Pixel graphics from an HD44780, cutting wires

[Felipe Tavares] was not satisfied with THE boring default fonts on A Based on HD44780 display. And while You can play a few clever Things with user defined characters, if You to want has to treat THE display as A painting of pixels, you have obtained has get out your scalpel And cut up A data line.

THE To hack built on work Since [Mr. HW] WHO documented THE parts while going Since THE common display driver has THE display, And suggested that by Cut THE data double And Sending in progress your own parts, You could send arbitrary chart. THE trick was has TO DO Of course that they are In synchronize with THE display, However, which means while reading THE frame synchronize double In user code.

This do, he looks as [Felipe] has he functioning! If You can read Rust For THE ESP32, he has even provided We with A functioning demo of THE coded that makes he work.

We can't help but wonder if It is not possible has go even lower level And omit THE HD44780 entirely. HAS anybody try conduct A of these little LCD screen poster directly Since A microcontroller, basically execution THE HD44780 yourself?

Any of them path You slice he, This East A cool To hack, And he opens up THE doors has LOSS, Or as [Mr. HW] suggests, Bad Apple on these little poster . If You TO DO he, We to want has see that.

If your needs are not SO exotic, THE classic HD44780 display East A piece of cake has get functioning, And A invaluable tool In someone toolbox.

Pixel graphics from an HD44780, cutting wires

[Felipe Tavares] was not satisfied with THE boring default fonts on A Based on HD44780 display. And while You can play a few clever Things with user defined characters, if You to want has to treat THE display as A painting of pixels, you have obtained has get out your scalpel And cut up A data line.

THE To hack built on work Since [Mr. HW] WHO documented THE parts while going Since THE common display driver has THE display, And suggested that by Cut THE data double And Sending in progress your own parts, You could send arbitrary chart. THE trick was has TO DO Of course that they are In synchronize with THE display, However, which means while reading THE frame synchronize double In user code.

This do, he looks as [Felipe] has he functioning! If You can read Rust For THE ESP32, he has even provided We with A functioning demo of THE coded that makes he work.

We can't help but wonder if It is not possible has go even lower level And omit THE HD44780 entirely. HAS anybody try conduct A of these little LCD screen poster directly Since A microcontroller, basically execution THE HD44780 yourself?

Any of them path You slice he, This East A cool To hack, And he opens up THE doors has LOSS, Or as [Mr. HW] suggests, Bad Apple on these little poster . If You TO DO he, We to want has see that.

If your needs are not SO exotic, THE classic HD44780 display East A piece of cake has get functioning, And A invaluable tool In someone toolbox.

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