Pink Calls SpongeBob Song 'We've Got Scurvy' a 'Real Mistake'

October 7, 2023 9:20 p.m.
Pink square pants (L) and SpongeBob (R)

Pink East look back has her musical history And having a few regrets. THE singer And songwriter recalled registration A song For Spongebob Square Pants about scurvy And East call he A "real error. »

In A interview with THE The bone Angeles Hours, Pink obtained real about her favorite And less favorite Songs Since her directory.

Departure disabled with her favorite tunes, Pink appointed "SO What" because he "was amusing Since to start has finishing — in writing he, singing he, perform he, THE video." She Also appointed "Get THE To party Begin. »

In THE category of her less favorite Songs, Pink appointed "TRUE Love," THE song that Featured A collaboration with Read Allen. Pink doesn't reminder This track affectionately "because It is mean" as It is A song about her relationship with Carey Hart.

Furthermore, Pink abandoned name THE Spongebob song that She released 14 years there is.

"Oh wait, I did put out that Spongebob thing. 'We have Obtained Scurvy'? I wish I Never did that. That was A real error," She added.

Scurvy East A condition cause by THE lack of vitamin VS And causes anemia, gum disease And skin hemorrhages, among other things.

Pink sung, "OUR gums are black, OUR teeth are fall out. We have obtained tasks on OUR back. SO give he up And shout. We obtained scurvy We need a few Vitamin vs. We obtained scurvy, We need A lemon TREE. We obtained scurvy, We just I am relaxing on THE Wed.”

Take A listen has " We have Obtained Scurvy" In THE video job below.

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Pink Calls SpongeBob Song 'We've Got Scurvy' a 'Real Mistake'
October 7, 2023 9:20 p.m.
Pink square pants (L) and SpongeBob (R)

Pink East look back has her musical history And having a few regrets. THE singer And songwriter recalled registration A song For Spongebob Square Pants about scurvy And East call he A "real error. »

In A interview with THE The bone Angeles Hours, Pink obtained real about her favorite And less favorite Songs Since her directory.

Departure disabled with her favorite tunes, Pink appointed "SO What" because he "was amusing Since to start has finishing — in writing he, singing he, perform he, THE video." She Also appointed "Get THE To party Begin. »

In THE category of her less favorite Songs, Pink appointed "TRUE Love," THE song that Featured A collaboration with Read Allen. Pink doesn't reminder This track affectionately "because It is mean" as It is A song about her relationship with Carey Hart.

Furthermore, Pink abandoned name THE Spongebob song that She released 14 years there is.

"Oh wait, I did put out that Spongebob thing. 'We have Obtained Scurvy'? I wish I Never did that. That was A real error," She added.

Scurvy East A condition cause by THE lack of vitamin VS And causes anemia, gum disease And skin hemorrhages, among other things.

Pink sung, "OUR gums are black, OUR teeth are fall out. We have obtained tasks on OUR back. SO give he up And shout. We obtained scurvy We need a few Vitamin vs. We obtained scurvy, We need A lemon TREE. We obtained scurvy, We just I am relaxing on THE Wed.”

Take A listen has " We have Obtained Scurvy" In THE video job below.

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