Soil depletion threatens food security, experts voice concerns

In front of Today World Ground Day, experts to have raised concern on THE pressure on THE ground, leading has It is exhaustion which by involvement, threat food security In THE confront of surging population.

A document released by THE United Country Food And Agriculture Organization (FAO), THE Ground Science Company of Nigeria And THE Nigeria Institute of Ground Science (NISS), said In THE confront of climate change And human activity, THE floors are be degraded, putting excessive pressure on water resources.

THE document said that sustainable ground management practices, such as minimum plowing, reframe rotation, organic matter addition, And blanket cropping, improve ground health, reduce erosion And pollution And improve water infiltration And storage.

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He said these practices Also preserve ground the biodiversity, improve fertility, And contribute has carbon sequestration, playing A crucial role In THE struggle against climate change.

Furthermore, THE document said ground East A essential Resource And A vital part of THE natural environment Since which most of THE global food East product.

He note that floors are directly And indirectly implied In THE arrangement of most ecosystem services vital For humans, including food production, which East fundamental For food security And sovereignty.

"That East; ground provides life space For humans, as GOOD as essential ecosystem services which are important For water regulation And provide, climate regulation, biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration And cultural service.

“Soils are directly And indirectly implied In THE arrangement of most ecosystem services vital For humans, including food production, which East fundamental For food security And sovereignty."

“Soils are THE base For produce more that 95 percent of OUR food, according to has THE analysis of data available In FAOSTAT (FAO, 2022). But floors are below pressure Since increase In population, upper requests For food And in competition to land uses.

"On 33 percent of agricultural to land East degraded due has erosion, loss of organic carbon And the biodiversity, salinization, acidification, compaction, And nutrient imbalance, among other causes (FAO And ITPS, 2015) ", THE document said.

He declared that in good health floors are essential For OUR survival. They support in good health factory growth has improve both OUR nutrition And water percolation has maintain underground waters levels, And he help has regulate THE the planet climate by storage carbon And are THE second the biggest carbon to flow After THE oceans.

"They help maintain A landscape that East more resilient has THE impacts of droughts And floods. As ground East THE base of food systems, he East No surprise that ground health East critical For in good health food production.

"Basic cereals, oilseeds, sugar, vegetables, nuts And fruits directly rely on on the grounds, And cattle meat And some products, such as eggs And milkman some products, are supported by animal feeds itself that Also to grow In floors. When product by in good health And fertile the grounds, these food are healthy And nutrient", THE document noted.

He said agriculture must, literally, back has It is roots by rediscover THE importance of in good health ground, drawing on natural sources of factory nutrition, And using mineral fertilizer wisely, And strategies aiming has reach food security should be base on ground health, which East both A prerequisites And THE ultimate objective.

“Soils rich In biota And organic matter are THE foundation of increase reframe productivity. THE best yields are reached When nutrients come Since A mix of mineral fertilizers And natural sources, such as manure And nitrogen fixer crops And trees.

"Judicious to use of mineral fertilizers checked in money And ensures that nutrients reach THE factory And TO DO not pollute air, ground And Waterways. Strategies has promote ground health should encourage conservation agriculture And mixed crop-breeding And agroforestry systems that improve ground fertility.

"They should withdraw incentives that encourage mechanical plowing And THE wasteful to use of fertilizers, And transfer has Farmers precision approaches such as urea deep placement And site specific nutrient management", THE document added.


PRESS TIME PODCAST: Digital Media, social media, Or TO DO We draw THE double

Keywords: concerns

Soil depletion threatens food security, experts voice concerns

In front of Today World Ground Day, experts to have raised concern on THE pressure on THE ground, leading has It is exhaustion which by involvement, threat food security In THE confront of surging population.

A document released by THE United Country Food And Agriculture Organization (FAO), THE Ground Science Company of Nigeria And THE Nigeria Institute of Ground Science (NISS), said In THE confront of climate change And human activity, THE floors are be degraded, putting excessive pressure on water resources.

THE document said that sustainable ground management practices, such as minimum plowing, reframe rotation, organic matter addition, And blanket cropping, improve ground health, reduce erosion And pollution And improve water infiltration And storage.

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He said these practices Also preserve ground the biodiversity, improve fertility, And contribute has carbon sequestration, playing A crucial role In THE struggle against climate change.

Furthermore, THE document said ground East A essential Resource And A vital part of THE natural environment Since which most of THE global food East product.

He note that floors are directly And indirectly implied In THE arrangement of most ecosystem services vital For humans, including food production, which East fundamental For food security And sovereignty.

"That East; ground provides life space For humans, as GOOD as essential ecosystem services which are important For water regulation And provide, climate regulation, biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration And cultural service.

“Soils are directly And indirectly implied In THE arrangement of most ecosystem services vital For humans, including food production, which East fundamental For food security And sovereignty."

“Soils are THE base For produce more that 95 percent of OUR food, according to has THE analysis of data available In FAOSTAT (FAO, 2022). But floors are below pressure Since increase In population, upper requests For food And in competition to land uses.

"On 33 percent of agricultural to land East degraded due has erosion, loss of organic carbon And the biodiversity, salinization, acidification, compaction, And nutrient imbalance, among other causes (FAO And ITPS, 2015) ", THE document said.

He declared that in good health floors are essential For OUR survival. They support in good health factory growth has improve both OUR nutrition And water percolation has maintain underground waters levels, And he help has regulate THE the planet climate by storage carbon And are THE second the biggest carbon to flow After THE oceans.

"They help maintain A landscape that East more resilient has THE impacts of droughts And floods. As ground East THE base of food systems, he East No surprise that ground health East critical For in good health food production.

"Basic cereals, oilseeds, sugar, vegetables, nuts And fruits directly rely on on the grounds, And cattle meat And some products, such as eggs And milkman some products, are supported by animal feeds itself that Also to grow In floors. When product by in good health And fertile the grounds, these food are healthy And nutrient", THE document noted.

He said agriculture must, literally, back has It is roots by rediscover THE importance of in good health ground, drawing on natural sources of factory nutrition, And using mineral fertilizer wisely, And strategies aiming has reach food security should be base on ground health, which East both A prerequisites And THE ultimate objective.

“Soils rich In biota And organic matter are THE foundation of increase reframe productivity. THE best yields are reached When nutrients come Since A mix of mineral fertilizers And natural sources, such as manure And nitrogen fixer crops And trees.

"Judicious to use of mineral fertilizers checked in money And ensures that nutrients reach THE factory And TO DO not pollute air, ground And Waterways. Strategies has promote ground health should encourage conservation agriculture And mixed crop-breeding And agroforestry systems that improve ground fertility.

"They should withdraw incentives that encourage mechanical plowing And THE wasteful to use of fertilizers, And transfer has Farmers precision approaches such as urea deep placement And site specific nutrient management", THE document added.


PRESS TIME PODCAST: Digital Media, social media, Or TO DO We draw THE double

Keywords: concerns

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