Some Thoughts on Diploma Mills and Other Issues

ON December 30, 2023, A online news media published A overwhelming report Since It is journalist WHO went sheltered has investigate, with success, how "degrees" (And results' transcription) could be got, In six weeks Or less, Since A stranger university without take a step that country ground. We mean without receive any of them conference, on the site Or Otherwise. Without socket any of them exam In never mind form. Without awareness Or THE "university" East located (In Benign Republic, has be specific). This history aroused series of reactions but For We, he was, And always East, not A surprising A. What appeared big, has We, was that THE said journalist (Omar Shehu Audu) was able has to pull THE sheltered investigation through as against THE speculative report that We are Above all familiar with In Nigeria. We congratulate This journalist For This feat. There are other investigator journalists In Nigeria; We believe that with support And A allow environment, they can Also perform perfectly. He can be intrusive and or disrespectful For those WHO TO DO not know a lot about A occupation has be education professionals In such double of work how has TO DO their job. Professions are supposed has to have ethics that guide them. However, For those WHO TO DO not as has conform has ethics, such as those implied In unnecessarily speculative And brown envelope journalism, We advise that they should talk has themselves; although, This last indicate East important but he East not THE main to focus here.

THE to focus of This article East mostly on THE "degree" got by THE journalist Since THE stranger "university". As stated earlier, We are not moved by This Discovery! He East not A "big agreement" has We. THE drive can ask Why We took This position. This East simply because he East not Really A "new" Discovery. There had has been silent rumors of THE existence of such upper educative establishments (not only In Africa but Also In those places referred has as developed countries) that are renowned For deliverance (sale) questionable certificates has willing buyers through their local And international agents WHO, collectively, are racketeering unions. These complaints were has best unverifiable gossip until THE mentioned above journalist went sheltered has provide THE public with undeniable facts; THE types of facts that rattle THE the most clever naughty public civil servants And civil servants WHO collaborate with criminal racketeers. Or, What TO DO We call those help And complicity THE purchase And sale of academic And professional certificates? He will be very difficult has convince We that those racketeering unions TO DO not to have supports In high places In Nigeria! This expose has contributed In expose THE dirty belly of Nigerian Company. Again, as others, he confirmed that No lack of scruples East beyond a few people. These scammers can be little In number but their activities help In reverberant negativity about THE country. With complete the surveys, he East not unlikely that those behind THE certificate scam are mostly Nigerians. Yes, a few Nigerians are dirt Nigeria name.

These objectionable activities to start In parts And pieces. They can to have their legal consequences but We are more concerned, here, with moral. We can't help he but has moralize. THE moral values In This country are incredibly more and more become What has be ashamed of! Immorality East NOW poster openly. If You are not implied In THE madness, he means You are A "mugu" (not clever). We must say ourselves THE naked truth that, morally, Nigeria has sunk very deep. THE people In government are implied but THE followers are not exempt. In do, they are seriously partner in crime In THE to rot. For example, East he news that a few school children/wards And their parents/guardians to commit In all kinds of cheating even has THE level of nursery/primary schools? East he news that parents/guardians In collaboration with their children/wards 'organize' For leak questions And "miracle centers » In order has pass Exams ? Can these students defend THE certificates they submitted For admission In upper educative institutional? Can they defend THE certificates they Next got, through curve means, Since upper educative institutional? Really, THE hood do not TO DO THE monk. This despair For undeserved paper qualifications by a few people can be creepy. THE mentioned And not mentioned illegality In all sectors to have radically reduced Nigeria integrity such that law-abiding work hard compatriots are NOW victimized. These doubtful certificates are Also contributory factors In complicate This integrity problem.

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Some Thoughts on Diploma Mills and Other Issues

ON December 30, 2023, A online news media published A overwhelming report Since It is journalist WHO went sheltered has investigate, with success, how "degrees" (And results' transcription) could be got, In six weeks Or less, Since A stranger university without take a step that country ground. We mean without receive any of them conference, on the site Or Otherwise. Without socket any of them exam In never mind form. Without awareness Or THE "university" East located (In Benign Republic, has be specific). This history aroused series of reactions but For We, he was, And always East, not A surprising A. What appeared big, has We, was that THE said journalist (Omar Shehu Audu) was able has to pull THE sheltered investigation through as against THE speculative report that We are Above all familiar with In Nigeria. We congratulate This journalist For This feat. There are other investigator journalists In Nigeria; We believe that with support And A allow environment, they can Also perform perfectly. He can be intrusive and or disrespectful For those WHO TO DO not know a lot about A occupation has be education professionals In such double of work how has TO DO their job. Professions are supposed has to have ethics that guide them. However, For those WHO TO DO not as has conform has ethics, such as those implied In unnecessarily speculative And brown envelope journalism, We advise that they should talk has themselves; although, This last indicate East important but he East not THE main to focus here.

THE to focus of This article East mostly on THE "degree" got by THE journalist Since THE stranger "university". As stated earlier, We are not moved by This Discovery! He East not A "big agreement" has We. THE drive can ask Why We took This position. This East simply because he East not Really A "new" Discovery. There had has been silent rumors of THE existence of such upper educative establishments (not only In Africa but Also In those places referred has as developed countries) that are renowned For deliverance (sale) questionable certificates has willing buyers through their local And international agents WHO, collectively, are racketeering unions. These complaints were has best unverifiable gossip until THE mentioned above journalist went sheltered has provide THE public with undeniable facts; THE types of facts that rattle THE the most clever naughty public civil servants And civil servants WHO collaborate with criminal racketeers. Or, What TO DO We call those help And complicity THE purchase And sale of academic And professional certificates? He will be very difficult has convince We that those racketeering unions TO DO not to have supports In high places In Nigeria! This expose has contributed In expose THE dirty belly of Nigerian Company. Again, as others, he confirmed that No lack of scruples East beyond a few people. These scammers can be little In number but their activities help In reverberant negativity about THE country. With complete the surveys, he East not unlikely that those behind THE certificate scam are mostly Nigerians. Yes, a few Nigerians are dirt Nigeria name.

These objectionable activities to start In parts And pieces. They can to have their legal consequences but We are more concerned, here, with moral. We can't help he but has moralize. THE moral values In This country are incredibly more and more become What has be ashamed of! Immorality East NOW poster openly. If You are not implied In THE madness, he means You are A "mugu" (not clever). We must say ourselves THE naked truth that, morally, Nigeria has sunk very deep. THE people In government are implied but THE followers are not exempt. In do, they are seriously partner in crime In THE to rot. For example, East he news that a few school children/wards And their parents/guardians to commit In all kinds of cheating even has THE level of nursery/primary schools? East he news that parents/guardians In collaboration with their children/wards 'organize' For leak questions And "miracle centers » In order has pass Exams ? Can these students defend THE certificates they submitted For admission In upper educative institutional? Can they defend THE certificates they Next got, through curve means, Since upper educative institutional? Really, THE hood do not TO DO THE monk. This despair For undeserved paper qualifications by a few people can be creepy. THE mentioned And not mentioned illegality In all sectors to have radically reduced Nigeria integrity such that law-abiding work hard compatriots are NOW victimized. These doubtful certificates are Also contributory factors In complicate This integrity problem.

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