No more need for rhetoric to alleviate difficulties

THE year 2023, was A of THE the hardest years Nigerians to have Never suffered After THE ugly experience of civil war. After eight years of THE pass immediate administration distraught Strategies Nigerians Never wish THE following administration has follow THE ancient the system of government paths. They hoped has to have THE best brains In THE economic team that would be come up with Strategies has help THE country reach It is economic ambition, not inhuman Strategies that will turn a lot Nigerians In poor people during the night.

He East clear has all And miscellaneous that Nigeria East currently has THE edge of THE precipice as life became miserable For THE bigger population of Nigerians In terms of THE economic, security, food security, social, And ethno-religious difficult situation.

Without any of them iota of doubt, THE current administration took on A bankruptcy economy When he came In. But SO, THE most recent administration added salt has injury has THE country difficulties.

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Against THE background of THE tests, M Of the president inaugural speech to have significantly contributed has THE here situation with her Single paragraph about THE deletion of fuel subsidy.

A little days later, THE administration Also announcement THE unification of THE exchange rate of THE naira.

Again, THE Naira that was exchange has N700 has A dollar SO East NOW above 1,200 naira. THE unification has not has been reached as THE Naira each who passed day gets weaker has THE black market.

These Strategies to have overnight turned a lot Nigerians In poor people. Food East NOW A Herculean stain For a lot families. Nigerians are NOW picking food Since THE garbage. NOW, poor families are deliberately Sending in progress their children In modern times slavery all In A offer has survive THE hard times. A few to have become domestic help, while others are attracted In prostitution both has House And In stranger lands.

THE World Bank said that on 133 million Nigerians are suffering Since What he called multidimensional poverty. THE nation has Never had he SO bad!

Those WHO are functioning are discovery he difficult has to face due has THE high cost of most essential. Worse, millions of people are unemployed. Prices of food product And other household essential are always on THE increase on A hourly base.

Masses are fatigue of with usual rhetoric of THE country leaders which East "I feel your pains; We need has TO DO sacrifices by sustainable THE pain," among others. Nigerians to have had enough of those rhetoric, has last them A for life.

THE pass month to have has been very difficult. They were THE the hardest For Nigerians In SO a lot ways.

Even However THE president admitted has THE suffering of poor citizens, THE administration seems as he has not do THE necessary has relieve THE suffering.

Nigerians to want THE renewed hope administration has investigate alleged Treasury looting. THE MDA are mired down In THE mud of graft. Treasury plunder East Also going on tirelessly And THE alleged authors are walk freely. Only THE ancient CNB governor East Before THE court.

As A matter of emergency, President Tinubu should investigate And to recover money looted Since civil servants that served below that of Buhari Government. This has become imperative In see of how funds supposed For THE a lot of ordinary citizens were wasted during THE last eight years. THE investigation should not be limit has CNB And THE Humanitarian ministry. There East need For those on THE rod of business has feel bold In THE investigation despite THE do that they are Since even to party. THE restored booty can be used has funds THE budget.

Abba Dukawa, [email protected]


Keywords: rhetoric of difficulties

No more need for rhetoric to alleviate difficulties

THE year 2023, was A of THE the hardest years Nigerians to have Never suffered After THE ugly experience of civil war. After eight years of THE pass immediate administration distraught Strategies Nigerians Never wish THE following administration has follow THE ancient the system of government paths. They hoped has to have THE best brains In THE economic team that would be come up with Strategies has help THE country reach It is economic ambition, not inhuman Strategies that will turn a lot Nigerians In poor people during the night.

He East clear has all And miscellaneous that Nigeria East currently has THE edge of THE precipice as life became miserable For THE bigger population of Nigerians In terms of THE economic, security, food security, social, And ethno-religious difficult situation.

Without any of them iota of doubt, THE current administration took on A bankruptcy economy When he came In. But SO, THE most recent administration added salt has injury has THE country difficulties.

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Against THE background of THE tests, M Of the president inaugural speech to have significantly contributed has THE here situation with her Single paragraph about THE deletion of fuel subsidy.

A little days later, THE administration Also announcement THE unification of THE exchange rate of THE naira.

Again, THE Naira that was exchange has N700 has A dollar SO East NOW above 1,200 naira. THE unification has not has been reached as THE Naira each who passed day gets weaker has THE black market.

These Strategies to have overnight turned a lot Nigerians In poor people. Food East NOW A Herculean stain For a lot families. Nigerians are NOW picking food Since THE garbage. NOW, poor families are deliberately Sending in progress their children In modern times slavery all In A offer has survive THE hard times. A few to have become domestic help, while others are attracted In prostitution both has House And In stranger lands.

THE World Bank said that on 133 million Nigerians are suffering Since What he called multidimensional poverty. THE nation has Never had he SO bad!

Those WHO are functioning are discovery he difficult has to face due has THE high cost of most essential. Worse, millions of people are unemployed. Prices of food product And other household essential are always on THE increase on A hourly base.

Masses are fatigue of with usual rhetoric of THE country leaders which East "I feel your pains; We need has TO DO sacrifices by sustainable THE pain," among others. Nigerians to have had enough of those rhetoric, has last them A for life.

THE pass month to have has been very difficult. They were THE the hardest For Nigerians In SO a lot ways.

Even However THE president admitted has THE suffering of poor citizens, THE administration seems as he has not do THE necessary has relieve THE suffering.

Nigerians to want THE renewed hope administration has investigate alleged Treasury looting. THE MDA are mired down In THE mud of graft. Treasury plunder East Also going on tirelessly And THE alleged authors are walk freely. Only THE ancient CNB governor East Before THE court.

As A matter of emergency, President Tinubu should investigate And to recover money looted Since civil servants that served below that of Buhari Government. This has become imperative In see of how funds supposed For THE a lot of ordinary citizens were wasted during THE last eight years. THE investigation should not be limit has CNB And THE Humanitarian ministry. There East need For those on THE rod of business has feel bold In THE investigation despite THE do that they are Since even to party. THE restored booty can be used has funds THE budget.

Abba Dukawa, [email protected]


Keywords: rhetoric of difficulties

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