Good data literacy can help prevent business failure — Olabode

Driven by THE desire has see companies to grow, Adebola Olabode rotated In data science, Or her keen interest In interpret And Analyzing data, identify tendencies And patterns to have proven true. In This interview by NCHETACHI CHUKWUAJAH, THE Based in the United Kingdom data scientist, WHO Currently works with A research institute concentrate on renewable energy And A sustainable environment, speak on THE potential For companies has ladder up their operations by adopt A appropriate data culture, among other problems.

What East your journey as A data scientist like ?

I am A data scientist WHO East keen about demystify THE world of data And portion organizations harness their complete potential. Data, For Me, East more that just Numbers And statistics — he East THE key has unlocking knowledge, solve problems, And manufacturing informed choices. This motivated Me has adventure In THE digital technology field with A to focus on skill In data science And artificial intelligence.

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Participant In skill acquisition programs during My national youth service year exposed Me has online course that help Me to understand THE connection between statistics And computer science. These online course And tutorials team Me with THE necessary SKILLS And skill necessary has work as A freelance data analyst. Functioning with these freelance platforms allowed Me has work on A miscellaneous range of projects through miscellaneous Industries, Since health care And finance has e-commerce And telecommunications. This allowed Me has sharpen My SKILLS And deepen My understanding of data And technologies that can be used has extract knowledge And to drive strategic decision making.

Having such A strong foundation gave Me THE trust has take on THE role of A HE analyst has A shipping And logistics farm Or I used My data SKILLS has design And maintain Dashboards For follow up key performance indicators (KPI) such as supply ride a bike, inventory turnover, And order rates. This dedicated effort increase business income And help THE business improve It is inventory storage according to has customer request.

Driven by My passion For help THE development of A growth business, I moved has A to start up that East dedicated has accountability young spirits through THE arrangement of relatively cheap digital technology solutions as laptop, monitors And other accessories. In This role, I used My data SKILLS has spearhead THE acquisition And retention of new walk actions For THE business. This was reached through THE development of A machine learning the Web application able of predict prices base on customer preferences And A subscription platform that uses customer data has provide after sale service.

My tirelessly pursuit of professional And staff development inspired My decision has further develop My horizon In data science by moving has THE United Kingdom For A mastery degree In Artificial Intelligence And Data Science. I recently Also became A approved cloud practitioner, further positioning Me as A versatile And avant-garde data scientist In Today quickly evolution digital landscape. This certificate provides Me with THE awareness And abilities has harness THE power of cloud Infrastructure such as Amazon the Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Or Google Cloud platform has to access scalable And profitable computing resources, allow Me has build, deploy, And manage data science apps And solutions more effectively And effectively.

Currently, I am functioning as A data scientist has A research institute that East concentrate on how humanity can to use renewable energy And environmental monitoring has reach long term sustainable development. THE the institute strategy turned around using innovative thought And technology has open THE answers has THE the biggest challenge humanity has Never confronted – reach A net zero carbon economy.

My journey as A data scientist has has been completed with many UPS And stockings, but through continuous learning And improvement, I to have has been able has overcome obstacles along THE path. I Also immersed myself In online course, assisted industry conferences And collaborated with peers And mentors. This has help Me stay head on of new technologies, methodologies And tools In THE field of data science. I hope has continue using My SKILLS And experience has tackle real world challenges, TO DO A positive impact on companies And Company, And contribute has THE exciting And quickly evolution field of data scientist.

How has he has been SO far swing In data science with your background In logistics?

As I said earlier, transition In data science has required A commitment has ...

Good data literacy can help prevent business failure — Olabode

Driven by THE desire has see companies to grow, Adebola Olabode rotated In data science, Or her keen interest In interpret And Analyzing data, identify tendencies And patterns to have proven true. In This interview by NCHETACHI CHUKWUAJAH, THE Based in the United Kingdom data scientist, WHO Currently works with A research institute concentrate on renewable energy And A sustainable environment, speak on THE potential For companies has ladder up their operations by adopt A appropriate data culture, among other problems.

What East your journey as A data scientist like ?

I am A data scientist WHO East keen about demystify THE world of data And portion organizations harness their complete potential. Data, For Me, East more that just Numbers And statistics — he East THE key has unlocking knowledge, solve problems, And manufacturing informed choices. This motivated Me has adventure In THE digital technology field with A to focus on skill In data science And artificial intelligence.

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Participant In skill acquisition programs during My national youth service year exposed Me has online course that help Me to understand THE connection between statistics And computer science. These online course And tutorials team Me with THE necessary SKILLS And skill necessary has work as A freelance data analyst. Functioning with these freelance platforms allowed Me has work on A miscellaneous range of projects through miscellaneous Industries, Since health care And finance has e-commerce And telecommunications. This allowed Me has sharpen My SKILLS And deepen My understanding of data And technologies that can be used has extract knowledge And to drive strategic decision making.

Having such A strong foundation gave Me THE trust has take on THE role of A HE analyst has A shipping And logistics farm Or I used My data SKILLS has design And maintain Dashboards For follow up key performance indicators (KPI) such as supply ride a bike, inventory turnover, And order rates. This dedicated effort increase business income And help THE business improve It is inventory storage according to has customer request.

Driven by My passion For help THE development of A growth business, I moved has A to start up that East dedicated has accountability young spirits through THE arrangement of relatively cheap digital technology solutions as laptop, monitors And other accessories. In This role, I used My data SKILLS has spearhead THE acquisition And retention of new walk actions For THE business. This was reached through THE development of A machine learning the Web application able of predict prices base on customer preferences And A subscription platform that uses customer data has provide after sale service.

My tirelessly pursuit of professional And staff development inspired My decision has further develop My horizon In data science by moving has THE United Kingdom For A mastery degree In Artificial Intelligence And Data Science. I recently Also became A approved cloud practitioner, further positioning Me as A versatile And avant-garde data scientist In Today quickly evolution digital landscape. This certificate provides Me with THE awareness And abilities has harness THE power of cloud Infrastructure such as Amazon the Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Or Google Cloud platform has to access scalable And profitable computing resources, allow Me has build, deploy, And manage data science apps And solutions more effectively And effectively.

Currently, I am functioning as A data scientist has A research institute that East concentrate on how humanity can to use renewable energy And environmental monitoring has reach long term sustainable development. THE the institute strategy turned around using innovative thought And technology has open THE answers has THE the biggest challenge humanity has Never confronted – reach A net zero carbon economy.

My journey as A data scientist has has been completed with many UPS And stockings, but through continuous learning And improvement, I to have has been able has overcome obstacles along THE path. I Also immersed myself In online course, assisted industry conferences And collaborated with peers And mentors. This has help Me stay head on of new technologies, methodologies And tools In THE field of data science. I hope has continue using My SKILLS And experience has tackle real world challenges, TO DO A positive impact on companies And Company, And contribute has THE exciting And quickly evolution field of data scientist.

How has he has been SO far swing In data science with your background In logistics?

As I said earlier, transition In data science has required A commitment has ...

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