Salman Rushdie's ex-wife Padma Lakshmi responds to attack: 'Worried and mute, she can finally breathe out'

Ex-wife and author of Salman Rushdie, Padma Lakshmi, has provided an update on his condition, after the author was attacked during a speech.

On Sunday, she tweeted that Rushdie was on the mend after Friday's incident, and she's relieved to hear that.

Rushdie and Lakshmi married in 2004 and divorced a few years later.

Rushdie was attacked and stabbed in the neck on Friday as he prepared to give a talk in western New York. He was immediately taken to hospital.

Rushdie's agent reports that he is in stable condition and on the road to recovery. However, the agent also mentioned that Rushdie suffered from a damaged liver and severed nerves in his arm.

As of this writing, he remains hospitalized and receiving treatment for his injuries.

The man suspected of stabbing Rushdie, Hadi Matar, 24, pleaded not guilty on Saturday to attempted second degree murder and other counts. Matar was denied bail and returned to the Chautauqua County Jail.

In a statement Saturday, President Joe Biden praised the "universal ideals" that Rushdie and his work embodies.

"Truth. Courage. Resilience. The ability to share ideas without fear," Biden said. "These are the building blocks of any free and open society."

Photo: Courtesy of Fronteiras do Pensamento and US Embassy New Delhi on flickr

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Salman Rushdie's ex-wife Padma Lakshmi responds to attack: 'Worried and mute, she can finally breathe out'

Ex-wife and author of Salman Rushdie, Padma Lakshmi, has provided an update on his condition, after the author was attacked during a speech.

On Sunday, she tweeted that Rushdie was on the mend after Friday's incident, and she's relieved to hear that.

Rushdie and Lakshmi married in 2004 and divorced a few years later.

Rushdie was attacked and stabbed in the neck on Friday as he prepared to give a talk in western New York. He was immediately taken to hospital.

Rushdie's agent reports that he is in stable condition and on the road to recovery. However, the agent also mentioned that Rushdie suffered from a damaged liver and severed nerves in his arm.

As of this writing, he remains hospitalized and receiving treatment for his injuries.

The man suspected of stabbing Rushdie, Hadi Matar, 24, pleaded not guilty on Saturday to attempted second degree murder and other counts. Matar was denied bail and returned to the Chautauqua County Jail.

In a statement Saturday, President Joe Biden praised the "universal ideals" that Rushdie and his work embodies.

"Truth. Courage. Resilience. The ability to share ideas without fear," Biden said. "These are the building blocks of any free and open society."

Photo: Courtesy of Fronteiras do Pensamento and US Embassy New Delhi on flickr

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