SEC involved in legal cases; Hester Peirce says crypto companies shouldn't abandon the US

THE Commissioner said She had seen awareness And awareness of digital assets to grow In her five years has THE SECOND, but largely, there was "more of THE even" on enforcement actions.

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Hester Peirce, A of five commissioners with THE United States Securities And Exchange Commission (SECOND) And A franc partisan of crypto, has exhorted the legislators And regulators For clarity on digital assets.

Speaking has Cointelegraph has THE Without authorization II conference In Austin, Texas on Seven. 11, Pierce said She wouldn't he to have expected THE SECOND has be "This far behind" In discovery A solution For A regulatory frame on cryptocurrencies When She joined THE commission In 2018. She sharp has countries as Swiss And Singapore as apparently in front of THE curve on crypto regulations worldwide but said they largely I could not be compared with has THE situation In THE United States.

"I do not have seen A plot of changes For THE better," said Peirce. "You TO DO to have A plot of people WHO know enough A little about crypto has THE agency, if It is In EndHub Or all along THE divisions. You to have people WHO are In fact enough well informed, And I think that that has amended In THE time that I have has been there. »

Commissioner Hester Pierce (second Since RIGHT) Speaking has policy makers has Without authorization II on Seven. 11. Source: Cointelegraph

THE SECOND, below THE direction of Chair Gary Gensler, has taken A plot of critical Since industry leaders, regulators And legislators, often be accused of A "regulation by enforcement" approach has digital assets. HAS THE time of publication, THE commission was implied In civil Actions against crypto companies Coinbase, Binance And Ripple And...

SEC involved in legal cases; Hester Peirce says crypto companies shouldn't abandon the US

THE Commissioner said She had seen awareness And awareness of digital assets to grow In her five years has THE SECOND, but largely, there was "more of THE even" on enforcement actions.

Interview Join We on social networks

Hester Peirce, A of five commissioners with THE United States Securities And Exchange Commission (SECOND) And A franc partisan of crypto, has exhorted the legislators And regulators For clarity on digital assets.

Speaking has Cointelegraph has THE Without authorization II conference In Austin, Texas on Seven. 11, Pierce said She wouldn't he to have expected THE SECOND has be "This far behind" In discovery A solution For A regulatory frame on cryptocurrencies When She joined THE commission In 2018. She sharp has countries as Swiss And Singapore as apparently in front of THE curve on crypto regulations worldwide but said they largely I could not be compared with has THE situation In THE United States.

"I do not have seen A plot of changes For THE better," said Peirce. "You TO DO to have A plot of people WHO know enough A little about crypto has THE agency, if It is In EndHub Or all along THE divisions. You to have people WHO are In fact enough well informed, And I think that that has amended In THE time that I have has been there. »

Commissioner Hester Pierce (second Since RIGHT) Speaking has policy makers has Without authorization II on Seven. 11. Source: Cointelegraph

THE SECOND, below THE direction of Chair Gary Gensler, has taken A plot of critical Since industry leaders, regulators And legislators, often be accused of A "regulation by enforcement" approach has digital assets. HAS THE time of publication, THE commission was implied In civil Actions against crypto companies Coinbase, Binance And Ripple And...

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