Sen Ndume provides scholarships and educational support to 1,100 students in the constituency

Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume has extended Scholarships And education support has 1,100 students In her constituency through THE “Ndume Educative Support Project".

THE initiative was spear has El Kanemi Room, University of Maiduguri, on Monday.

Ndume note that THE beneficiaries were selected base on their performance has their respective upper institutions.

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He underlines that This support was In double with her commitment has assistant students In acquire quality education, express gratitude For THE overwhelming support received during her election campaign.

HAS demonstrate progress, Ndume disclosed that twenty million Naira And two hundred thousand had Already has been disbursed, with beneficiaries together has receive their support on Monday.

THE event famous Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume dedication has THE education sector And her multifaceted contributions has her constituency.

Ndume firmly believes In THE transformer power of proof students In their pursuit of education.

He revealed in progress efforts has develop THE Ndume Educative Support Program, emphasizing THE need For significant investments In education Since THE government And other key stakeholders.

Senator Ndume recognized THE commitment of THE Zoulum administration has move forward education In THE state.

Speaking on in the name of of Governor Babagana Zoulum, her deputy, Oumar Ousman Kadafur, said, "Governor Zoulum, known For her keen preview In THE needs of THE people he serves, recognized Senator Ndume outstanding efforts In miscellaneous spheres, including youth job, empowerment, agriculture, THE arrangement of to do the housework water, And most notably, education."

"Governor Zoulum felicity Senator Ndume dedication has improvement THE lives of her constituents".

THE Deputy Governor announcement A staff contribution of ten million Naira has THE Ndume Educative Support For It is following project.

THE Vice Chancellor of THE University of Maiduguri, Teacher Aliyu Shugaba, Express appreciation has Senator Ndume For her unshakable support of students In upper institutions.

He underlines THE critical role of education And THE significant impact that THE Educative Support Initiative would be have.

Teacher Shugaba called on other people of means has follow Senator Ndume example In manufacturing positive contributions has THE field of education.

THE Coordinator of THE Ndume Educative Support, Junaïde Jibril Maiva, reflected on THE programs origins, emphasizing that he was designed has to assist THE most needy students.

THE initiative goals has provide support For 1,100 students through THE nine local Governments of Borno South. Each of THE A hundred And A neighborhoods will to have ten students pursue upper education WHO will receive educative support of twenty thousand Naira each.

A few of THE beneficiaries of THE initiative Express their deep gratitude has Senator Ndume And engaged has using THE funds For their destined educative purposes. THE event illustrated THE deep impact of Senator Ndume unshakable dedication has education And THE improvement of her constituents lives.


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Sen Ndume provides scholarships and educational support to 1,100 students in the constituency

Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume has extended Scholarships And education support has 1,100 students In her constituency through THE “Ndume Educative Support Project".

THE initiative was spear has El Kanemi Room, University of Maiduguri, on Monday.

Ndume note that THE beneficiaries were selected base on their performance has their respective upper institutions.

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He underlines that This support was In double with her commitment has assistant students In acquire quality education, express gratitude For THE overwhelming support received during her election campaign.

HAS demonstrate progress, Ndume disclosed that twenty million Naira And two hundred thousand had Already has been disbursed, with beneficiaries together has receive their support on Monday.

THE event famous Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume dedication has THE education sector And her multifaceted contributions has her constituency.

Ndume firmly believes In THE transformer power of proof students In their pursuit of education.

He revealed in progress efforts has develop THE Ndume Educative Support Program, emphasizing THE need For significant investments In education Since THE government And other key stakeholders.

Senator Ndume recognized THE commitment of THE Zoulum administration has move forward education In THE state.

Speaking on in the name of of Governor Babagana Zoulum, her deputy, Oumar Ousman Kadafur, said, "Governor Zoulum, known For her keen preview In THE needs of THE people he serves, recognized Senator Ndume outstanding efforts In miscellaneous spheres, including youth job, empowerment, agriculture, THE arrangement of to do the housework water, And most notably, education."

"Governor Zoulum felicity Senator Ndume dedication has improvement THE lives of her constituents".

THE Deputy Governor announcement A staff contribution of ten million Naira has THE Ndume Educative Support For It is following project.

THE Vice Chancellor of THE University of Maiduguri, Teacher Aliyu Shugaba, Express appreciation has Senator Ndume For her unshakable support of students In upper institutions.

He underlines THE critical role of education And THE significant impact that THE Educative Support Initiative would be have.

Teacher Shugaba called on other people of means has follow Senator Ndume example In manufacturing positive contributions has THE field of education.

THE Coordinator of THE Ndume Educative Support, Junaïde Jibril Maiva, reflected on THE programs origins, emphasizing that he was designed has to assist THE most needy students.

THE initiative goals has provide support For 1,100 students through THE nine local Governments of Borno South. Each of THE A hundred And A neighborhoods will to have ten students pursue upper education WHO will receive educative support of twenty thousand Naira each.

A few of THE beneficiaries of THE initiative Express their deep gratitude has Senator Ndume And engaged has using THE funds For their destined educative purposes. THE event illustrated THE deep impact of Senator Ndume unshakable dedication has education And THE improvement of her constituents lives.


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