and baked the next day. For 4 people

shallots 2, currant 1 clove butter 20gpotatoes 200gvegetable broth 750ml, watercress 350g (leaves and stems)cream only optional

Peel and finely chop the shallots and garlic. Melt the butter in a deep saucepan. Add the shallots and garlic and cook, colorless, for 7-10 minutes until tender. Stir regularly to prevent them from browning.

Peel and coarsely chop the potatoes and add them to the shallots. Continue cooking for 5 minutes, pour in the broth and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, 15 to 20 minutes, until the potatoes are tender.

Have a large bowl of water with ice cubes handy . Bring a pot of water to a boil, add the watercress and cook for 30 seconds. Then remove the watercress and immediately plunge it into the ice water. Drain the watercress as soon as it is cold, add it to the potatoes and broth, then reduce to a thick soup using a blender. Taste and adjust the seasoning. Check the heat and texture, and, if desired, introduce a little cream. Serve with the palms (below) em>

sheet of puff pastry 325g, thawedCaerphilly cheese 100g, finely grated dijon mustard 1 CSpegg 1 little parmesan cheese, finely grated< /p>

Roll out the puff pastry into a rectangle about 30cm x 20cm. Flip the dough over so the long side is facing you. Mix grated cheese and mustard, grind with a little black pepper and sprinkle over the dough. Firmly roll the left side of the dough towards the middle, then stop when you reach the middle. Repeat with the right side, so that the 2 tight rolls are touching.

Crack the egg into a small bowl, beat lightly with a fork to combine the yolk and the white, then brush a little along the edges of each roll and press together to seal. Wrap tightly in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Set the oven to 200°C/thermostat 6. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Remove the roll of dough from the fridge, cut it into 20 pencil-thick slices, then place each slice flat on the baking sheet, leaving a little space between them for each to rise. Brush the sides of the pastries with a little egg, then sprinkle the top surface with Parmesan cheese. are risen, crispy and golden. Remove from baking sheet and serve with soup.

Carrot Soup with Carrot Leaf Pesto

Nigel Slater's Fresh Soup Recipes for Spring

Whenever I find watercress in good condition, I buy enough to make not only salad but also a pot of emerald soup. By "good condition" I mean large-leaved, thick-stemmed, and with deeper green leaves. Watercress as it should be, with glossy, deeply peppery leaves bursting with health. Watercress with spirit.

Like salad leaves, watercress is the hardest to keep in good condition, such is its love (and need) of fresh, clear and running water. The boots were once sold on the streets of Victorian London by "watercress girls" who regularly refreshed the leaves at the city's many water pumps.

Until there A few years ago, greengrocers stored the bunches in white, waxed cartons, which they sprayed throughout the day to keep them fresh. A decent bouquet is now a rare sight in my part of the country, replaced by the softer "landcress", which in my opinion is a wimpy version.

Another green joy to go spring shopping is to find bunches of carrots with a feathery plume of leaves attached. They make a spicy little pesto when pounded or tossed with pine nuts, garlic, and basil. (I use almonds because the price of premium thin pine nuts is now unbelievable.) I don't add parmesan cheese, but you certainly can.

Such vibrant batter is a dazzling addition to carrot soup or as a dressing for new potatoes fresh from the steamer. Palms can be made ahead, refrigerated overnight, and baked the next day. For 4 people

shallots 2, currant 1 clove butter 20gpotatoes 200gvegetable broth 750ml, watercress 350g (leaves and stems)cream only optional

Peel and finely chop the shallots and garlic. Melt the butter in a deep saucepan. Add the shallots and garlic and cook, colorless, for 7-10 minutes until tender. Stir regularly to prevent them from browning.

Peel and coarsely chop the potatoes and add them to the shallots. Continue cooking for 5 minutes, pour in the broth and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, 15 to 20 minutes, until the potatoes are tender.

Have a large bowl of water with ice cubes handy . Bring a pot of water to a boil, add the watercress and cook for 30 seconds. Then remove the watercress and immediately plunge it into the ice water. Drain the watercress as soon as it is cold, add it to the potatoes and broth, then reduce to a thick soup using a blender. Taste and adjust the seasoning. Check the heat and texture, and, if desired, introduce a little cream. Serve with the palms (below) em>

sheet of puff pastry 325g, thawedCaerphilly cheese 100g, finely grated dijon mustard 1 CSpegg 1 little parmesan cheese, finely grated< /p>

Roll out the puff pastry into a rectangle about 30cm x 20cm. Flip the dough over so the long side is facing you. Mix grated cheese and mustard, grind with a little black pepper and sprinkle over the dough. Firmly roll the left side of the dough towards the middle, then stop when you reach the middle. Repeat with the right side, so that the 2 tight rolls are touching.

Crack the egg into a small bowl, beat lightly with a fork to combine the yolk and the white, then brush a little along the edges of each roll and press together to seal. Wrap tightly in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Set the oven to 200°C/thermostat 6. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Remove the roll of dough from the fridge, cut it into 20 pencil-thick slices, then place each slice flat on the baking sheet, leaving a little space between them for each to rise. Brush the sides of the pastries with a little egg, then sprinkle the top surface with Parmesan cheese. are risen, crispy and golden. Remove from baking sheet and serve with soup.

Carrot Soup with Carrot Leaf Pesto

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