PSN cracks down on illegal Rivers stores

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The Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria has sounded the alarm over the growing number of illegal pharmacies and the emergence of drug markets in Rivers State.

PSN State Chair Anele Promise said this during a press briefing in Port Harcourt as part of activities to mark World Pharmacy Day 2022.

Promise, however, said state pharmacists are working with relevant authorities and stakeholders to end illegal stores in the state.

He advised members of the public to resist the temptation to patronize illegal pharmacies, but to ensure that they obtain their medicines from registered pharmacies to avoid negative consequences.

Promise said, "On the issue of counterfeit and substandard medicines, we are currently working with government agencies and relevant stakeholders to ensure that medicines in circulation in Rivers State are good quality and safe.

"We are seriously concerned about the growth of illegal pharmacies and the emergence of drug markets in Rivers State.

"As we work with the relevant government agencies to end this worrying trend, we advise the general public to source their medicines from licensed pharmacies to avoid the purchase of counterfeit products and inferior quality."

He further said that the PSN has stepped up its efforts in the fight against substance abuse and addiction, adding that the company has implemented a program to educate young people about the dangers of drug addiction .

"Drug abuse and addiction is a global challenge, especially in developing countries like ours, Nigeria, and the consequences of drug addiction are far-reaching.

"PSN, Rivers has demonstrated a serious commitment to reducing the consequences of drug abuse and helping to provide care for those affected by drug use," added the president of the PSN.

PSN cracks down on illegal Rivers stores

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The Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria has sounded the alarm over the growing number of illegal pharmacies and the emergence of drug markets in Rivers State.

PSN State Chair Anele Promise said this during a press briefing in Port Harcourt as part of activities to mark World Pharmacy Day 2022.

Promise, however, said state pharmacists are working with relevant authorities and stakeholders to end illegal stores in the state.

He advised members of the public to resist the temptation to patronize illegal pharmacies, but to ensure that they obtain their medicines from registered pharmacies to avoid negative consequences.

Promise said, "On the issue of counterfeit and substandard medicines, we are currently working with government agencies and relevant stakeholders to ensure that medicines in circulation in Rivers State are good quality and safe.

"We are seriously concerned about the growth of illegal pharmacies and the emergence of drug markets in Rivers State.

"As we work with the relevant government agencies to end this worrying trend, we advise the general public to source their medicines from licensed pharmacies to avoid the purchase of counterfeit products and inferior quality."

He further said that the PSN has stepped up its efforts in the fight against substance abuse and addiction, adding that the company has implemented a program to educate young people about the dangers of drug addiction .

"Drug abuse and addiction is a global challenge, especially in developing countries like ours, Nigeria, and the consequences of drug addiction are far-reaching.

"PSN, Rivers has demonstrated a serious commitment to reducing the consequences of drug abuse and helping to provide care for those affected by drug use," added the president of the PSN.

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