Ortom will buy AK-47, others for security equipment

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Benue State Governor Samuel Ortom on Thursday unveiled the state's security team known as the Community Volunteer Guards.

He promised that his administration would legally procure AK-47s, AK-49s and other sophisticated weapons for the group.

Ortom said 500 personnel from the state's 23 local government areas were recruited from the first batch.

The new recruits were unveiled during the Passing Out Parade held at IBB Square, Makurdi.

The governor said his administration decided to assemble the security team because of the federal government's failure to disarm Fulani terrorists.

Ortom said, "Benue State was particularly targeted because of the historic episode of 1804, but also because my administration's insistence on the rule of law rather than the rule of terror and for having always supported my people in their refusal to return their land, identity and Judeo-Christian faith and values ​​to the Islamization agenda.

"Since the federal government has consistently failed to disarm Fulani terrorists who have continued to maim and kill our people at will, the state government will seek a license to legally procure AK47s, AK49s and other sophisticated weapons for Benue State Volunteer Guards to enable them to effectively fight against these murderous terrorists.

“To do this effectively, the Benue State Government has approved a two-week capacity building program for five hundred (500) community volunteer guard personnel to learn some basic paramilitary aspects. The training which started on June 29, 2022 with five hundred (500) participants from the 23 local government areas and three senatorial districts ended on July 12, 2022.

"A date for Batch 2 would also be announced as soon as possible."

The governor expressed his optimism that the unveiling of the security equipment will improve the state, stressing, "The issue of banditry, kidnappings, robberies and, above all, the issue of terrorist attacks on Fulani herdsmen would be kept to a bare minimum.”

He assured that the operations of the Benue State Community Volunteer Guards would be strictly guided by law and warned that any personnel found operating outside of said law would be immediately directed out.


Thirty operational vehicles and 200 communication gadgets have been purchased to enable the volunteer guards to operate at maximum capacity.

Ortom will buy AK-47, others for security equipment

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Benue State Governor Samuel Ortom on Thursday unveiled the state's security team known as the Community Volunteer Guards.

He promised that his administration would legally procure AK-47s, AK-49s and other sophisticated weapons for the group.

Ortom said 500 personnel from the state's 23 local government areas were recruited from the first batch.

The new recruits were unveiled during the Passing Out Parade held at IBB Square, Makurdi.

The governor said his administration decided to assemble the security team because of the federal government's failure to disarm Fulani terrorists.

Ortom said, "Benue State was particularly targeted because of the historic episode of 1804, but also because my administration's insistence on the rule of law rather than the rule of terror and for having always supported my people in their refusal to return their land, identity and Judeo-Christian faith and values ​​to the Islamization agenda.

"Since the federal government has consistently failed to disarm Fulani terrorists who have continued to maim and kill our people at will, the state government will seek a license to legally procure AK47s, AK49s and other sophisticated weapons for Benue State Volunteer Guards to enable them to effectively fight against these murderous terrorists.

“To do this effectively, the Benue State Government has approved a two-week capacity building program for five hundred (500) community volunteer guard personnel to learn some basic paramilitary aspects. The training which started on June 29, 2022 with five hundred (500) participants from the 23 local government areas and three senatorial districts ended on July 12, 2022.

"A date for Batch 2 would also be announced as soon as possible."

The governor expressed his optimism that the unveiling of the security equipment will improve the state, stressing, "The issue of banditry, kidnappings, robberies and, above all, the issue of terrorist attacks on Fulani herdsmen would be kept to a bare minimum.”

He assured that the operations of the Benue State Community Volunteer Guards would be strictly guided by law and warned that any personnel found operating outside of said law would be immediately directed out.


Thirty operational vehicles and 200 communication gadgets have been purchased to enable the volunteer guards to operate at maximum capacity.

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