Regional alliances: for economic development or for victory in the next elections?

From THE back of democracy In 1999, do politics For THE following election generally begin half-way In THE life of A administration. But that orient yourself East fast changing. Today, THE regional dynamic are laced with policy calculations For 2027 polls, with growth Distractions For THE real business of governance And development, SEYE OLUMIDE and ROTIMI AGBOLUAJE report.

Barely had THE Supreme Court given final verdict on THE 2023 general elections that The politicians begin grouping And closing ranks has develop a strategy on how has to struggle against power Since President Bolas Tinubu THE decision All Progressives Congress (APC).  THE particularity of THE last general elections do not stop has THE presidential survey, even has THE State level, similar developments are event Or a few policy apparatchiks are Currently has dagger drawn, in trouble has position themselves For power in front of THE 2027 polls.   However, This unhealthy development East Already distracting THE holders And affecting the governance, especially has A time when Nigerians are focused towards THE worse economic tests.  But THE grouping of a few policy leaders, especially Since THE North, has has been breeding suspicions through THE country on their intention. While he was believed that a few north The politicians are not comfortable with a few Strategies of THE president aimed has restructuring THE country, a few said their gathering was has form A formidable pressure band has stop a few of THE invoices Currently has THE National Assembly Since who passed through THE legislative process. THE policy move begin during THE last Muslim festival, When ancient Vice President, Atiku Abubakar, WHO was Also THE presidential candidate of THE major opposition Peoples Democratic To party (PDP) In THE 2023 survey visited the immediate pass President, Muhammadu Buhari, And ancient military president, General Ibrahim Babangida, among others. From SO, that of Buhari House In Daura, Katsina State has become A Mecca of kinds has north The politicians WHO are not comfortable with Tinubu style of administration.  Buhari, Babangida, And Atiku to have Never has been known has be on THE even page In THE policy history of Nigeria, but there seems has be A agenda In THE on the way has unite them.   Other suspicious And similar visits has THE two ancient leaders include that of ancient governor of Kaduna State, Nasir, El-Rufaï, WHO obviously lost out during President Tinubu cupboard selection. He Also paid A visit has THE national chief of New Nigeria Peoples To party (NNPP), Malam Rabiu Kwankwaso. Also curious was THE visit of ancient governor of Borno State, Ali Fashion Sheriff has Buhari And Babangida. Sheriff was strength has leave APC In 2014 because of THE "cold shoulder" he obtained has THE celebration national agreement.  Beyond that, he Also had problems with President Tinubu on THE choice of APC national president In 2014, just as he Also had fights with Atiku on THE choice of national secretary In THE to party Before he (Sheriff) got out THE to party. Apart Since THE game of staff policy, regional interest East Also fill up early preparation For THE 2027 polls, which Again East create A change In THE attention Since governance.  A few north elements to have constantly complained that THE Led by Tinubu government East anti-north. For example, THE North, especially Fulani, Since North West are uncomfortable with a few of THE invoices Currently Before THE National Assembly.    THE invoices while searching For amendment of THE 1999 Constitution has "Provide For Establishment of State Police And Related Imported", Invoice on regionalism, Resource control, National Animal Agriculture And Ranches Commission, Otherwise known as anti-opening pasture Invoice among others TO DO not augury GOOD with A particular section of THE to the north.

THE fear East that if THE National Assembly, Currently directed by Senate President, God's will Akpabio, Since THE South-South, successful In get all these invoices pass In law, THE South would be to have got It is desire has restructure THE country, through actions of parliament And Constitution amendment, which THE north the oligarchs, of which most of THE "August visitors And their hosts » belong did not to want.  THE North oligarchs to have Also Express dissatisfaction with THE Tinubu government on THE 2024 Budget, which they claims was biased against THE area, just as they felt wronged with THE appointment of THE cupboard members.  These, maybe, are part of THE the reasons For THE desperate efforts by a few north policy leaders has bring South East The politicians has buy In THE agenda of stop President Tinubu In 2027.      Recently, THE presidential candidate of Work To party (LP), M Rock Obi, WHO represented South East In THE current policy exemption, was seen having policy alignment with Atiku.  Only recently, he was rumor that Atiku can maybe grant THE PDP tick...

Regional alliances: for economic development or for victory in the next elections?

From THE back of democracy In 1999, do politics For THE following election generally begin half-way In THE life of A administration. But that orient yourself East fast changing. Today, THE regional dynamic are laced with policy calculations For 2027 polls, with growth Distractions For THE real business of governance And development, SEYE OLUMIDE and ROTIMI AGBOLUAJE report.

Barely had THE Supreme Court given final verdict on THE 2023 general elections that The politicians begin grouping And closing ranks has develop a strategy on how has to struggle against power Since President Bolas Tinubu THE decision All Progressives Congress (APC).  THE particularity of THE last general elections do not stop has THE presidential survey, even has THE State level, similar developments are event Or a few policy apparatchiks are Currently has dagger drawn, in trouble has position themselves For power in front of THE 2027 polls.   However, This unhealthy development East Already distracting THE holders And affecting the governance, especially has A time when Nigerians are focused towards THE worse economic tests.  But THE grouping of a few policy leaders, especially Since THE North, has has been breeding suspicions through THE country on their intention. While he was believed that a few north The politicians are not comfortable with a few Strategies of THE president aimed has restructuring THE country, a few said their gathering was has form A formidable pressure band has stop a few of THE invoices Currently has THE National Assembly Since who passed through THE legislative process. THE policy move begin during THE last Muslim festival, When ancient Vice President, Atiku Abubakar, WHO was Also THE presidential candidate of THE major opposition Peoples Democratic To party (PDP) In THE 2023 survey visited the immediate pass President, Muhammadu Buhari, And ancient military president, General Ibrahim Babangida, among others. From SO, that of Buhari House In Daura, Katsina State has become A Mecca of kinds has north The politicians WHO are not comfortable with Tinubu style of administration.  Buhari, Babangida, And Atiku to have Never has been known has be on THE even page In THE policy history of Nigeria, but there seems has be A agenda In THE on the way has unite them.   Other suspicious And similar visits has THE two ancient leaders include that of ancient governor of Kaduna State, Nasir, El-Rufaï, WHO obviously lost out during President Tinubu cupboard selection. He Also paid A visit has THE national chief of New Nigeria Peoples To party (NNPP), Malam Rabiu Kwankwaso. Also curious was THE visit of ancient governor of Borno State, Ali Fashion Sheriff has Buhari And Babangida. Sheriff was strength has leave APC In 2014 because of THE "cold shoulder" he obtained has THE celebration national agreement.  Beyond that, he Also had problems with President Tinubu on THE choice of APC national president In 2014, just as he Also had fights with Atiku on THE choice of national secretary In THE to party Before he (Sheriff) got out THE to party. Apart Since THE game of staff policy, regional interest East Also fill up early preparation For THE 2027 polls, which Again East create A change In THE attention Since governance.  A few north elements to have constantly complained that THE Led by Tinubu government East anti-north. For example, THE North, especially Fulani, Since North West are uncomfortable with a few of THE invoices Currently Before THE National Assembly.    THE invoices while searching For amendment of THE 1999 Constitution has "Provide For Establishment of State Police And Related Imported", Invoice on regionalism, Resource control, National Animal Agriculture And Ranches Commission, Otherwise known as anti-opening pasture Invoice among others TO DO not augury GOOD with A particular section of THE to the north.

THE fear East that if THE National Assembly, Currently directed by Senate President, God's will Akpabio, Since THE South-South, successful In get all these invoices pass In law, THE South would be to have got It is desire has restructure THE country, through actions of parliament And Constitution amendment, which THE north the oligarchs, of which most of THE "August visitors And their hosts » belong did not to want.  THE North oligarchs to have Also Express dissatisfaction with THE Tinubu government on THE 2024 Budget, which they claims was biased against THE area, just as they felt wronged with THE appointment of THE cupboard members.  These, maybe, are part of THE the reasons For THE desperate efforts by a few north policy leaders has bring South East The politicians has buy In THE agenda of stop President Tinubu In 2027.      Recently, THE presidential candidate of Work To party (LP), M Rock Obi, WHO represented South East In THE current policy exemption, was seen having policy alignment with Atiku.  Only recently, he was rumor that Atiku can maybe grant THE PDP tick...

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