Roblox builds an LLM in-house and adds real-time AI translation to the metaverse

THE Powered by AI translator Currently supports 16 languages, allowing users has converse it's clear while typing In their native language.

Roblox built in- house LLM, adds real-time AI translation to the metaverse News Join We on social networks

Online game platform Roblox has developed A new Powered by AI “unified translation model" — allowing players has converse with A another through text In real time, despite Speaking different LANGUAGES.

According to has A Feb. 5 statement by Roblox chief technology officer Dan Sturman, THE new system required THE farm has build It is clean internally LLM has be able has translate text based messages has A base latency of 100 milliseconds — manufacturing conversations feel instant For users.

"Imagine discover that your new Roblox friend, A person you have has been chat And joke with In A new experience, East In fact In Korea — And has has been typing In Korean THE entire time, while you have has been typing In English, without either of You to remark ", said Sturman.

THE LLM translated text based messages In real time through 16 supported LANGUAGES. Source: Roblox

While Sturman note that Roblox Already automatically translated It is inexperience content, THE farm research has "go beyond Translating static content In experiences. »

Sturman said that THE two the biggest obstacles has create THE translator were design A system that allowed For translation between all 16 LANGUAGES independently And SO manufacturing he fast enough has support real time discussions, which required A novel approach has building It is own big language model (LLM).

Roblox builds an LLM in-house and adds real-time AI translation to the metaverse

THE Powered by AI translator Currently supports 16 languages, allowing users has converse it's clear while typing In their native language.

Roblox built in- house LLM, adds real-time AI translation to the metaverse News Join We on social networks

Online game platform Roblox has developed A new Powered by AI “unified translation model" — allowing players has converse with A another through text In real time, despite Speaking different LANGUAGES.

According to has A Feb. 5 statement by Roblox chief technology officer Dan Sturman, THE new system required THE farm has build It is clean internally LLM has be able has translate text based messages has A base latency of 100 milliseconds — manufacturing conversations feel instant For users.

"Imagine discover that your new Roblox friend, A person you have has been chat And joke with In A new experience, East In fact In Korea — And has has been typing In Korean THE entire time, while you have has been typing In English, without either of You to remark ", said Sturman.

THE LLM translated text based messages In real time through 16 supported LANGUAGES. Source: Roblox

While Sturman note that Roblox Already automatically translated It is inexperience content, THE farm research has "go beyond Translating static content In experiences. »

Sturman said that THE two the biggest obstacles has create THE translator were design A system that allowed For translation between all 16 LANGUAGES independently And SO manufacturing he fast enough has support real time discussions, which required A novel approach has building It is own big language model (LLM).

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