President Tinubu at 72: leadership in difficult times

Today East President Bolas Tinubu 72nd birthday. Instead of rolling out THE drums has celebrate THE day, THE President directed there should be No party of any of them kind, including placement newspaper, radio Or television advertorials In her honor. He exhorted anybody wishing has TO DO such For him has make a donation THE money has charity organizations. THE decision was taken In respect has THE here difficult times. He East A brand of GOOD direction For A chief worthy of that name has to have compassion For THE people, identify with them And demonstrate he actions In their pain. Display empathy For THE people And THE emotional intelligence of identify with THE weak And vulnerable are In President Tinubu DNA. This character line has become A outstanding functionality of her birthdays on time.

In March 2020, on THE cusp of her 68th birthday, he canceled her birthday conference on THE epidemic of corona virus, explaining that THE decision was important in the middle of THE primordial public concern on THE pandemic.

What arrived In respect of her 70th birthday on March 29, 2022 was even more moving. He called disabled A impressive birthday conference, RIGHT In THE medium of THE event has Éko Hotel & Suites, Lagos with all THE dignitaries In presence, has honor victims of Abuja-Kaduna form attack. And last year, even After he had convincingly won THE FEBRUARY 25, 2023 election, President Tinubu did not celebrate her birthday, saying he would be devote THE moment For reflection on THE huge stain in front.

This years birthday East THE First of all by President Tinubu on THE saddle. Her administration East In It is 10th month. This period, SO, offers A true opportunity has question her characters, character And administration Thus far. There East little doubt that THE time We are In East A difficult A indeed.

On assumption of desk, THE President was greeted by A terrible economic situation; THE economy almost prostrate. THE bold reforms THE President instituted, notably THE deletion of THE ruinous fuel grant And THE unification of THE several, even doubtful stranger exchange rates, However bold And necessary the decisions applauded by economic experts, did not immediately produce salutary results with A suddenly increase In stranger exchange rates, And THE consecutive serious impact on other sectors.

THE cost of oil some products particularly Prime Engine Spirit And diesel went up with It is attendant effects on transportation prices. Prices of goods And services particularly clip food items Also skyrocketed including prices of other items not addicted on stranger exchange. Inflation pink, struck 31.70% In FEBRUARY Since 29.90% checked in In January 2024, according to has THE National desk of Statistics.

However, It is No longer A depressing history. A combination of courage And determination has change THE tide on THE part of THE President, THE job of THE RIGHT caliber of economic managers WHO deployed THE RIGHT tax And monetary Strategies And maybe A dose of GOOD fortune help has gradually change THE down economic curve. As President Tinubu would be NOW say, THE contrary winds are Already giving path And there East light has THE END of THE tunnel. This comforting development East obvious enough, but I will Soon back has elaborate on THE problem.

He East important And relevant has indicate out that President Tinubu East No stranger has This kind of path In her checkered policy career. As Governor of Lagos State (1999-2007), her administration was disabled has A bumpy to start with security problems breeding their ugly heads, roads littered with potholes And heaps of refuse socket on THE Lagos landscape, in the middle of poor income.

There was Also THE prolonged crisis between her administration that inherited A practically insolvent economy And THE trade trade unions as A result of THE initial inability has pay THE SO new National Minimum salary of 7,500 naira. THE Tinubu administration confronted all of that And a lot more crises head first, with success amended THE situation And LEFT behind important milestones has THE END of her mandate.

In writing In her insightful column “Illuminations” on March 16, Segun Ayobolu, Assumed that he would be appear that President Tinubu prosperous more When confronted with crises that constrain him has draw on her interior psychological, spiritual And strategic policy resources has navigate perfidious ground And come out triumphantly Again And Again. "For example has THE END, In 2007, of her eight years mandate as governor In Lagos State, THE mega city had evolved In A bastion of security of lives And property, fast infrastructural transformation, And arrangement of social services especially has THE vulnerable segments of THE population. »

Maybe THE path of THE Tinubu administration In THE deployment Nigerian history In THE Fourth Republic East following that itinerary. THE initial apparently dark situation East gradually giving path. Indeed, light East not only insured has THE END of THE tunnel, he East p...

President Tinubu at 72: leadership in difficult times

Today East President Bolas Tinubu 72nd birthday. Instead of rolling out THE drums has celebrate THE day, THE President directed there should be No party of any of them kind, including placement newspaper, radio Or television advertorials In her honor. He exhorted anybody wishing has TO DO such For him has make a donation THE money has charity organizations. THE decision was taken In respect has THE here difficult times. He East A brand of GOOD direction For A chief worthy of that name has to have compassion For THE people, identify with them And demonstrate he actions In their pain. Display empathy For THE people And THE emotional intelligence of identify with THE weak And vulnerable are In President Tinubu DNA. This character line has become A outstanding functionality of her birthdays on time.

In March 2020, on THE cusp of her 68th birthday, he canceled her birthday conference on THE epidemic of corona virus, explaining that THE decision was important in the middle of THE primordial public concern on THE pandemic.

What arrived In respect of her 70th birthday on March 29, 2022 was even more moving. He called disabled A impressive birthday conference, RIGHT In THE medium of THE event has Éko Hotel & Suites, Lagos with all THE dignitaries In presence, has honor victims of Abuja-Kaduna form attack. And last year, even After he had convincingly won THE FEBRUARY 25, 2023 election, President Tinubu did not celebrate her birthday, saying he would be devote THE moment For reflection on THE huge stain in front.

This years birthday East THE First of all by President Tinubu on THE saddle. Her administration East In It is 10th month. This period, SO, offers A true opportunity has question her characters, character And administration Thus far. There East little doubt that THE time We are In East A difficult A indeed.

On assumption of desk, THE President was greeted by A terrible economic situation; THE economy almost prostrate. THE bold reforms THE President instituted, notably THE deletion of THE ruinous fuel grant And THE unification of THE several, even doubtful stranger exchange rates, However bold And necessary the decisions applauded by economic experts, did not immediately produce salutary results with A suddenly increase In stranger exchange rates, And THE consecutive serious impact on other sectors.

THE cost of oil some products particularly Prime Engine Spirit And diesel went up with It is attendant effects on transportation prices. Prices of goods And services particularly clip food items Also skyrocketed including prices of other items not addicted on stranger exchange. Inflation pink, struck 31.70% In FEBRUARY Since 29.90% checked in In January 2024, according to has THE National desk of Statistics.

However, It is No longer A depressing history. A combination of courage And determination has change THE tide on THE part of THE President, THE job of THE RIGHT caliber of economic managers WHO deployed THE RIGHT tax And monetary Strategies And maybe A dose of GOOD fortune help has gradually change THE down economic curve. As President Tinubu would be NOW say, THE contrary winds are Already giving path And there East light has THE END of THE tunnel. This comforting development East obvious enough, but I will Soon back has elaborate on THE problem.

He East important And relevant has indicate out that President Tinubu East No stranger has This kind of path In her checkered policy career. As Governor of Lagos State (1999-2007), her administration was disabled has A bumpy to start with security problems breeding their ugly heads, roads littered with potholes And heaps of refuse socket on THE Lagos landscape, in the middle of poor income.

There was Also THE prolonged crisis between her administration that inherited A practically insolvent economy And THE trade trade unions as A result of THE initial inability has pay THE SO new National Minimum salary of 7,500 naira. THE Tinubu administration confronted all of that And a lot more crises head first, with success amended THE situation And LEFT behind important milestones has THE END of her mandate.

In writing In her insightful column “Illuminations” on March 16, Segun Ayobolu, Assumed that he would be appear that President Tinubu prosperous more When confronted with crises that constrain him has draw on her interior psychological, spiritual And strategic policy resources has navigate perfidious ground And come out triumphantly Again And Again. "For example has THE END, In 2007, of her eight years mandate as governor In Lagos State, THE mega city had evolved In A bastion of security of lives And property, fast infrastructural transformation, And arrangement of social services especially has THE vulnerable segments of THE population. »

Maybe THE path of THE Tinubu administration In THE deployment Nigerian history In THE Fourth Republic East following that itinerary. THE initial apparently dark situation East gradually giving path. Indeed, light East not only insured has THE END of THE tunnel, he East p...

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