SEC rejects Ripple’s argument for lower penalty

THE SECOND argued Ripple propose lower civil penalty wouldn't it be be enough, And There is No comparison has It is regulation with Terraform Laboratories.

SEC rejects Ripple's argument for lower penalty News

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THE United States Securities And Exchange Commission has critical Ripple Laboratories last argument For A lower penalty, argue that he wouldn't it be be that's enough.

Last week, Ripple quoted THE DRY regulation with Terraform Laboratories When he Again request New York District Court Judge Analisa Torres on June 13 For A penalty of "No more that $10 million" — far lower that THE of the regulator propose $876.3 million civil penalty.

A day later, THE SECOND argued In A June 14 letter has Judge Torres that It is $4.5 billion regulation with Terraform And co-founder Do Kwon — Understood of A $420 million civil penalty — was do as THE farm East b...

SEC rejects Ripple’s argument for lower penalty

THE SECOND argued Ripple propose lower civil penalty wouldn't it be be enough, And There is No comparison has It is regulation with Terraform Laboratories.

SEC rejects Ripple's argument for lower penalty News

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THE United States Securities And Exchange Commission has critical Ripple Laboratories last argument For A lower penalty, argue that he wouldn't it be be that's enough.

Last week, Ripple quoted THE DRY regulation with Terraform Laboratories When he Again request New York District Court Judge Analisa Torres on June 13 For A penalty of "No more that $10 million" — far lower that THE of the regulator propose $876.3 million civil penalty.

A day later, THE SECOND argued In A June 14 letter has Judge Torres that It is $4.5 billion regulation with Terraform And co-founder Do Kwon — Understood of A $420 million civil penalty — was do as THE farm East b...

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