NIS2 Compliance: Simplifying Security with Password Management

Cyber threats are become more frequent And sophisticated, And he East imperative has take proactive measures has backup against them.

Organizations should invest strongly In robust digital security measures, especially For services And Infrastructure that are critical has THE public.

This East Why THE European union (EU) promulgated THE NIS2 directive - has establish heart cyber security standards through sectors.

What East THE NIS2 directive?

“NIS” stands For network And information system. Pass by THE EU Parliament, THE complete title East "Directive (EU) 2022/2555 of THE European Parliament And of THE Advice of 14 December 2022 on measures For A high common level of cyber security through THE Union, amendment Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 And Directive (EU) 2018/1972, And repeal Directive (EU) 2016/1148 (NIS 2 Directive)."

THE NIS2 directive requires organizations In critical sectors has take appropriate measures has mitigate cyber risks. Password managers Effectively improve cyber security And ensure compliance with other relevant frames, as ISO/IEC 27001 And ISAE 3402.

This article explain how password managers can improve cyber security And help organizations meet THE password security requirements of THE NIS2 directive And other relevant frames.

Understanding NIS2 guidelines For improved security

THE last State of Cyber ​​security 2023 report by ISACA revealed A worrying orient yourself - only 11% of organizations are seeing A decrease In cyber attacks. Even more concerning, 38% of respondents saw increase the attacks, while 31% saw No change.

Look has these worrying statistics sheds light on Why NIS2 compliance East all THE more critical NOW.

While NIS2 guidelines represent THE First of all Really complete legal directive on cyber security In THE European Union, baby not towards This measure to have has been taken Since as early as 2013 When THE First of all cyber security strategy was adopted.

In 2016, THE Directive on Security of Network And Information Systems through THE EU was adopted And came has be called THE NIS directive. With cyber threats quickly evolving, THE EU cyber security strategy For 2020-2025 exposed THE mistake of THE NIS directive And research has transform how critical entities were protected.

All these not peaked In THE development of NIS2 (THE old directive East NOW referred has as NIS1), with THE original proposal setting ahead three major objectives:

Increase THE level of cyber resilience of A complete together of companies Operating In THE European Union… which fill important functions For THE economy And Company as A entire. Reduce inconsistencies In resilience through THE internal walk In THE sectors Already covered by THE directive. Improve THE level of joint situational awareness And THE collective aptitude has prepare And answer.

THE NIS2 directive Finally came In force In January 2023, And EU member States are expected has adopt THE required measures as national law In their respective countries In 21 month. With A target date of 17 October 2024, State parliaments to have less that A year has pass THE requirements as law.

A estimated 160,000 companies In up has 15 sectors are covered. This East A significant improvement has NIS1, which applied has only Seven sectors.

Comparison of the sectors covered in NIS1 and NIS2

Source: NIS2 Directive

A few sectors covered by THE NIS2 directive include energy, health, transportation, finance, food, manufacturing, etc. What East common has all these entities East that they handle essential services And critical infrastructure.

Important entities and essential covered by NIS2


NIS2 Compliance: Simplifying Security with Password Management

Cyber threats are become more frequent And sophisticated, And he East imperative has take proactive measures has backup against them.

Organizations should invest strongly In robust digital security measures, especially For services And Infrastructure that are critical has THE public.

This East Why THE European union (EU) promulgated THE NIS2 directive - has establish heart cyber security standards through sectors.

What East THE NIS2 directive?

“NIS” stands For network And information system. Pass by THE EU Parliament, THE complete title East "Directive (EU) 2022/2555 of THE European Parliament And of THE Advice of 14 December 2022 on measures For A high common level of cyber security through THE Union, amendment Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 And Directive (EU) 2018/1972, And repeal Directive (EU) 2016/1148 (NIS 2 Directive)."

THE NIS2 directive requires organizations In critical sectors has take appropriate measures has mitigate cyber risks. Password managers Effectively improve cyber security And ensure compliance with other relevant frames, as ISO/IEC 27001 And ISAE 3402.

This article explain how password managers can improve cyber security And help organizations meet THE password security requirements of THE NIS2 directive And other relevant frames.

Understanding NIS2 guidelines For improved security

THE last State of Cyber ​​security 2023 report by ISACA revealed A worrying orient yourself - only 11% of organizations are seeing A decrease In cyber attacks. Even more concerning, 38% of respondents saw increase the attacks, while 31% saw No change.

Look has these worrying statistics sheds light on Why NIS2 compliance East all THE more critical NOW.

While NIS2 guidelines represent THE First of all Really complete legal directive on cyber security In THE European Union, baby not towards This measure to have has been taken Since as early as 2013 When THE First of all cyber security strategy was adopted.

In 2016, THE Directive on Security of Network And Information Systems through THE EU was adopted And came has be called THE NIS directive. With cyber threats quickly evolving, THE EU cyber security strategy For 2020-2025 exposed THE mistake of THE NIS directive And research has transform how critical entities were protected.

All these not peaked In THE development of NIS2 (THE old directive East NOW referred has as NIS1), with THE original proposal setting ahead three major objectives:

Increase THE level of cyber resilience of A complete together of companies Operating In THE European Union… which fill important functions For THE economy And Company as A entire. Reduce inconsistencies In resilience through THE internal walk In THE sectors Already covered by THE directive. Improve THE level of joint situational awareness And THE collective aptitude has prepare And answer.

THE NIS2 directive Finally came In force In January 2023, And EU member States are expected has adopt THE required measures as national law In their respective countries In 21 month. With A target date of 17 October 2024, State parliaments to have less that A year has pass THE requirements as law.

A estimated 160,000 companies In up has 15 sectors are covered. This East A significant improvement has NIS1, which applied has only Seven sectors.

Comparison of the sectors covered in NIS1 and NIS2

Source: NIS2 Directive

A few sectors covered by THE NIS2 directive include energy, health, transportation, finance, food, manufacturing, etc. What East common has all these entities East that they handle essential services And critical infrastructure.

Important entities and essential covered by NIS2


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