NSCDC women's team to secure schools nationwide

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Nigeria's Security and Civil Defense Corps has declared a state of emergency in schools across the country. It was then that he formed a specialist women's team on sustainable measures and strategies to be used to protect schools nationwide, with the aim of proactively protecting Nigeria's educational institutions and reducing threats. to safety.

DCG Crisis and Disaster Management, Nnamdi Nwinyi, who represented the NSCDC Commander General, Ahmed Audi, at a two-day event in Abuja, noted that the workshop was appropriate, timely and important for the implementation federal government's Safe School initiative.

He pointed out that the workshop took place at a time when the country is facing security challenges, which requires more pragmatic actions to reduce the threat of insecurity in the country.

While praising the team for their efforts to fend off numerous student abduction attempts and, more importantly, keeping schools safe at all times, he hinted that the specialist women's team since its inception has made tremendous progress against the ugly trend of kidnapping schoolchildren for ransom.

The CG representative urged the unit to remain focused, resilient, and committed to keeping schools safe and protecting students, teachers, and other workers.

He said, "The learning environment must be free from violence and crime in order to achieve excellence in education, which is essential for the growth and development of the nation.

“Nothing in the world could be as precious as our children, which is why we have declared an emergency in this sector to mitigate the multi-faceted threats that threaten the nation's security architecture, especially the attacks on educational institutions by thugs, kidnappers and bandits.

"We have developed strategic plans and a solid blueprint that will crystallize into more focused action to overcome these hostilities and achieve safe and sustainable schools in Nigeria.

“Note that the workshop is structured to develop your abilities as female squad unit members, so you should compare notes, engage in critical thinking, and come up with more robust models to arrive at safe and sustainable schools in Nigeria".< /p>

Nwinyi assured that schools will remain safe and conducive for Nigerian children as the Corps collaborates and cooperates extensively with other security officers in the fight against all forms of crime across the country.

He instructed the workshop participants to impart the lessons, skills and knowledge acquired during the training to their colleagues and subordinates for the effective performance of their duties.

In his remarks, Supersonic Limited Managing Director Frank Ohwofa thanked the Commanding General for giving his company the opportunity to facilitate the training and commended his foresight in establishing the specialist female squad .

He noted that the workshop was designed to educate the female squad unit on new security trends and models employed by bandits and kidnappers for ransom.

He said, "The workshop will interrogate in-depth public emergency safety systems that can be deployed by the Corps in conjunction with other stakeholders to effectively harness the Corps' kinetic assets for maximum performance, thus improving the response time to violent incidents in places of learning.”

He said the workshop is in line with the imperative to provide strong interventionist and proactive measures to mitigate the multi-faceted threats facing the nation.

He described those chosen to lead the fight against kidnappings and other forms of insecurity threatening a safe learning environment during these difficult times in our nation's history as patriots.


On the other hand, he instructed the participants to take advantage of the training to capitalize on the training already acquired before with a view to filling the necessary gaps.

He advised them, at the end of the strategic train-the-trainer capacity building workshop, to domesticate the knowledge and skills acquired in their various state command headquarters.

He assured that with the cream of experts available at the workshop, participants will leave the program sharpened, invigorated and better informed with new strategic planning tactics and the execution of school safety protocols.< /p>

He called on the federal government, state governments, private school owners and all stakeholders in the education sector to give maximum support to the efforts of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps under the able leadership of the current commanding general. for better safety and protection of schools, students, teachers and workers nationwide.

NSCDC women's team to secure schools nationwide

Please share this story:

Nigeria's Security and Civil Defense Corps has declared a state of emergency in schools across the country. It was then that he formed a specialist women's team on sustainable measures and strategies to be used to protect schools nationwide, with the aim of proactively protecting Nigeria's educational institutions and reducing threats. to safety.

DCG Crisis and Disaster Management, Nnamdi Nwinyi, who represented the NSCDC Commander General, Ahmed Audi, at a two-day event in Abuja, noted that the workshop was appropriate, timely and important for the implementation federal government's Safe School initiative.

He pointed out that the workshop took place at a time when the country is facing security challenges, which requires more pragmatic actions to reduce the threat of insecurity in the country.

While praising the team for their efforts to fend off numerous student abduction attempts and, more importantly, keeping schools safe at all times, he hinted that the specialist women's team since its inception has made tremendous progress against the ugly trend of kidnapping schoolchildren for ransom.

The CG representative urged the unit to remain focused, resilient, and committed to keeping schools safe and protecting students, teachers, and other workers.

He said, "The learning environment must be free from violence and crime in order to achieve excellence in education, which is essential for the growth and development of the nation.

“Nothing in the world could be as precious as our children, which is why we have declared an emergency in this sector to mitigate the multi-faceted threats that threaten the nation's security architecture, especially the attacks on educational institutions by thugs, kidnappers and bandits.

"We have developed strategic plans and a solid blueprint that will crystallize into more focused action to overcome these hostilities and achieve safe and sustainable schools in Nigeria.

“Note that the workshop is structured to develop your abilities as female squad unit members, so you should compare notes, engage in critical thinking, and come up with more robust models to arrive at safe and sustainable schools in Nigeria".< /p>

Nwinyi assured that schools will remain safe and conducive for Nigerian children as the Corps collaborates and cooperates extensively with other security officers in the fight against all forms of crime across the country.

He instructed the workshop participants to impart the lessons, skills and knowledge acquired during the training to their colleagues and subordinates for the effective performance of their duties.

In his remarks, Supersonic Limited Managing Director Frank Ohwofa thanked the Commanding General for giving his company the opportunity to facilitate the training and commended his foresight in establishing the specialist female squad .

He noted that the workshop was designed to educate the female squad unit on new security trends and models employed by bandits and kidnappers for ransom.

He said, "The workshop will interrogate in-depth public emergency safety systems that can be deployed by the Corps in conjunction with other stakeholders to effectively harness the Corps' kinetic assets for maximum performance, thus improving the response time to violent incidents in places of learning.”

He said the workshop is in line with the imperative to provide strong interventionist and proactive measures to mitigate the multi-faceted threats facing the nation.

He described those chosen to lead the fight against kidnappings and other forms of insecurity threatening a safe learning environment during these difficult times in our nation's history as patriots.


On the other hand, he instructed the participants to take advantage of the training to capitalize on the training already acquired before with a view to filling the necessary gaps.

He advised them, at the end of the strategic train-the-trainer capacity building workshop, to domesticate the knowledge and skills acquired in their various state command headquarters.

He assured that with the cream of experts available at the workshop, participants will leave the program sharpened, invigorated and better informed with new strategic planning tactics and the execution of school safety protocols.< /p>

He called on the federal government, state governments, private school owners and all stakeholders in the education sector to give maximum support to the efforts of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps under the able leadership of the current commanding general. for better safety and protection of schools, students, teachers and workers nationwide.

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