NigeriaDecides2023: AU, Ghana, Sierra Leone and Gambia congratulate Tinubu

The African Union and the governments of Ghana, Gambia and Sierra Leone have congratulated the President-elect of Nigeria, Bola Tinubu.

Mr. Tinubu beat 17 other candidates to win last Saturday's presidential election.

The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Mahamat, in a statement "warmly" congratulated Mr. Tinubu on being declared the winner of the presidential elections.

He also commended Nigerians for showing resilience in their commitment to democratic values ​​by voting for leaders of their choice.

Mr. Mahamat called on stakeholders to uphold peace and the rule of law while urging aggrieved parties to file complaints through the judiciary as provided by law.

He thanked Uhuru Kenyatta, former President of the Republic of Kenya and Head of the African Union Electoral Mission in Nigeria, ECOWAS and other partners for their fruitful collaboration for a peaceful electoral process in Nigeria.

“The President renews the commitment of the African Union to support the sister Federal Republic of Nigeria in its journey to deepen democracy, good governance, sustainable development and consolidate peace, security and stability in the country,” the statement read.

The President of Ghana, Nana Afudo-Addo, wrote in a tweet: "On behalf of the people of Ghana and their government, I send my warmest congratulations to the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Bola Ahmed Tinubu, for his victory in the Nigerian presidential election on Saturday February 25."



He said Mr Tinubu's victory has ensured that the ruling APC government has four more years to stay in power, which he hopes will go a long way to improving the quality of governance, the rule of law and the performance of the Nigerian economy.

Mr. Akufo-Addo praised the People's Democratic Party and Labor Party candidates for their vigorous and well-run campaigns.

“I am convinced that their reactions to the election results will strengthen the frontiers of Nigerian democracy and consolidate the peace and stability of Nigeria, the giant of Africa,” he said.

The Ghanaian leader said he expects Mr. Tinubu to continue the efforts of former Nigerian leaders to deepen the relationship between Nigeria and Ghana, which is based on a common agenda of freedom, development, security, progress and prosperity.

Furthermore, the President of Sierra Leone, Julius Bio, in a tweet congratulated the President-elect of Nigeria on behalf of the government and people of Sierra Leone.

“I wish to congratulate President-elect of #Nigeria Bola Ahmed Tinubu @officialABAT on his victory in the elections. Nigeria has again set a shining example for the region as a beacon of hope in promoting democracy” , he tweeted.

Mr. Boi wished Mr. Tinubu the best as he crafts his national development strategy to build a lasting legacy.

Kogi AD

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NigeriaDecides2023: AU, Ghana, Sierra Leone and Gambia congratulate Tinubu

The African Union and the governments of Ghana, Gambia and Sierra Leone have congratulated the President-elect of Nigeria, Bola Tinubu.

Mr. Tinubu beat 17 other candidates to win last Saturday's presidential election.

The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Mahamat, in a statement "warmly" congratulated Mr. Tinubu on being declared the winner of the presidential elections.

He also commended Nigerians for showing resilience in their commitment to democratic values ​​by voting for leaders of their choice.

Mr. Mahamat called on stakeholders to uphold peace and the rule of law while urging aggrieved parties to file complaints through the judiciary as provided by law.

He thanked Uhuru Kenyatta, former President of the Republic of Kenya and Head of the African Union Electoral Mission in Nigeria, ECOWAS and other partners for their fruitful collaboration for a peaceful electoral process in Nigeria.

“The President renews the commitment of the African Union to support the sister Federal Republic of Nigeria in its journey to deepen democracy, good governance, sustainable development and consolidate peace, security and stability in the country,” the statement read.

The President of Ghana, Nana Afudo-Addo, wrote in a tweet: "On behalf of the people of Ghana and their government, I send my warmest congratulations to the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Bola Ahmed Tinubu, for his victory in the Nigerian presidential election on Saturday February 25."



He said Mr Tinubu's victory has ensured that the ruling APC government has four more years to stay in power, which he hopes will go a long way to improving the quality of governance, the rule of law and the performance of the Nigerian economy.

Mr. Akufo-Addo praised the People's Democratic Party and Labor Party candidates for their vigorous and well-run campaigns.

“I am convinced that their reactions to the election results will strengthen the frontiers of Nigerian democracy and consolidate the peace and stability of Nigeria, the giant of Africa,” he said.

The Ghanaian leader said he expects Mr. Tinubu to continue the efforts of former Nigerian leaders to deepen the relationship between Nigeria and Ghana, which is based on a common agenda of freedom, development, security, progress and prosperity.

Furthermore, the President of Sierra Leone, Julius Bio, in a tweet congratulated the President-elect of Nigeria on behalf of the government and people of Sierra Leone.

“I wish to congratulate President-elect of #Nigeria Bola Ahmed Tinubu @officialABAT on his victory in the elections. Nigeria has again set a shining example for the region as a beacon of hope in promoting democracy” , he tweeted.

Mr. Boi wished Mr. Tinubu the best as he crafts his national development strategy to build a lasting legacy.

Kogi AD

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